Friday, October 7, 2022

Life Lessons

I always have to remind myself that I have bad days, but I don't have a bad life (no matter how bad the days are). I don't me to put any pressure on you or discount your experiences, but I think this is something you really need to always remember. You have many more people that love and care about you than I do.

Your mom hates that her blog is full of life lessons and yours is easy going, but I think this is definitely worth it to mention. Many experiences you have will be extreme because they'll be the first time you experience them (pain, happiness, love, etc). Because of that I just want you to remember this lesson. You smiled here and no matter how bad it is, you'll smile again as long as you don't give up. 

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Jet Lagged?

You get that from your mom. Sorry. Maybe you’ll grow out of it. It’s a great skill to be able to go with the water. Not sure if you’re on ES...