Friday, June 30, 2023

You Will Be Loved

That’s something you will never have to worry about. As long as you’re alive, there will be people to love, but you shouldn’t take advantage of them. 

Today your Aunty Dina came by to see you and she brought you presents. Just don’t let the love go to your head. Stay humble and kind, but don’t get taken advantage of either. That’s my best advice.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

New Schedule?

It seems like you don’t want to sleep after you first wake up in the morning. Which is not good for me and your mom. But maybe it’s good for you? It seems you’re getting more sleep at daycare?

I mean that’s good for them, but is it good for you? Anyhow I don’t have anything going on tomorrow morning, let see if we can get you back to your old schedule…also hope your rash gets better. Be glad I didn’t post that picture 😂.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Bad Rash

I think you have the worst rash we’ve seen so far. I’m sad cause we don’t know the cause or what to do about it. Praying that it gets better sooner than later.

Today was a different session of daddy daycare. Credit to all the single parents out there. We survived until mom got home. Hopefully I didn’t do any damage. Also hope you let your mom sleep in tomorrow cause I have to go to work…

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Stop Biting

Hopefully you’re only biting and kissing people outside of school. We really don’t want you to get kicked out and have to restart the daycare journey. Maybe try biting vegetables?

Not your finger or your parents? Anyhow, I’ll see you in a few hours. I hope you’re having a good day and sleep on the drive home. Need to get you better and on schedule. We have an important appointment tomorrow.

Monday, June 26, 2023


That I had to drop you off early to daycare today, but you looked like you were really happy to see Ms. Clelia. I was surprised that you were the first baby there…

Thanks for not crying the whole ride. It’s like I was telling you that neither one of us benefit from it. I really hope you are able to communicate and understand sooner than later. It’ll help everyone.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Restless Baby

I learned that if you wake from sleeping, it’s essential that I rock you back to sleep as soon as possible. Especially if you’re not 💯. If not, it will lead to you waking up and not wanting to go back to sleep.

I haven’t watched you sleep in a while, but it was very cute when you woke up, looked at me and laughed/smiled. Thought you were gonna get up, but you fell back right asleep. Life lesson: a smile is a powerful thing. Use it for good.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Sleeping Baby

It’s nice that I couldn’t sleep this morning. When your mom brought you to me, I was able to take you without feeling tired or stressed. I feel bad that I have to give you back to her in an hour, but at least I got to enjoy you in a rare state, sleeping without me feeling like I needed do to something.

It’s funny cause you talked in your sleep and I can smell food on your breath. But it’s okay, your mom does the same and I still love her. Sorry that my chest isn’t softer, but you seem to sleep okay.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Coughing Baby

You’ve been coughing a lot more lately. I hope it’s not anything serious. There’s diseases running around your daycare that I pray you can avoid.

I wish I had a camera with me this morning. I had you on my chest like this and you were so still and kinda warm. I was worried. I assumed you were sleeping but when I looked down I saw you look up at me. Thanks for being calm, but you need to get rest when you can so I got up and walked you around. Hope you have a good day at school today and stay/get 💯.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Cranky Baby Part Deux

Today I guess wasn’t completely your fault and you did fall back asleep a lot faster, but you were not happy when I put you in the car seat. It’s really too bad that we can’t communicate better.

We could be so good together if you would cooperate a little more. Anyhow, sorry I have to leave you with mom early tomorrow. Please be good to her and pray for your Aunty Nga. She needs it. 🙏 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Cranky Baby

I pray you don’t have the daycare exposure and your cry-atude is just because you’re hangry. I’m sorry that we’re stuck at the railroad crossing. I will make you a bottle as soon as we get home. Unfortunately, unless there’s an extra big bottle in your bag, I only saw small clean bottles at home. 

It seems like you’re trying to say something when you’re crying and yelling now. Maybe you’re making more progress to talking…sorry that you have to cry…

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

First Day, Year Two

Sorry we had a rough night/morning. Although, I don’t think I made it rough 😂. You’re back at school today after a long break. Hopefully you get acclimated back fast and aren’t sick. Unfortunately, we don’t know what is causing your fussiness.

Daddy is back to running errands while working. See you real soon. Hope you ate well at school and sleep normal for our 6-8 nap time and that you’re not sick 🙏.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Happy Juneteenth ✊🏿

Today was the day the US officially freed all the slaves. I think it was proclaimed in Texas. Which goes to show you, that as smart as I am, there’s always space to learn more. Never stop learning. 

If you stop learning, you stop growing, you stop living. Also here are some clothes from my coworker. Another example of how blessed we are. Stay humble, but don’t get taken advantage of.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Happy Son Day!!!

Without you, I would only be a Godfather x6. Thanks for being cute. It makes it easier for your mom to love you. Thanks for being good when you’re sick. You’re not your normal self, but you’re better than expected.

I know I won’t be the perfect dad and I hope you’re okay with that. But I will try my best to be the best dad  I can be for you and me. TTQD!!

Saturday, June 17, 2023

You’re So Cute

I’m sure you get tired of hearing that. So make sure to work on other things for people to compliment you on okay?

Happy 11 months. You’ll be 12 months soon. How slowly time goes. Stay cute son, but also find other things worthy of praise. Like be smart and nice 😂.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Daddy Day Care

Again today. It’s amazing how so many backups failed to backup today. Fortunately, your uncle Marcus came through today. Otherwise, you’d be by yourself and possibly whining for a whole hour.

Just another reminder of our blessings. Working from home and having family that is willing and able to help. Make sure you don’t take advantage or others kindness and don’t get taken advantage of either. Wow back to back life lessons. You’re welcome.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Money Saved Is Money Earned

Today was the last day of a sale for Southwest. I wasn’t able to book for my trip to Atlanta, but I was able to get a lower price on another trip I’m taking. 

Sometimes it isn’t about making more money. If you can find ways to save money, you’ll have more money. Too bad I spent this savings on Costco. Www.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Follow The Rules

Unless you have a really, really, really good reason not to. Case in point: today daddy took his seatbelt off when he entered the neighborhood. Then low and behold he saw a police officer at the stop sign.

Fortunately, the police officer didn’t not pull daddy over or give him a ticket. But it was scary for a moment  because getting a ticket is a waste or money and in some cases, means you’re being unsafe. Lessons learned.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Back To Normal?

You good bruh? You seem better. But you got this new habit of running your fingers along the crib while you’re sleeping. It doesn’t bother Daddy, but you might scare your mom. She’s weak sauce.

Anyhow, I’m gonna get the other car seat today. It’ll be back to old times. Need you to be cool when I pick you up and fall asleep in car. Also need you to be cool in daycare. TIA.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Happy Danhiversary

Today is your mom and my wedding anniversary. Guess what we’re doing? Watching you. Watching a movie. Marriage counseling. Then watching you some more. Super exciting and romantic I know.

Hoping you do well at daycare. See you after our anniversary therapy session. Don’t worry, you didn’t miss much while you were at daycare.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

I’m the Loser

Sorry, I let you fall and sadly I don’t know what happened. I hope there’s no long term damage, but you seemed to bounce back pretty quickly.

Hopefully this isn’t why you’ve been so difficult the last few evenings. But this is why it’s hard sometimes to tell if something is wrong since you’re always so chipper during the day. 🙏 you’re all good.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Loser 😔

I believe in you. You’re a champ. I believe you can be better than you were last night. Hopefully soon, you won’t have any more ear infections and will be able to communicate your feelings to us.

We’re with some your family today. I hope you feel good enough to let everyone be okay tonight. We’re going home tomorrow. Need you to be healthy for daycare. 🙏 

Friday, June 9, 2023

Nguyen-er 🏆

You’re already a Nguyen-er, but I imagine you’ll do a lot more winning in your future. I made a certificate for your cousin Evelyn today. But in truth, you should get one too.

But being the cutest in the cute competition isn’t enough. You also need to be smart and kind. You don’t need to be the smartest or kindest, but you should use those as your goal. If you do that, I’m sure you’re gonna be okay in life. And your parents will be very proud had happy.

Thursday, June 8, 2023


Being able to multitask is an important skill in life. It’s an aspect of time management. Time is like money. It’s not unlimited. So it’s important how you spend your time. 

This morning daddy is getting grandpa’s truck oil changed. While he waits, he’s gonna blog and work. So that later when he gets home, he can do laundry and chores while working. The only time one shouldn’t multitask is if it results in doing multiple crappy jobs. If you don’t have time to do something right the first time, you definitely don’t have time to redo it right a second time…

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Too Hot For School

I think it’s supposed to be too cool, but temperature wise, you are not cool at all, 98.5 currently. Just hoping it’s a one off spike in temperature at daycare, but just in case, guess who’s going to Urgent Care at 7 tonight? Me.

And you of course. What’s the deal with you pinching your fingers together and pinching your ears when you eat? Also why you always so hot when you sleep and eat? You’re always worrying everyone. Let’s hope you stop that soon.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Sleepy Head

Wakey, wakey. Hope your sleeping is sufficient and enough for your growth. We do our best to let you sleep as much as possible, but I wonder if we’re doing it right?

Every night you nap from 6-8PM. And in the mornings from about 6-8AM. It works for our schedule, but I hope it works for your health. 🙏 

Monday, June 5, 2023

Happy Days

Mom said you were really happy today when she picked you up. I hope we’re on the tail end of your eye issues and you can enjoy some time without problems. We’re headed out of town again this weekend. Praying that you will be healthy the trip and after.

You got up early today and were a little fussy getting back to sleep. Please don’t be a bad omen. Dream happy dreams and stay healthy son. ❤️‍🩹 

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Peace Be With You

And with your spirit. Today we went to church together. Always good times. Too bad it wasn’t Vietnamese church, but still church. 

Your mom photobombed our picture, but it’s okay. You clapped so much in church today. I would like to think the Holy Spirit moved you, but you also clapped a lot for Uncle Matt. 😂 

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Life Lesson

Don’t hoard. Your junk will be your own problem and possibly someone else’s problem. And it will grow and grow and grow and become overwhelming.

Second lesson is to choose the people in your life carefully. Better to have 1 good friend than 100 bad ones. 

Friday, June 2, 2023

Sorry About The Eye Gel

But we just want to error on the safe side hopefully. It’s starting to get warm, so we gotta find ways to keep you cool. You get very sweaty…

Also sorry we gotta start putting up gates. But again, just trying to keep you safe. See you in a little bit. Hope you’re doing great at daycare today.

Thursday, June 1, 2023


Sometimes I feel like we pray for stupid things, but for me it’s more that I pray because I don’t know. Like I pray you’re gonna feel better, but maybe what you have is not a big deal? You had some crud in your eyes this morning, but it seemed better. 

Either way, we have an appointment today to confirm. Your mom thinks you have some bump on your head so now I have to ask the doctor about that. Also hoping it’s nothing. 🙏 

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...