Tuesday, January 31, 2023

FIRST: Positive Covid Test

For our family. Sorry it’s not your fault and you can’t protect yourself…

We’re sorry we couldn’t protect you. Sadly this won’t be the last time we fail you. Please forgive us and grow to be resilient and independent. So far you’ve been a real champ and I’m proud of your ability to overcome obstacles. Hopefully this will make you a better person for it and not be long term symptoms.

Monday, January 30, 2023

FIRST: Day At Daycare

Hi buddy. Today was your first day at daycare. I hope you’re doing good. Your mom and I are doing good. Sorry that mommy hurt you so much today. But hopefully you’re safer now.

Not sure how long we’ll let you stay today, but I hope you had a good experience as it will be the first of many. Might as well enjoy it buddy.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Another Morning

With just Daddy and you. Mommy likes to sleep, but also you woke up a lot last night. Did you have some milk tea? I think it’s the mango mommy let you have…

Anyhow, please don’t take it personal that I drop you off at daycare. Unfortunately, no one wants us to win the lottery, so I have to keep working and mom needs her sleep. Good thing today is Sunday 😂.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Sad Experiment

I’m sorry. I hope you’ll turn out well adjusted and have a happy life. That’s all I really ever wanted for you. I guess part of the desire not to have kids was a fear that I couldn’t provide them (you) with a life better than my own and worthy of your experience.

Unfortunately, your life may now become a sad experiment to see the impact your parents’ relationship will have on your own. Whether is better to see unhappy parental figures (even if they don’t fight) or better to have divorced parents. For this I’m sorry. 

Friday, January 27, 2023


Life is short. You never know what tomorrow brings. Make sure you tell and show the people you care about how you feel. They may not know and you may not get another chance.

What do I want to say to you? I want what is best for you, even if that isn’t what’s best for me. I’m willing to sacrifice my own happiness and life for you. That’s true love. You don’t owe me anything in return, but I hope you appreciate it and I hope you find someone or something that makes you feel the same way too.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

High Waisted Pants

For some reason your pants were really high today that I thought you were wearing a bra went I felt the waistband on the back side.

Anyhow, I’m sorry the handyman is working today in garage. He’s making a lot of noise that’s startling you and messing with your sleep schedule. Hopefully they’ll be gone by the time your mom gets home. This is us chilling.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Poop Face

Wow, you were so unhappy while pooping today. Poor Aunty Suzy was in the middle of changing your diaper when you were pooping…

Hopefully you don’t get your mom’s poop face long term. 🙏 Tomorrow I will likely have to be at work the whole day. At first I was worried, but I just realized that Aunty Suzy did just fine with you Monday. Let’s repeat that okay?

Tuesday, January 24, 2023


Someone is being lazy today. Funny because you’re always so active when I leave you alone you always roll…

I sure hope we’re being too cautious about your conditions and development rather than it being something serious. I am hopefully since we didn’t know about any of these things and everyone seems to be okay. Let’s hope you’re okay too.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Counting Down

The days until you start daycare. It’s gonna be bittersweet and scary. But it’s one of those things we have to do because we can’t expect nor do we have a reasonable alternative.

Not a great photo, but this is me trying to blog while you sleep even though I’m really tired too. I don’t know how your routine will change, but I expect to still have these moments on a regular after daycare. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Chúc Mừng Năm Mới 🧧

Happy 1st Lunar New Year!!!

According to the Tiger Chinese Horoscope 2023, this year will bring abundance, good luck, and power in the lives of the Tiger natives. This year will be better than the previous year for you as things will workout for the better.

Let’s hope they’re right. 

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Quality Time with Mommy

Did you enjoy your time with mommy? Did she enjoy her time with you? She let me enjoy golf and ma jong.

I birdied this whole. It was the only birdie today and it was supposed to be a lot of birdies at this course. Hopefully I’ll be able to get you into golf and we can share time together. Hopefully I can still golf when you’re old enough to go out. ⛳️ 

Friday, January 20, 2023

Baby Boba

In your honor today, we got boba. Just kidding, I kinda just wanted boba and can’t guarantee I would get it tomorrow so I figured I’d get it now and I didn’t get one last week.

Today you were a little cranky with Chi Oanh, but you were okay with Aunty Suzy. I sure hope you get along with whoever has to care for you at daycare and I hope they’re not mean or bad to you.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Cozy Baby

You’ve been very fortunate to live a cozy life so far. Unfortunately, you have nothing to compare it to. Anyhow, I’m really sorry about you having a runny nose right now.

But like I said, you’re a real trooper. I’m still worried about when you start teething, but I’m cautiously optimistic given your history so far. You’ve kinda spoiled us, but then again we kinda spoiled you too…

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Happy Half Birthday

That was yesterday or the day before depending on how you count. 

Congratulations on making it to your Uncle Tony birthday (half birthday). We’re sorry you are congested, but you’re the usually trooper we’ve gotten used to. So it’s always shocking now when you have unhappy moments. Cheers to many more half birthdays to come.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Cry Baby Boba

You like to cry all the time. You like to cry when we don’t feed you. You like to cry when we try to feed you. Why? Cause you’re a cry baby boba. Cry baby boba. Cry baby boba. All the time. Including last night when we were meeting with our friends.

I only pretend cry. But you cry cry. Anyhow, you’re gonna need to figure that out soon. I won’t always be there to calm you down, unless I win the lottery. Daycare is coming soon. So please, please, be a smile baby boba.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Saving Your Future

Mom is doing a great job of saving for your future. I hope, when that time comes, that you appreciate and show her that appreciation. Mom is also looking out for your future wife.

This is Jemma. She comes from a good family and she’s only 2 weeks younger than you. Like I always said though, do not let the pressure of anyone dictate how you live your life. If you find someone else that makes you happy, go for it. Just remember to do good, be good, and don’t hurt anyone.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Baby Shower Boba

Unfortunately, there wasn’t any boba except for you son. You did real good today, except the car ride with grandma. Hopefully it’s just her.

She loves you in her own way so you should be nice to her. In the world we live in now, we have to appreciate the time we have with others because we aren’t guaranteed any time. I appreciate all the time I have with you, even if it’s a lot of work.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Early Indoctrination

Your cousins (uncles) mentioned that it’s important to expose you to church early, even if you don’t get it. Surprisingly, you’ve been pretty good in church, but then again, you’re pretty good most of the time during waking hours.

Again, I don’t expect or care if you become a priest or a pauper or a porn star (P’s) 😂. Whatever you do though, be happy and don’t hurt anyone. Hopefully you will continue to enjoy church. You don’t have to go forever, but at least until you establish a good moral compass…

Friday, January 13, 2023

Something P?

Hopefully something good with a P. Your Aunty Dina wants you to become president. Your mom wants you to become a priest, which could lead to you becoming the Pope. I just want you to be happy and take care of yourself and not hurt anyone.

So really, there’s no pressure. Don’t worry about Aunty Dina or your mom. At the end of the day, we gave you life but because we wanted to control you, but because we felt we could give you a good life. You make of it what you will. Be happy, be good.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

No Ear Infection

This time…So maybe you’re just angry sometimes. You get that from your mom. It’s okay. Eventually you’ll need to learn what to do with all that anger in a productive manner.

Don’t be mean to Aunty Suzy. She’s really nice to you and you’re only gonna get to see her for a few more weeks if you’re lucky. Then you’re really gonna miss her while you’re at daycare and she will have a different job…

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Double Posts

I had a topic in mind today about there being tons of support for you outside mom and I should you ever need it for feel more comfortable. Like your Uncle Eric. But as I was playing and fathering you today, you rolled over to your right on your own and you even rolled back onto your back.

Seems like you made a huge jump after your appointment today. You can even sit up a little. But I saw you rub your ear. I hope you’re okay. Mommy and Suzy will hopefully find out tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Happy Boba 🧋

I wonder if Happy Lemon would sue us if we opened up a boba shop called “Happy Boba”. We can cartoonize you as the spokesperson. Your head is so sweaty next to my face now. I feel bad, but I think you like the comfort of having my face near you. Might have to wash your hair again. Anyways, I digress.

Every time I walk, you smile at me. If only your mom looked at me that way and I’m way nicer to her than you. Anyhow, stay happy con, and always be happy. Unless you’re hurt, then let us know by not being as happy. Side note, I’m still mad about my sad boba the other day. Www.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Hi Boba

Hope you’re doing well. I can’t tell if you hate Mondays, Dina, or something else, but I pray that it’s not something Dina is doing. Anyhow, I need to print a picture of you for my office at work.

After reflecting on your old photos, I can honestly say that you’re much cuter now than you were back then. I guess I was blinded by our bond as father and son. Hoping when I look back to these days, I won’t be making the same mistake. Www.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Sunday Funday

Good thing we went to see God yesterday. It’s always tough to get up on Sundays and we had a storm and power outage last night/this morning. You probably don’t remember cause you was sleeping through it.

I was gonna have a picture today of your fence that blew down, but figured you’d appreciate a picture of yourself more. You seem to enjoy leaning against a pillow. Although the fence came very close to braking your daytime sleeping room. We met Gary, the neighbor today…

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Peace Be With You

You went to church again today. It’s too early to tell, but so far so good. I think your mom did a great job of feeding you late enough that you shouldn’t need a meal until we get home.

Although I wonder if she checked your diaper. I guess there’s always next time to get it all right. At least were making progress and weren’t late to mass today. We say Co Lien and Chu Tuyen. Maybe we’ll see Chi Anh (Chi  Oanh is working). Sorry you didn’t get to go to Costco today….

Friday, January 6, 2023

Oanh and Anh

You’re very lucky to have so many people in your life that like you and want to play with you. Today you got to meet Oanh and remeet Anh. Your Aunty Vina’s nieces. They played with you all day today so mommy and daddy could work.

I wanted to take a picture, but didn’t want to make it awkward. So here’s a random snap from the security camera. It doesn’t capture their enthusiasm for you. I hope you are enjoying it, cause it’s daycare coming soon…www

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Dr. Gavin and Mr. Vinh

I will be the first to admit that your demeanor has changed a lot since the first month. Even when you’re sick, you’ve remained relatively positive. But lately, we’ve been experiencing some crazy extremes.

We have 2 new sitters coming tomorrow. I pray they’ll take good care of you, but I also pray you’ll take good care of them. Less crying and more smiling. TIA.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Happy Vinh

Hi buddy. Who’s the happiest baby? That’s a trick question because you know it’s you!!!

Today is gonna be the first day it’ll be just Boba and Milk Tea. I’m asking around for help. Not because I can’t handle you alone, but more because I would like to shower and shave my head and take a nap. Anyhow, I hope you're good. I also hope you aren’t sick. You’ve been a real trooper, but I prefer that you’re not sick. 🙏 

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

2023 Blessed

I always blog about us being blessed, but it’s true and we’re constantly reminded of that. Unfortunately, I think the true understanding of how blessed will be hard to realize without experience (wisdom).

This is what your cousin brought to us. She won’t take our money. She lugged it from California to Florida and back. And she came to visit you. You didn’t get to enjoy any of this besides the toy, but it’s just a reminder of the people in your life that care about you besides mom and me.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Rainy Rain 🌧️

It’s been non stopping raining for a while now. But you probably haven’t noticed. You’ve been safe indoors and the times you go out it’s been nicer.

It’s gonna be raining for a while longer, but fortunately you don’t have any plans to go out besides church next week. Maybe you’ll get lucky and it will clear up just for you. It’s often said that God loves children…

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy 2023

It’s your first new year. You made it. Hoping for many more new years to come. It’s too bad we don’t remember what happened to us during this point in our lives. I hope you would look back fondly and appreciate it all.

I’ve made a vow to be better in 2023. I need to be better for both you and mom. Can’t look back and know I didn’t do everything I could to give you guys the best of me. #noregrets

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...