Friday, May 31, 2024

Nom, nom, nom

Hi there little buddy. What’s your deal with eating? 

Your mom and I and everyone we know have such good food to share with you, but you only want dragon fruit and grapes. Your mom wakes up early to make you a fresh breakfast and you don’t always eat it. I really need you to be better. Develop good eating habits now so that your future self will thank you!!!

Thursday, May 30, 2024

New Schedule

We’re trying to get you on a new schedule. Not sure if it will stick or last. Today might be an anomaly since mom woke you up. But I’m hoping this will get you to sleep a little more and wake up a little earlier. 

Anyhow, we’re a little behind on sleeping tonight as it’s 10:15 and you’re still awake. We’ll see what happens tomorrow 🙏.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Of The Month

You’re likely gonna be something of the month multiple times in your life. 

Right now, we probably celebrate more milestones than we should, but you’re just so young and have a lot of “firsts”. In the future, I hope you aren’t sad if we don’t celebrate as much. Not because we don’t care, but rather because we expect more out of you. No pressure 😆 

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Mommy Time

I hope you learn to enjoy and appreciate your time with Mommy and others. Just like our time with you is precious and you grow up fast. So is your others is precious too and they age fast. 

I hope you learn to appreciate the time you have with them because it’s limited. The sooner you learn to enjoy the more memories you’ll have. ❤️ 

Monday, May 27, 2024

“Swimming” 🏊‍♂️

That’s not what you did today, but it’s a step in that direction hopefully. 

Hopefully you’ll be able to learn when your time comes quickly. I was hoping you’d be more active today, but at least you got into the pool. 

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Two Parties

You’re so blessed that we have so many people who can love on you. 

I hope that you learn to develop relationships like your parents. Even though we have quantity, they’re also quality. Quality is most important.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Uncle Jay

You will never go hungry, assuming you’re not super picky. Aside from the people you see regularly, there’s also tons of people you should see more, but your parents are bad at planning and have little time.

Uncle Jay will always feed you and he cooks good to. And if you’re ever in Atlanta, you can see Aunty Tanya. You did good today except for not letting anyone hold you.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Daddy Daycare

Best Daycare ever I know. Worst business idea ever though. I don’t get paid and I have to spend the entire day watching just 1 kid alone? 

Grandma is so right that you are a very lucky child. I know the standards and expectations have changed since mommy and daddy were kids. But even with that, you got it pretty good. Thanks for letting daddy listen to his music and get some chores done today.

Thursday, May 23, 2024


I’m really looking forward to when you are able to better communicate with us. We aren’t always the best guessers when it comes to your communications. Today you were not happy when mommy bathed you.

You also weren’t very communicative when you crawled backwards and ran away from daddy. Is it because I was too firm with you in the bathroom? I didn’t know what you wanted and couldn’t risk you hurting yourself. Hope you have fun at the park and are nice to Aunty Dina and your mommy. 🙏 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Parent Picnic

Guess who cried when daddy left today after the picnic. This guy:

I always worry about that when I come to see you and you always prove me right. I wonder if I should just leave you alone. Not many parents came today so you’re pretty lucky. Anyhow, it’s pretty warm, but maybe we’ll go to the park today…

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Pooo Pooo

Good job answering daddy’s question about you pooping. We need to work on making sure that you actually pooped and if you can start letting us know when you’re about to poop? I guess that would be potty training yourself. That’d be amazing.

At the moment I’m gonna let you keep pooing cause you said you’re not done. Although, I can’t smell any poop from here so maybe you’re not pooping. Let’s wait for mommy 😆.

Monday, May 20, 2024


That’s what time you finally “woke” up today. Not sure if this is a phase you’re going through, but if it’s not, we might have to have you go to bed earlier (and shorten your night time shenanigans).

Mommy says she’s the disciplinarian, but truth is she doesn’t let me discipline you sometimes. Like I would wake you up at 8AM sharp, but she insists I let you wake up on your own. You need to wake up around 8AM again…

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Ham Choi

You really do like to play. Which is okay, but there’s a time for everything. Nap and sleep time are not time for play. Today you really took advantage of your parents and now you won’t be able to sleep that long.

At least you had an hour and change of napping. But you could have had more if you weren’t so ham choi. Thanks for not whining too much when you woke up. Daddy thuong.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Nap Time

This is what happens when you don’t take your nap. You end up falling asleep in the car at 7PM. But it’s not completely your fault. Your mommy and daddy need to do better.

Thanks for not being cranky, except for your slow familiarity with Chi Anh and Oanh. Hopefully we can work on you remember them faster. Otherwise great day today. Okay, I’m gonna go to sleep in your room until you do. ❤️ 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Still Blessed 😇

Uncle Peter, Aunty Patrie and family have always been there for you and I don’t expect that to change in the future. I hope you really learn to appreciate all the blessings you have in your life early on in your life. It’ll keep you grounded and humble.

This is from Uncle Peter and the kids. Also Aunty Patrie since she bought the cereal daddy took. But also remember that their love for you is hard earned by your parents and will only be maintained by you as well. Love and respect are two way streets. 🤔 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Good Eats

Today someone all their eggs. It wasn’t me or mom. It was you. Hooray!!!!

Although I had to distract you, you did a great job of eating. You also got in a full yogurt pouch. It still took about the same amount of time, but I didn’t have to cycle through 8 items for you to eat. Keep up the good work. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Sleep Cycle

Why you sleeping so long today? You’re very lucky that your daddy is willing to and has the flexibility to to let you sleep as long as you want. It’s always funny how when we want you to sleep, you don’t. When we want you to get up, you sleep.

I don’t have any meetings on my schedule today, but I have a lot to do. So if you could finish up your rest and wake up refreshed soon, that wound be great. You know what would be even greater? If you ate good and fast and didn’t make daddy work so hard to care for you this morning 🙏.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024


You are having more familiar people in your life. It was so sweet today that Eve wanted to say hi to you when she saw you leaving. If only you could have as much enthusiasm with others as you do with Emma. 

Eventually, others feelings will dwindle if you do not reciprocate. Relationships are a two way street. So let’s work on that and making eye contact with people. 👀 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Wakey, wakey 🛏️

You sure have a funny way of waking up.

Boy were you difficult to feed this morning. Sorry I forgot to brush your teeth. Thanks for letting me change your diaper and clothes. Hopefully the expired yogurt doesn’t give you any issues. Maybe it’ll help you develop an iron stomach like your daddy. Don’t be like Uncle Peter…

Sunday, May 12, 2024

You’re The Reason

You are definitely a handful no matter what anyone says, but I think we’re okay with it. When you’re good, it’s great. When you’re not, it’s not so bad.

I hope you continue to mature and grow and keep your laughter and happiness in light of how often your mom teases you. We love you a lot and today would not be possible without you. TCQD!!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

667 Posting

Missed the opportunity to acknowledge the 666th posting on this blog. Ironic that it happened on a confirmation date. 

Thanks for being nice to all the people today. I’m glad it happened before we left. I’m sorry you’re not having a good nap on the drive home. Hopefully 🤞 it gets better. At least the car is cool. You’re lucky cause daddy didn’t always have a cool car ride. Please continue the 😇 behavior the rest of the day 🙏.

Friday, May 10, 2024

This Will Be You

I’m not a fan of these Friday night confirmations if these Cinco de Mayo communions, but I’ll be here for yours when the time comes.

It sucks that you take so long to warm up to your relative here, but I get it. I hope you learn to warm up faster to those who love you. 🙏 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Time Spent

Money spent isn’t always a symbol of value. For lots of things, including your Daddy, time spent is far more valuable. Today I spent over an hour getting contacts for your mommy and picking you up from daycare.

How I people spend time with you is a good sign of the level of your relationships. It’s easy to buy something for someone (assuming you have money), but it’s harder to make something for someone (that takes time) too. Just some food for thought.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Sleeping Beauty

Hi buddy. You sleeping enough? You sleep good? I wish I knew how it went. Thanks for generally waking up calmly and waiting patiently until I get there.

Sorry I didn’t have any rice for you today. Hopefully you got enough from the oatmeal and yogurt. You didn’t drink any liquids. And boy was your sneeze snotty. Sure hope you feel better soon and don’t get allergies in your life. 🙏 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Costco Time

Today I decided to get you before I went to Costco. I’m sorry they didn’t have any samples for you to eat, but at least you got to eat a fruit pouch.

I hope you had a good time. Sorry you didn’t get play at home because mommy wanted to eat out. Did you enjoy the tacos?🌮 

Monday, May 6, 2024

Daddy’s Home

Hi Boba. You woke up early today. Were you excited to see me?

Thanks for trying to eat oatmeal and other stuff today. If you made feeding you easier, you’d be closer to perfection. We also need you to warm up faster to our family and friends because they really love you. I’m happy to be back. See you tomorrow when I pick you up. Sorry I forgot about teacher appreciation week…

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Happy Cinco de Mayo 🇲🇽

Last day to be best buds with mommy. Quack, quack. That’s the sound a duck makes 🦆.

I wish I could have gotten an early flight, but you’ll see me when you wake up tomorrow. Daddy will be taking you to daycare as usual and then hopefully we can eat dinner at Saigon Oi for mommy. ❤️ 


Saturday, May 4, 2024


I’ll see you soon. Although I realize you won’t see me until Monday morning since you’ll be sleeping. I’ll be in charge of feeding you that morning. I hope you aren’t mad at me for leaving you with mom.

Maybe you’ll forget me? I promise that I’ll always be here for you. I’m also gonna work hard to pay attention to you. I’m sorry you don’t have a sibling so I’ll try to make up for that. DTYVM!!

Friday, May 3, 2024

Golf ⛳️

Hi Boba. I hope you don’t miss me too much. Is this the first long trip away from you? Today is gonna be odd for you with Uncle Marcus picking you up. Please be good at Ong Ba’s house until mommy picks you up.

I got a par here. WWW. No birdies yet. Please 🙏 for me. Love you lots. See you in a few days!!

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Bye Bye ✈️

Daddy is going bye bye on a bay bay. This is a good opportunity for you to bond with your mommy and also develop some independence from your daddy.

Please eat well, have fun, be safe while I’m gone. I know life is sometimes hard for you, but I believe in you. ❤️ 🙏 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May Day

Look who’s still sleeping at 833AM:

If it wasn’t a weekday, it’d probably be Mommy. Thank goodness daddy loves you and doesn’t have to work today. You can sleep until 9. But after that daddy has to work and go to a stupid baseball game. Hope you’re having good dreams and not ones where mommy is teasing you. She’s so mean to both of us…

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...