Thursday, February 29, 2024


Not sure what happened last night, but it was similar to when we got back from cruise and you were a little sick. You were good during the day. Hopefully you are better tonight.

This is your cousin Avery around your age. We have to start locking up the cabinets now. We spend so much unnecessary money I think, but it’s better to be safe. I don’t know how grandma and grandpa did it…

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Vinh’s Room

Some day, you’ll be responsible for your own room and things. I hope you’ll do a good job when you’re in charge. Until then, it’s up to daddy to make sure your room is clean and safe.

Today I vacuumed and washed all the bedding. I felt bad that you sounded a little congested this morning. I doubt it’ll help, but having a clean room couldn’t hurt. 🙏 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Pray For Grandma

She has a cast. Since you’re close to God, please let her know to watch out for your Grandma. Also pray that you’ll soon be potty trained and have enough wisdom to be a better behaved son who doesn’t throw things unless he’s supposed to.

Also pray that you stay cute so your mom will love you and that you will learn to eat better so you can grow up big and strong and kick the coughing habit you and your mom are having. DLLC 🙏 

Monday, February 26, 2024

One thing you’ll learn about Dad is that I like to check things off my list (get things done). Hoping you will have the same trait.

We got a lot done thus weekend. We get to check a few more things off this week. Hopefully you’ll be able to take less on in life so you will be able I enjoy more personal time. Every generation should do better on the backs of previous generations. I hope we can do that for you. 

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Funcle Art and Aunty Minh

Your uncle and aunty really love you. They were willing to take time out of their busy schedule to have dinner and play with you.

I didn’t get a picture of you with them. That’s my fault, but here is a picture of you in your cool outfit. We also say Uncle Tao and Aunty Susie today too. You’re so lucky that everyone likes you. We need to work on your behavior so they know you’re more than just cute and that your parents raised you right. 🙏 

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Park Time

Potty time too!!! Sorry that it didn’t work out so well yet and that the potty from Target hasn’t arrived yet.

I hope you learn to listen and behave soon. We’ve been patient about physical discipline, but it’s coming soon. Please don’t make us beat you 🙏 

Friday, February 23, 2024


Did you sleep good last night? I forgot to ask mommy this morning. I don’t recall hearing any crying last night, but sometimes I’m a heavy sleeper.

This is our tax return this year. It’s gonna be a record thanks to your Tesla and your daycare. Although, we’d rather not pay for either 😂. Won’t be as much in the future, so make sure you enjoy it this year. See you soon Boba Chop.

Thursday, February 22, 2024


You get that from your mom. You should cling more to her since she really likes you.

Next time you see grandpa, thank him for the shrimp crackers which you finished today. Hopefully you sleep through the night tonight. Mom says you moved around last night, but didn’t wake up after the time I put you down. Tomorrow is Friday. You’re lucky you can eat meat. Make sure you take advantage.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

It’s Still A Mystery

Doctor said you just likely got a virus that’s working its way through. Sorry we can’t treat you with anything. We just have to keep loving and monitoring you.

Last night I kept asking if you were having a nightmare and you said no and fell back asleep so fast. Hopefully, you don’t wake up a lot tonight. Just heard you cough, sigh. 🙏 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

It’s A Mystery

I don’t think we’ve ever had this long of a “off” spell for you and sadly, we have no idea of what’s going on, how to fix, or how long it will last.

I’m just glad you seem okayish during the day. But it really hurts to see you struggle at night. Please let us know what’s going on so we can try to help you. 🙏 

Monday, February 19, 2024

Another Episode

If daddy daycare. On today’s episode, we went to a last minute skating party for your cousin Ethan at the skating rink. You didn’t have a good night at all, so I was worried.

However, if I had to rate the day, it wasn’t too bad except a couple of throwing incidents. And you didn’t nap. I didn’t check with mom how much you ate for dinner, but I’m hoping you feel 💯 soon. 

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Boba Chain 🔗

Someone is super clingy lately and it’s not your mommy. It’s Y-O-U!!!

I’m really sorry we don’t know the cause of that or your ailments. All we can do is observe and show you the same love we always do and hope for the best. I’m sorry I’m leaving you alone with your mom, but you seem to want her more lately so I hope you’ll be good with her. Although that doesn’t bear well for our time together tomorrow and daycare Tuesday. 🙏 

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Woohoo and Ahhh

It’s not an ear infection and your lungs are clear. But we don’t know why you’re fussy and your eyes are watery. 

You haven’t been sleeping or eating well and that really sucks. You did eat more chicken nuggets today and some of the PB&J so I’m hoping that means you’ll sleep better tonight. Hopefully they don’t ask me to swim because I don’t think mom wants me to go (I probably still wouldn’t go). It’s too bad we can’t go to early church tomorrow…

Friday, February 16, 2024

“Not Himself”

“Lethargic” is the word they used to describe you today at daycare. Fortunately, I was able to come swoop you up early. You seem okay. No obvious signs of ailments. So I don’t know what we’d tell the doctor if we went.

Let’s hope you sleep well tonight. You feel asleep easy like last night…ngu ngon con.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

What Are You Thinking?

I wish we knew. We all wish we knew.

It would make all our lives a lot easier. Currently my biggest complaint is that you keep throwing things. Like bro, what the heck? You know what grapes and showers are and time out is, but you don’t know not to throw? 🤔 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Ashes to Ashes

Dust to dust. But in the between time, you should enjoy and do good. Never lose your laughter and happiness.

You’ve been maturing more lately, but there’s still a lot to be worked on. Thanks for being pretty good in church today. 🙏 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024


You’re probably too young now, but someday I hope you’ll understand the significance of Lent and take the opportunity to better yourself during that time. Although, we should always be working to become closer to God, the Lenten season is a great reminder to do so.

Please make eating well and behaving well your Lenten goals. Give up being bad and starving 😂. 

Monday, February 12, 2024

Time In

Back to the routine today. It started good. Although you woke up early. You let me change you and ate well. You didn’t give me any issues taking you to daycare. However, I don’t know if it was because Ms. Deb wasn’t there or because other kids were crying, but you were not happy when I dropped you off.

Hopefully your day goes better after I left. You did go to the other teacher even though you cried while you did it which was nice and odd. Mom will pick you up today and we can visit family to wish them Happy New Year 🧧 

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Time Out

Time in. Time to go back home. Sorry you didn’t eat well this morning. Maybe that’s why you were fussy and we had to put you in a time out.

Although it doesn’t seem like it serves its purpose. Hopefully, with time we’ll be able to communicate with each other better. I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it’s just the miscommunication that is causing your behavior (even though I think you’re smarter than your behavior). Try to be nice to Aunty Janet and have a safe trip home. Also please be good tomorrow morning and at daycare. 🙏 

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Chuc Mung Nam Moi

May the Dragon shine on you my little tiger. Roar!!! I wish you another year of happiness, health, and joy. We’re all learning together. May the new year bring less repeated mistakes or new ones.

Remember that we’re all in this together and it takes a teamwork to make the dream work. 🧧 

Friday, February 9, 2024


Your schedule has been off. I’m really sorry about that. I’m also sorry if you’re sick. These trips are really for your mom and her family. I hope you get enjoyment out of it too though.

We’ll be back to the routine come Monday. Hopefully, it doesn’t take you too long to get back to it. Until then, please try to enjoy the time with your family you don’t get to see very often.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Beach Win?

I lost track of what day it is. Today you discovered pancakes at breakfast. You no longer like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. You still like Cheerios and chips.

It’s pretty loud in Blue Dinghy Beach Club, but you’re just sleeping away. And now you just woke up. Fingers crossed you will like the beach here. You were okay with it in Hawaii, but you were younger then 😂.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Beach Day Fail

Today was not a good day for Boba and the beach. At least you ate okay ate breakfast. I’m sorry the result was not good, but your mom’s intentions were.

Good thing mom realized it and we got back early. Here’s a nice picture of you before all the tears. Sorry that you only got a short nap. Mommy will take you to the Dr. Seuss room to make up for it. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Day 4

They cancelled our Port Day today, so we’re spending it at sea. You had a calm day in Miami, but mommy kept your outside too long and now I think you have the sniffles…

Right now you’re playing with mommy in the Dr. Seuss room. I think it’s your favorite spot. You were not good at breakfast today, but I hope you’re better at the other meals. Someone gave you a “ducky” today. You’re so lucky.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Day 3

Generic title, but it captures the day. It’s actually Day 3 as I’m blogging this, but the post will be a day behind. I got a good picture of you at sea. And we’re actually trying to have a consistent schedule for you. You met the kiddos from Sacramento. So now you have friends and a nice place to play.

We got 2 meals in a for you so far, so I’m hoping we got a good schedule going. 2 more meals to go at least. #parenting Update, we got 4 meal attempts.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Day 2

Boring title, I know, but it is what it is. We had a good day 2, but I just realized you probably didn’t eat enough. I know it’s vacation, but we need to do a better job of keeping you on track.

Someone is enjoying the cruise. Sorry that the posts are a day off, but it’s hard to post concurrently to the day since data and topics are limited. Thanks for falling back asleep so mommy can sleep longer. Cheers to Day 3.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Day 1

Today was a pretty good day on the boat. You ate pretty well. You didn’t have any major issues and I don’t think mommy hurt you. You still were a brat sometimes and kind of fussy, but nothing too out of the ordinary.

Thanks for falling asleep okay with daddy while mommy went to a show. I know it was hard at first, but you adjusted. You drank a lot of water. I hope mommy put your diaper on correctly this time 😂.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Sleeping Fort

Here is a sleeping fort built to keep you safe since your mom is a heavy sleeper and dad had to go check out breakfast options. Baked goods were not good and there was no bacon left. Plus they had a pancake machine. Not a waffle. WWW.

Good news. You didn’t fall while I was gone. Bad news? Your mom is still asleep so I might have to make the executive decision on your food. 🙏 

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Welcome to the Big Apple 🍎

This is your first time in the city that never sleeps, but we’re not here for NYC. We’re here to board a ship and go cruising. You didn’t do so well on the 1st leg of our trip, but you did sleep on the 2nd leg, so that’s a win.

We get to meet up with Aunty Janet again. Please be good to her. She’s been nice to you your whole life. And when we come back to NYC, you want to make sure you have someone to show you around 🤔.

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...