Thursday, September 19, 2024

Double Fail Today

At Costco all you ate was cheese. Now I worry you won’t eat the udon that we bought since you didn’t eat any samples today.

At the park you didn’t really do anything. It could be because people were hanging out on your swing area…

At home mommy waited 2 hours only for you to pee on the ground and you didn’t eat the noo noo she you. Truly a WWW. At least we get to try again tomorrow. 🙏 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Park Park

Bye park. You couldn’t go to the gym today, but you did go to the park. I don’t know how it went before I got there, but I was sad you didn’t share slide with friend…

Anyhow, at least you didn’t make a fit when it was time to go. You also walked most of the way home until mommy wanted to pick you up. WWW. Thanks for eating dinner tonight! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Cos-Co 🛒

Maybe we can make trips to Costco a regular thing. It kills time until mommy gets home. I get to get my chores done. You get to eat. Seems like a win for everyone.

I hope this doesn’t end up like the overnight oats. You asked for 3 servings. Too bad the last one was hot so you couldn’t enjoy it right away. But you eventually enjoyed it. Maybe we should buy a cart to let you sit in instead of a high chair?

Monday, September 16, 2024

Acts of Service

I never read the book about love languages, but from what I can gather, my love language is doing things for other people. As my son, it’s no different. I do things for you because that’s how I show love (among other ways).

So I hope you get enjoyment out of these items. I debated looking for some with colors, but thought maybe colors are too artificial. Anyhow, I guess I can see what mom thinks. 💕 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Effort and Risk

The results of both can be improved with wisdom. In life it can be difficult to do the right thing and put in the right effort or take the right risks, but I pray that you’ll develop wisdom. That can’t really be taught.

Hope you had fun today. Hope you eat more tomorrow. 🙏 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Bad Habits

Need to die early. You’ve been eating really bad lately, I hope it’s a habit that dies hard soon. I wish you knew how important the things we try to do for you are.

I can honestly say that the things I do for you are for your future and benefit, not really ours. So can you please try to help us out and cooperate? Thanks in advance. 🙏 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday The 13th

Somebody got what they asked for. I hope it’s good. Your eating has been off today. I hope it’s just a hiccup and we can get back to regular eating soon. At least you got food at Costco.

Albeit, wasn’t the healthiest, please be good to mommy tonight. Daddy is gonna go swimming. And you don’t have to tell me I’m dep, it’s not that important to me, but thanks.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Spend Wisely

Whatever it may be. Time? Money? Energy? You need to make sure you spend your precious resources wisely. 

You’re young now, but eventually you’ll get old. So it’s important to build good habits early that will carry you through life. Like using your calories wisely too. Don’t be fat like your parents. 🙏 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Yo Okay Bro?

I didn’t spend much time with you today, but you seemed pretty clingy after your nap (which is odd in itself). I’m hoping it’s just congestion and I didn’t see anything in your ear.

Mommy looks a mess, but supposedly she should have had a relaxing day 😆 . Hope tomorrow is better for you. 🙏 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Vinh’s Gym

Although you don’t really do anything besides hide and watch people and run around. I guess that’s cardio. I’m glad I was able to take you to the gym today. If they have later times I can probably take you more often if mommy can’t.

Someday I hope you’ll be okay with the ball pit. 🙏 

Monday, September 9, 2024

No Thank You 🙂‍↔️

Side note I figured emoji out. Back to you Vinh, you need to stop reacting emotionally and learn to say no thank you. I know you’re just a toddler so i can’t be too hard on you, but I believe you know what you’re doing.

I’m sorry I had to smack your hand this morning and mommy just had to put you in timeout, but I have to make sure we nip this in the bud now, before it grows into a big flower of a problem. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024


In an ideal world, having enough is what you want. However, as good hosts and when it comes to food, you always want to make sure you have more than enough. That way people don’t feel shy to eat their fill. You also want them to be able to take some home if possible.

It’s like the number one rule of marketing. Under promise, but over perform. Never do the opposite. Fatherly advise to my first born son. 🤔 

Saturday, September 7, 2024


Having children means making sacrifices. Daddy and mommy make lots of sacrifices for our little Boba Chop Vinh. So daddy took this sacrifice with him on the trip.

I will suffer cavities so hopefully you won’t have to. I’m also suffering time away from you so that mom and you can develop a stronger band. I think she gets sad that you don’t love her as much as you love Daddy. So try to make it less obvious okay?

Friday, September 6, 2024

Sleep 😴

I don’t know why you don’t want to sleep. But then you’re annoyed when we wake you up. Sleep while you can. As you get older, you’re going to have a lot of things you want to do. Right now you just need to play, eat, and sleep.

So try to sleep faster and earlier for us. So that we can get things done and sleep more too. Daddy is okay with less sleep, but mommy is not. So any help you can give would be great!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Bubble Bath 🛀

Sorry mommy couldn’t shower you tonight, but it seems like you’re doing okay. 

Not sure how your daddy and mommy are gonna do, but you’ll be okay. I promise. Okay, I’ll put my phone down now. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Purple 💡

There’s no purple color in the bulb bro. Sorry.  It’s always a double edge sword with you. I’m scared to introduce you to new stuff because you might get obsessed with it.

You’re obsessed with My Gym and now these lights. I wish you would be more obsessed with eating healthy food or behaving 😆. Go to sleep with mommy. You don’t need daddy to sleep. Plus mommy wants to sleep early like you need to. Daddy has things to do.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Sunblock and Food

Why do you hate them soooo much? Food is soo good and sunblock protects your beautiful skin from the harmful effects of too much son. They’re good and good for you.

How are you ever going to grow up big and strong and healthy if you don’t start embracing the good? Please try and do that for us soon. 🙏 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Boba Is Lucky

So loved. So full of food options. So full of people and love. I hope you learn to share soon, but also be able to defend yourself. Don’t act first, but be ready to react.

Lesson Daddy can share today: sometimes it’s okay to eat dessert first. You may not have room for it later. 🤔 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Daddy Is Lucky

That he has great people around him. But it’s not completely a coincidence. It’s mostly hard work. Put out good vibes and good vibes come back to you.

I know it’s a recurring theme, but it’s always being constantly reminded. Tomorrow we’re invited for com tam. Today I got some mangos for you. There’s a biblical reference for reaping crops from seeds…

Double Fail Today

At Costco all you ate was cheese. Now I worry you won’t eat the udon that we bought since you didn’t eat any samples today. At the park you ...