Saturday, August 31, 2024

Bad Eating

Not good bro. Worst birthday gift ever. Let’s work on that for mom’s birthday okay? 

It still amazes me how people are so nice to you, but I realize how cute you are. I really hope you learn to use the looks for good. 🙏 

Friday, August 30, 2024


The only wish I have is for you to be healthy and behaved. I didn’t get to blow out a candle, but that’s my wish for this birthday. 

If I can’t get that, I’ll take a lottery jackpot. Thank you. 🙏 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Birthday Eve

Daddy’s. Not yours. What did you get me? Just kidding. All I really need from you is for you to be happy, helpful, and healthy. Can you do that?

Being cute and wealthy is nice too 😆. Sorry that daddy daycare is not open tomorrow. Daddy isn’t golfing or anything. Just need some time. Thank you.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Vinh Vinh

Hi Buddy. Don’t be a Karen or Kyle. Be a good person.
Sometimes the world will make exceptions for you. Sometimes it won’t. But always remember the rules and try your best to follow them.

It may seem unfair or random, but if we don’t have law and order and always expect special treatment we just make life difficult for ourselves and others. Be good. Do good. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Daddy Work

Today daddy had to wake up super early. Not for golf, but for work. I drove far away and had to drive a long way home. But guess what? I got free food for you.

Hopefully your mom didn’t eat it all and saved you some. If not, we can go get some together without her someday. You still like egg foo young? 

Monday, August 26, 2024

What A Day…

Daddy had a rough day today, but it was made a little easier when you ran away once we got to daycare.

Luckily daddy was able to make his meeting and you got to daycare before snack time. Please wish me luck tomorrow as I drive to Redding and back the same day. I should be back to pick you up with Uncle Tony too. ❤️ 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

God is Great

But Vinh doesn’t sleep. Maybe your nap was really too late? It’s way past your bedtime. You’re gonna be really cranky when I wake you up tomorrow morning. I have to drive to Roseville so we can’t really be late for school…

We really shouldn’t have to threaten to leave for you to sleep. You’re very fortunate that you get to sleep with your mommy and daddy, so try to remember that and be easier on us at bedtime. 🙏 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Lucky 🍀

That was the initial plan for today’s post, until you fell today and busted your face. I’m soooo sorry that happened. I hope that you’ll learn from it, but I doubt you’ll remember.

But hopefully you’ll remember the friends you made today and the fun you had. You’re very lucky to have so many wonderful people and opportunities around you. I don’t expect you to be extraordinary, but I hope are able to take advantage of life. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Gym Bro

Guess who got to leave daycare early today and go to My Gym? You did. You’re so lucky. Unfortunately, the teachers you know weren’t there today and you made a friend cry, at least you got to go to the gym.

We forgot to hide from mommy. We can do it next time. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Smack 👋

I hate threatening to smack you, but it seems like a pretty effective way to get the point across. You understand easily when I ask if you want me to smack you.

I hate smacking your face, but I don’t think your butt is as effective. Anyhow, bless mom’s heart for thinking you can tell us before you pee or poop. 😆 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Line Stepper

You’re smart. You’re also a line stepper. We need to nip that in the bud right now. Your life is not hard at all. I understand that your experiences are often new, but they’re rarely bad.

I don’t know why it’s so hard for you to let us brush your teeth, cut your nails, or put on sunblock. Come on man…

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Baby Sister

I hope you don’t blame us or have a bad life if we can’t give you a baby sister. We are trying. Maybe we should have tried sooner.

But we’ll always try to keep good people around you so that you are never alone. Not sure if you prayed enough to Mary and Joseph and Jesus, but please keep trying 🙏.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Lion Dance 🪩

I don’t think the lion dance videos or YouTube are causing your recent behavior issues. I think we give you too many warnings. I hope you know what disciplining you is not something I enjoy.

I really wish I understood what it is about brushing your teeth, feeding you, putting on sunblock that you hate so much. I know that one time applying sunblock was fine, so I know you can be okay.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Bad Boba 🧋

I’m not talking about my drink I had in Chico last week. I’m talking about my son and his behavior today. I’m starting to think maybe we don’t need to give you anymore warnings.

I’m just gonna smack you or put you in time out the moment you misbehave. Maybe I’ll take you to see skeleton or get one at home to put in the time out space. 🤔 

Saturday, August 17, 2024


You’re soo funny.  I hope you enjoyed your time with Uncle Alex today. He has a cool house. 🏠 

Thanks for eating food and pooping today. Sorry that I’m golfing tomorrow too, but I should not be swimming today. Www.

Friday, August 16, 2024


Man, it’s been

tough week. Work and life was so busy. I’m just glad it’s the weekend so I can take an official break from work (I still want to get some work done, unofficially). 

Looks like you’re ready for the weekend too. I hope you enjoy your time with mommy and my gym tomorrow. Thanks for hanging out with mommy so I can start golfing more regularly. ❤️ 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Smack 🖐️

Daddy does not like smacking you. Your mommy had daddy do it too. But it seems like we need other methods of helping you understand and behave like timeouts.

It really does hurt us more than it hurts you. So please try to learn and understand quickly so neither of us have to waste our time and pain. 🙏 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Slide Slide

Great job sliding today. Not a great job listening and avoiding the smack. Let’s focus less on the sliding and learning words if we can achieve the behavioral and sleeping milestones okay?

We all spoil you, but we try to keep it to a minimum. But even when we don’t spoil you, we treat you really good. We need you to do the same. Be better, always 🙏 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Daddy Leave

Per your wish, daddy leave today. I’m not at Uncle Truong’s. I’m in Chico working. I did get food and drinks for you and mom to enjoy while I’m gone.

I’m sure your food will be better than mine. Anyways, I’ll be back in time to take you to daycare tomorow. I hope you sleep well and are nice to mommy. She’s going through a tough time. You’re her angel. Act like it. 🙏 

Monday, August 12, 2024

My Costco

I go there so much, it’s basically my Costco, but I go there for us. Today we got you pediasure. We also got salad, chicken nuggets, overnight oats and chia, and cucumber. Oh and drugs for Bac Minh. 

Hopefully you weren’t too scared of the Halloween decorations. In my defense you said you wanted to see the skeleton. Also you can’t keep saying “belly” to people. 🙏 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

My Gyming

Someone got the triple play this weekend at My Gym. That’s 6 stamps. Good job. Hopefully it will offset all the bad food you ate this weekend 🙏.

You held my leg last night when you were sleeping. Thanks for letting it go so I could sleep. Sorry our weekends are so busy. Hopefully you’re having fun though. 🙏 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Play Time

I was thinking the other day that our time together could probably be more routine. I know people say that kids have their own routine and sense of time, but I think it would make it easier on me if I had a better plan for you. 

I think it would help to make our time together flow smoother and I wouldn’t feel so overwhelmed. So I’m gonna try that. Need you to work with me. Thanks 🙏 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Daddy Daycare

Such a busy day today. It’s too bad you can’t sleep and shouldn’t sleep until mom gets home. What should you eat for your afternoon snack?

I feel bad you didn’t eat nutritious food today. It was kinda of a hodgepodge makeshift meal session. My excuse is that we had a lot to do and it’s not our normal routine. We’ll do better I promise.

Thursday, August 8, 2024


Still like you. I’m glad you eventually impressed them, but you were shy initially. Please don’t embarrass your family. Your family is supposed to embarrass you.

They’re nice people. It’s too bad we don’t see them often. Maybe when they move back to the farm, we have an excuse to visit them. But not sure if they want to see us. Except you, who is very cute.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Good Makes Good

Today I went to share some fruit with your Uncle Peter. He shared some fruit with us (mostly eaten by your mom and the mangosteens were bad, but he tried). Before I could leave, he shared with me Tay Ho.

It wasn’t expected. It was appreciated. Now the virtuous cycle can continue. Spread good. It feels good and it can inspire others or at least make their day.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Quality Time

After today's funeral and hanging out with my friends, it reminded me that it’s really important to make time for the important people while you can.

People die sooner than you think. Your times run out faster than you think too. It’s important to be proactive and intentional about how you spend your time. I’m gonna try to do that. Hopefully you learn that sooner than I did.

Monday, August 5, 2024

More Friends

More blessed. You are more blessed than anyone I know. You are so lucky to have so many people genuinely care about you and love you. It doesn’t hurt that you’re super cute.

I really hope you become a good person and keep all these people in mind when you get older. They care so much about you. #trulyblessed

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Silence 🤐

I’ve confirmed you know what gentle means. So now you need to make sure you’re using it. Which segues into my next point, which is that silence can be golden.

Sometimes words don’t need to be said. Sometimes speaking only confirms you’re foolish. The tricky part is to know and be able to control your tongue. I pray you learn that sooner than later.

Saturday, August 3, 2024


You will have the rest of your life to work a paying job. I really hope you spend your pre-work life enjoying, growing, and preparing for that work life. But until that time comes, enjoy not working.

Innocence is sometimes tied to ignorance. But ignorance is bliss. Pray that you keep your innocence and bliss for as long as you can. And when it’s time to go, you’ll be ready. 🙏 

Friday, August 2, 2024


Someone really likes cherky. I was smart this time and cut it up into pieces so you don’t have to harm your little mouth trying to tear it apart.

Today I asked your friend what her name was and she said Sofia. I also saw her dad who was parked next to me. Hope you have a good time with Team Annalex this weekend. 🙏 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Night and Day

Hopefully a switch flips on after I leave daycare. Today you were crying when I left. I went around outside and checked on you and you were no longer crying being held by Miss Sofia (originally Miss A…).

Maybe that’s the way it is everyday. But it does suck that you make it so dramatic when I drop you off. You smile in the pictures they send too. I’m gonna hope for the best. 🙏 

Double Fail Today

At Costco all you ate was cheese. Now I worry you won’t eat the udon that we bought since you didn’t eat any samples today. At the park you ...