Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Back to MH

We are always very concerned when you’re at daycare. Not cause we’re worried about the daycare, but more so how you adjust to being away from us and home. It’s stressful, but it’s necessary so you can get comfortable around others, we can save money, we can work, and also have some time apart. 

Hopefully this is a true reflection of your day today. Also hope that you ate well and slept well. I’ll see you after work. 

Monday, February 27, 2023

Tears With Dina

Lots of tears bro. What’s the deal? It seems like you have an inverse relationship with other peoples’ love. I sure hope it’s a coincidence. 

People at daycare aren’t gonna hold you like this. So please try and be appreciative of those that take care of you above and beyond the standard. It’s important to recognize in life the actions of others. 

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Tears In Heaven

Great song by Eric Clapton. But I just recently heard another song called, “Monsters” by James Blunt. It actually made me cry.

I’m always going to be your father and you will always be my son. And as long as I’m able to, I’ll help keep the monsters away from you. 

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Don’t Catch…

…a cold or the flu. Uncle Peter asked why I took you out in the cold today.

I told him we were just visiting your house. Now that I think about it, if we win the lottery we can just open up a shop like Vinhouse, but call it Vinh’s House. And the workers can get all dressed up too. You can buy your Aunty Trang a house and your Uncle Pink. We’re gonna try winning tonight. ☘️ 

Friday, February 24, 2023


Someone looks like they’re doing good today at daycare. Hopefully looks aren’t deceiving. 

Finally done with the amoxicillin. Hopefully this is the beginning of a positive path. You have been very unlucky with illness so I wish that you have more time not sick. I’m trying to remember prior to Hawaii how you were. But that seems to be the turning point when you got bad luck. Praying for good luck going forward and more clear breathing smiles and sleeping.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Back to Office

I went back to the office today. It’s been quite a while since the last time. Guess who came back with me? You did!!!!

Hope you’re getting better. I’m so sorry you can’t catch a break, but you’re being really brave and strong. One more day of amoxicillin and hopefully your butt gets better. Literally and figuratively.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

(6 Month) Checkup

Today is finally your 6 month checkup. Guess who forgot the diaper bag? Luckily we have diapers and wipes in car, but it looks like you might get hungry and tired soon. 

Thanks Aunty Julie. We need to get you back to daycare as soon as possible lol. It looks like your checkup went well. I’m sorry you have to go back to daycare, but I’m really behind on work from Covid and we didn’t win the lottery. You’re the real MVP son!

Tuesday, February 21, 2023


I couldn’t really decide what picture of you to use for my office, so I took the easy way out and made a collage.

Common theme: you’re happy. I hope that always sticks with you. Life is too short to be unhappy.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Today Is Monday

And we have to say good bye and drive home. 

E had a meltdown. It’s bittersweet. We prayed for you and everyone else here. Hope we have a safe journey home. I hope you had a good time and get better and don’t catch anything. It’s hard to tell sometimes because you’re always so upbeat. Keep it up son. 

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Boba Sunday

Who’s the happy boba? You are! Guess who loves boba? Your cousin E. Maybe she’s like your daddy and will love Boba Chop too…

Hope you’re noticing that your momma is distracted with other things this weekend. Hopefully the attention from other people will make up for it. Also hope you had a good time, don’t get sicker, but actually get better. 🙏 

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Happy 7 Months

Guess who turned 7 months yesterday? You did.

Per usual, we are blessed with your infectious smile and laughter. You’ve brought a lot of joy into this world. We pray you never lose your sense of wonder and happiness. Love you Boba Chop who lives in the boba shop. Also congratulations on making your first road trip with flying colors. Except for pooping through your diaper. We blame Aunty Nha for that.

Friday, February 17, 2023

First Road Trip

I don’t think the trip to the airport for Hawaii counts. Anyhow, we’re gonna leave late tonight so hopefully you have a smooth trip down. Not sure what’s gonna happen on the drive back because I don’t think we’re leaving late night.

This is how we need you to be the entire drive. Your health and experience impacts everyone. So please, do it for not just yourself, but for everyone too. I’m really sorry that you’ve had very little time not sick. Let’s hope this trip doesn’t extend your illness, but rather is the end of your current illness and the start of healthy seas.

Thursday, February 16, 2023


I know it’s just daycare, but I hope you learn to interact and get along with your mates. I wonder if you’re the youngest person there…

Good thing I didn’t get the pop it one for your daycare mates. I’m glad we got something for your mates though. A small gesture can go a long way. Life lesson there for you.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Baby’s Boba Shop

I’m still trying to find a name for your boba shop. I’m afraid that the cool names are already taken and when we become successful, they’re gonna sue us for copyright infringement. I better make sure I research it first.

A Boba Shop. The Boba Shop. Boba Chop. Anyhow, thanks for being your best you as we navigate this current illness. Hope you’re back to 💯 soon. This guy is cute, but he’s not as happy:

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️

Today is another day at Daddy Daycare. I know you love it here, but this is a resource losing business for me sorry.

You keep fake crying so I’ll pick you up. That’s a mean trick. Then you real cried after your nap and I didn’t know why. I’m sorry boba chop. I really don’t want you to cry. I really hope you get better soon.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Boba Chop 🤚

Sometimes you have to listen to the signs life tries to give you. Today I was debating going to a boba shop, but the light said I couldn’t make a u-turn so I would have had to make a large detour. 

I could have went to another shop, but I figured maybe that was a small sign I didn’t need a boba today. I’ll just go home and suck your nose. Worst tasting boba ever. But hoping it helps you to feel better is priceless (free) lol.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Happy Birthday Sunday

Ally’s birthday was yesterday and you did good. Although I’m not sure why you don’t like the Wilson daughters…

Glad to see you’re happy this morning, but not surprised as you’re a happy baby in general. I did hear you cough and it sounds worse. I just hope it’s not since we did give you steroids. Hope you feel better soon. Seems like you spend more time not 💯 than you do 💯. 

Saturday, February 11, 2023


Sorry son. Daddy messed up and you ended up throwing up the drugs that were intended to help you last night. We’re hoping to get you some more drugs today, but who knows. I hope some of the drugs stayed in your system.

Today is your cousin Ally’s birthday. Make sure you’re your usual self and happy go lucky okay? Try not to cough so much. 

Friday, February 10, 2023

Urgent Care Time

You sure are giving Urgent Care a lot of business 😂. But it’s better to be safe than sorry. Guess who has Croup now? You do!!!!

This wasn’t from today, but it was from one of many trips to the doctor or urgent care. Hope you’re having a good day at daycare today and will be invincible going forward. 🦸‍♂️ 

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Daddy Time

Thanks for cooperating for the most part yesterday as we ran errands to kill time. 

I think Aunty Oanh was happy to see you. I know she’s wearing a mask, but you should be able to recognize her. Today is gonna be longer Daddy Time after daycare, but we’ve done it before so I know we can do it again. But not just after daycare 🙏 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Real Daycare

I hope day 2 treats you better than day 1 did. On the positive side, I don’t think you can get Covid agains. On the negative, there’s still lots of things you can get.

I felt really torn taking you to daycare today, but this picture made me feel better. We all need to get back into routine. At least you didn’t go early to and I promise I will pick you up before 6PM. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Daddy Daycare

Looks like it’s just gonna be me and you today. I don’t know why I’m so worried since it’s been me and you alone pretty often. I just realized today that I can take you out on errands. 

So far it’s going okay. You napped and ate and now you’re playing in the bouncer. I guess the only thing I didn’t figure out is how I’m gonna eat. Not sure how long you’ll sleep on your own…

Monday, February 6, 2023

Sleeping Smile

It’s been a while since I’ve seen your sleeping smile. Unfortunately, I was unable to capture it on camera. This was all I got.

It’s nice to know that even in light of all you’re going through, you’re able to find something to smile about in your dreams. We all had a really rough night. I hope you do feel better soon. Last night seemed like the worst.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Another Morning

With daddy keeping you asleep so mommy can sleep…

You sure do love choking me…anyhow, I’m thinking it’s good for you to sleep as much as possible since you’re not sleeping enough at night. But now I worry if this morning sleep is messing you up. Also, you’d be in daycare now on a normal morning so I wonder if it’s bad training. I guess we’ll worry about that after you get better. Which I hope is soon.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Following Directions

Often times is geniuses and leaders that buck the trend and rules. Maybe that’s why you don’t follow directions. That’s my hope. Countless times you take out the pacifier that I put in correctly to reinsert it incorrectly.

Now you’re trying to eat and toss the flashlight toy. Mommy says we’re not gonna give you a new spoon if you toss it when you’re eating. Eating with your hands is the alternative, but I’m hoping you eventually learn to follow most socially accepted norms.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Hey Buddy…

That’s what your Uncle Tony always says when he talks to you so I can’t steal his line. I can’t tell if you’re doing better or not, but I don’t think you’re doing worse so I think that’s good.

There’s your million dollar smile. Usually that’s a good sign. Anyhow, I do hope you get better soon. It’d be nice to be able to take you for a walk and also get you back into daycare 😂.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Upright and Locked

Boy are you congested. Sorry, you just got over that…

Looks like the only option to help you sleep and breathe is holding you upright. This is daddy holding you going on 90 minutes because you won’t let me sit down. I’m debating how long to let you sleep, but my thought is until you wake up on your pen cause you don’t sleep much, but you do need to eat and poop more….

Wednesday, February 1, 2023


We’re officially a Covid family:

Not much more to say about that. Today was rougher for you. I’m sorry, but I hope you’ll be stronger for all you’ve been through. I’m sorry I can take this pain away. But we’ll be here for you along with all your Aunties and Uncles who love you.

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...