Sunday, July 31, 2022

Lucky 15

Fifteen has been my lucky number since I was a kid. Today is your 15th day outside the womb. It’s been rough for mommy and me, but you’re still alive 🥳 

Your pooping has decreased. Your eating has decreased, but we’ve tried to feed you more often. I anticipated a big change in lifestyle, but I didn’t anticipate being held hostage by a terrorist (your uncle Vince says babies are terrorist). Normally, I don’t negotiate with terrorist, but you have the upper hand. Womp womp womp.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

2 Weeks

Guess who’s 2 weeks old now? You are. And to celebrate, you’re holding in your poop. Come on man. Mom and I are new to this parenting thing. There’s no expert we can hand you off to.

You got cute big 👀, but your cuteness is slowly being outweighed by you difficulty. There should be a “cute-trouble” chart for babies. #himym

Friday, July 29, 2022

Slow Progress

It’s Day 13. It really hasn’t gotten any easier son. Today you spit up through your nose. Apparently, that’s okay. But it’s new and unexpected, so it’s scary…

Not being biased, but you are very cute. However, your cuteness impact is fading. We need you to cooperate. It’s like a cute girl, if she’s difficult I don’t really care if she’s cute. So Vinh, please help your mom and me out 🙏. Bring everyone closer with your light, not further away. 

Thursday, July 28, 2022


This is the face of success. I successfully got you to finished 60ml (maybe 58, a few drops left in bottle). It took about 35 mins and I think that was only cause you cooperated. Now we just need that to continue along with you relaxing. So tense…

Update, I also successfully changed a soiled diaper, but I did get some soil on my hands. Thanks again for cooperating there too. 😂 

Wednesday, July 27, 2022


Sorry Vinh, you haven’t changed much since the 1st day and I’m kinda bored already of our pictures. I’m gonna have to go through and delete some.

Here’s one from today when I brought you to work to help me answer calls. Thanks for not crying during the call. You have us worried sick with your fussiness and your tension. Please try to relax and lighten up. These are the best and easiest days of your life son 😂 enjoy them. You’ll have the rest of your life to be stressed and tense…

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Every Day Is New

Just as soon as we think we solved something or learned something new about you, you bring us a new surprise.

Today your belly button didn’t fall off. Apparently your jaw is tight in addition to your body being tight. I think you’re too high stressed. You need to relax son. You get that from your mom. Although, there’s nothing you should be worrying about yet. Leave all the worry to us.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Honeymoon Is Over

It looks like the easy part of our relationship is not over. Now you’re alert and crying. Your cranky and waking up on your own. 

Your umbilical cord is about fall off. I already miss when you fall asleep so early. And you still don’t eat enough. It’s not a fair trade off 😂. Hopefully the pacifier will be a solution to your problems and ours 🙏. 

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Week Old

Guess who made it a week? We did. Your mom and I are still here. Tired and stressed, but we made it. It’s not your fault, your mom and I chose to bring you into that world, so we know what we signed up for (kind of 😂).

Mom would probably want you to stay small forever, fragile and feeding aside. I just want you to be healthy. Your color I think is better today. I changed a poopy diaper today. I also fed you. Both were struggles, but I made it. Get stronger and healthier Vinh 🙏.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Smile 😃

Always wondered what you’re thinking about, especially when you smile in your sleep. It’s hard to catch a great photo, but here’s today's attempt.

They say that even blind people smile. Hoping you’re not blind (your mom blinded you with a light on your first few days of life), but it’s nice to see you smile in your sleep. Hoping you’re having happy dreams. Reality is overrated 😕

Friday, July 22, 2022

My Loves

I’m not sure exactly why I started this blog except to be able to record my thoughts and possible be able to share it with you someday. I was just thinking this morning if I should let your mommy read it or even post to it…

Looks like you get your sleeping from your mom 😂. You’ve made her very tired and sore, but she said you’re more than worth it. Now we just need to keep your jaundice down. I know we’re Asian, but too yellow is bad…

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Jaundice Went Down

You’re giving your mom and me a lot of scares. It’s gonna be a lifetime of these now 😞. Hoping there will be more ups than downs. On an up note today, you got to see your Grandpa Nguyen today. He was very excited to see you. Even took some pictures for his phone.

Killing two birds with one stone. Take your son to work and lower his jaundice. Hope it wasn’t uncomfortable for you, but it seems like it did work. So were gonna try it again tomorrow. Keep up the good work son!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

First Doctor Appt

Today was our first doctor appointment for you. Mommy couldn’t make it so I had to go all by myself. 

We had a nice time together. Daddy learned he needs to always pack more for you, sorry. Daddy and mommy also hopes your jaundice doesn’t become an issue. We don’t want you away from us. Hopefully some sunshine tomorrow will save the day ☀️.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

It’s Go Time

We finally got to take you home today. It’s becoming real now. While there’s a whole bunch of family and friends ready to live on you and help us, it’s kinda scary for mom and me, because we’re new parents.

It’s nice to know you can smile. They say that smiles come naturally, so you must be thinking about something really happy 😊 

Monday, July 18, 2022

Welcome “Home”

They released you from the NICU today. So you got to come up to be with mom and dad. It’s kinda scary now that we’re gonna be more responsible for you, but we’re up for the challenge. Please be patient with us.

Someday, if you want. We can get matching shirts. For the next 18 years, your life is ours, but someday you’ll get to embrace #itsyourlife. Wonder if hashtags will still be a thing when you finally read this…

Sunday, July 17, 2022


You finally arrived at 5:27AM today son. Mommy decided to name you Vinh. She actually already had your name, but decided to make you Vinh Gavin. For the record, I liked Harvey Vinh…

The nurses took you away after delivery, but not before they “made me a daddy officially”. You had us worried for a moment there, but you should be okay soon. 🙏 

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Pre-Season Day 1

Hi son! We thought you were coming today, but boy did you have other plans. Your mom and I are very worried. But if you can just wait maybe another hour or so, your mom will be excited that you’re born on 07/17.

You’ll learn soon enough that your mom has many quirks. But know that she will love you more than you’ll ever know. 

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...