Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Like Son, Like Father

Not something I wanted to share with you, but I’m a snot machine. I sure hope I got this from you and not you from me, but I don’t see how it could be the other way.

At least it’s coming out of my eyes. Your eyes are not as gunky during the day, but it still is gunky after you sleep. It looks like your eyes are not 💯. Hoping you get back to 💯 soon. 

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Happy Fake Monday

How come you no sleepy with mommy? I just called her and she said you no cooperate…We need you to be comfortable with more people. I know it’s not your fault right? But can you try? I’m gonna try and feed you solids. Please cooperate.

Look how lucky your are that your aunty and uncle got you these treats. I hope you learn very soon that you are blessed. And I think we’re blessed to have you 😂 just kidding, we know we are.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Happy Monday

Memorial Day. Someone is extra curious today. You’re still coughing a little and a little congested. I hope you’re getting better, but I heard you wheezing…

Anyhow, hope today wasn’t confusing for you. If it’s any consolation, tomorrow I will take you to daycare as it was Monday and your mom will pick you up. Hopefully a steam shower today will help and skipping your meds this morning won’t hurt. 

Sunday, May 28, 2023


Today I borrowed your grandpa’s truck to help clean out your Aunty’s house. I ended up bringing firewood home to your uncle’s house and your cousin and uncles helped me unload the wood.

It got me thinking, I hope you’re as helpful and well behaved as your cousin is today when you’re around other people. Follow good example in your life, not the bad ones.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Tea Ceremony

It’s a little early, but at least you know you have options….

Seems like you’re getting a little better, but I can’t really tell since your eyes have gunk still. Thanks for being the real MVP. Everyone cang you. Now we just need to you some more sign language.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Better or No?

Better I hope. But man are you a cranky sleeper. And a cranky eater. Very extreme…

Gonna need you to be good today when it’s just you and mom. And tomorrow when it’s you and Thamgelina. Thanks for being better about taking drugs. Also you looked very cute sleeping this morning. Sorry I didn’t/couldn’t take a photo…

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Drugs or No?

Sometimes I wonder if we should drug you or not. I think maybe we drug you too much. It may be uncomfortable, but it could help you grow if we didn’t so much?

You seemed to be happy at daycare today, but I can’t zoom in too much. Anyhow, know and believe that we do our best to do what we think it’s best for you. I just hope our intentions match the results. 🙏 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Eye Hope You Get Better Soon

See what I did there? Anyhow, sorry about your crusty eyes. Unfortunately, it’s a mystery on the cause and currently the treatment is not meds which I hope is a good thing. 

Also hopefully you’re not contagious. Anyhow, I tossed the flowers today in case that was the cause, but I highly doubt it. Time sure does fly when you’re at daycare. See you soon.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Congestion? I hope?

That’s my guess. Ms. Alex said she wiped gunk from your eye and then I remembered way back when you were having lots of mucus discharge…

We’re waiting now for the medical professional. Fingers crossed 🤞. At least if it’s just congestion, we know what to expect and not worry so much. If it’s something else, then I dunno.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Faker or Bad Adjuster?

Hopefully not real sicker. Hope it’s just getting acclimated to home again. Also, we didn’t ask for a humidifier for you in Long Beach. Sorry you’re congested. 

However, it’s 3pm and I haven’t gotten a call about you yet, so maybe it’s okay. Although I did ignore some calls today from numbers I don’t recognize. They are supposed to leave voicemails?

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Do You Know Me?

I know you like to poop a lot. But I also know you’re a champ. That’s what today’s sermon is about. Do you know God? I think you probably do more than anyone. That’s why I always ask you to talk to God and ask her to help out our friends and family.

Tell God thank you for everything and ask her to continue to help and bless our lives. And pray that you become the best person you can be.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Poop-a-saurus 🦖

You sure are pooping a lot dude. I hope that’s a good thing. I mean it’s not diarrhea, but mom thinks it’s too solid…

Don’t worry, I wasn’t gonna take a picture of your poop. This is Mr. Crab. Please don’t try poke his eyes out. He’s daddy’s travel buddy. I forgot him on my golf trip, but he understands.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Peas In A Pod

We are family. You got momma and me.

You didn’t have the best trip down compared to last time, but we’re here and we’re safe. Hope you get comfortable with your family here fast. We aren’t staying long so you don’t want to miss out. Your cousin E will be home soon.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Road Trip

Are you excited? I guess you don’t know so you’ll just be your normal self. 

Happy 10 months buddy. Could have wished you it yesterday, but I already had a blog post created. Almost a year. Don’t stress too much about hitting milestones, but just make sure you don’t fall behind too much. It’s harder to catch up if you do. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Red or Blue?

Thought you liked red. But boy did you not want to let go of this blue cup. Because of that, I will bring it today for our drive home from daycare. You’re welcome.

Alright, I better go inside and grab you. Mom is gonna judge me if I don’t pick you up earlier. Nom you bruh.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Gifts For Mama

You have lots of money, but mom says you don’t have access to it. If you need money for a gift for mom, just let me know. Although, if it’s from other people, mom doesn’t like flowers. But it might be different since you’re currently loved by her….

I think she will probably appreciate homemade things and they have to be original things you can’t make or do for anyone else. Mom is very selfish like that. Just so you know…

Monday, May 15, 2023

You Mad Bro?

Your uncles will get the reference, but seriously, what’s up man? Why daycare keep calling me and saying you fussy? You being fussy or are they faking?

I’m sorry we have to put you back on inhaler. Hopefully we didn’t do any damage by stopping you. Your mom is a doctor so I deferred to her 😂. Anyhow, we don’t want him to be the boy that cried wolf, but also don’t be like your grandparents. Try to find a balance. Be good to your momma even though it’s not Mother’s Day anymore. See you soon bro.

Sunday, May 14, 2023


Guess who is having a baby sitter today? You!!! Guess who got to be the little spoon today? You!!! Guess that’s all okay because you made today possible. Today being Mother’s Day…

You were very whiny this morning. Hope it’s just a phase. Gonna give you some drugs once your mom and you wake up…

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Your First Mother’s Day

It was really nice what you made for mom from daycare. Hopefully your mom didn’t expect me and you to make her something, but I did get her a nice card and picture.

You’ve been doing a good job sitting up. Next step is to get you to stand up. And if you don’t mind, maybe try saying momma instead of dada. Thanks bruh. 

Friday, May 12, 2023

Someone’s “Fussy”

What’s up bruh? I thought you were getting better. Not coughing, but maybe it’s the lingering ear infection? You seemed well yesterday. I wonder if this is one of those cases where we told daycare you could be fussy, so they think you’re fussy?

Hopefully it’s a one off thing. I can’t imagine you being any fussier today than you were when you first started or when you were clingy. I wonder if mom got her Mother’s Day treat from daycare. I didn’t see anything to pick up…

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Happy 301

I can’t remember how many pre-birth posts I had, but you’re about 300 days old I think. This is how you celebrated this morning.

You’re so difficult in the morning considering you just need to sleep. I’m not gonna blame your ear infection because you were whiny before you had one. Anyhow, stop stressing and stop getting sick. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

You Need To Stop

Talking to cousin Z. Mom was not happy with the result of your recent conversation. Om and Ba gonna be mad at us too.

You’re gonna ruin our ability to potentially monetize your cuteness someday too. I blame your mom and aunty Julie for this. I’m gonna send them pictures of it until it heals…forever?

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Good Job

I just wanted to say that you’re doing so well taking oral meds. It’s one less thing for us to worry about. Next step is for you to be okay with the nebulizer.

One thing at a time. Hopefully you won’t need meds or nebulizer too often. Get back to 💯 soon buddy,

Monday, May 8, 2023

Hello Boba Chop

It’s like I never left. They cancelled my work dinner tonight so I got to do my usual 2 hour nap with you. What are you dreaming about? You fell asleep pretty quickly and easily. Must have had a tiring day.

I’m pretty tired too. So I get it. I hope you feel better soon. I noticed you coughing less, but now you got an ear infection. Www.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Goodbye To Utah

Hello to Boba Chop. It’s time for me to finish our last round of golf and head home. You be happy to know that your daddy was the worst golfer this weekend. Kind of crazy how that works considering my index is in the lower end. Just goes to show you paper and real life are different.

Here’s the view from our rooftop patio. These patios seem to be a common thing in these desert places we’ve been. Maybe someday, we’ll visit this place as a family. Your mom loves national parks and all 🙄.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Hey Little Buddy

How are things going with Auntna and Alex? Hope they’re going well. Looks like mommy is getting some rest. That’s good. Please be good in church.

I’m not sure if Alex is a good or bad guy. But I’ll let you make that decision. I know you’ve only met him once, but they say babies can sense people. I’ll be home tomorrow night buddy. 

Friday, May 5, 2023

Cinco De Mayo

Yesterday was Star Wars Day. Not sure what you’ll end up finding interesting. I hope you find golf interesting so we can hang out, but it’s okay if you don’t.

Find something that makes you happy. Challenges you in good ways to grow. And doesn’t harm anyone if possible. Hope you’re having a good time hanging out with your mom. Dad is whacking at golf, but it’s still fun. See you soon buddy. 

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Be Good

You’re the boss while dad is away. Make sure to take good care of your mom.

I left you some banana bread from Aunty Lorraine. Don’t eat too much. Save some for mom. Enjoy your bonding time. Dad will be back. Tell the golf Gods to help dad’s golf game. 😂 

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Final Countdown

Queue the music, dooo dooo dooo…
Anyhow, I’m almost done packaging, but like for reals and not like your Uncle Tony. 😂 I hope that you and mom will have a nice time while I’m gone. Your Auntna is coming too.

Sorry I didn’t pick you up earlier this morning, but I was hoping you’d fall back asleep on your own. Instead, it just took you longer to fall asleep when I finally picked you up. Wonder if I had waited a little longer would you have fallen back asleep 🤔 

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Almost Time

It’s almost time for Daddy’s annual golf trip. It’s the first one since you were born. I was gonna do some cool picture with your golf toy and my golf club, but I was lazy. So here’s just my golf clubs.

All the clubs and balls are clean. Bags are packed. Ready to rock. Maybe someday you’ll be able to join Dad and his friends. But if you don’t like golf that’s fine too.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Hey Bro, You Okay?

Yeah, you’re good. Thanks for cooperating today. It was so smooth this morning minus daddy having to be up early. But it was nice that you slept after nebulizer so daddy could do chores.

You had a bad week when daddy picked you up, but you’re good when I dropped you off. Hoping this week’s pickup for you is better. It’s only gonna be daddy on Tuesday and Wednesday this week…

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...