Monday, July 31, 2023

Not An Ear Infection

But it’s a viral one. I feel like those lead to ear infections, but I’m hoping I’m wrong. You had a rough morning. Hope you have a good evening. Just heard what sounded like a Tesla fart by the way.

Thanks for always trying to share socks with me, but I’m good. I don’t really like playing or chewing on them. But you do you. See you in the morning, but I hope I don’t (by which I mean that you slept until after I leave for work)…

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Debt and Responsibility

You don’t owe anyone anything in life. Well except maybe yourself and God. So if you feel like you owe anyone, you really need to ask yourself if that’s just your feeling. And if anyone makes you feel like you owe them. Pay them back if you can and cut them out of your life. You don’t need those kind of people in your life.

Also, take responsibility and be responsible for yourself. If it’s your fault, don’t make excuses and only apologize if you plan on following it up with action. While it’s nice to rely on others, try to make sure you can take care of yourself too. People don’t mean to, but may still let you down…

Saturday, July 29, 2023


Trying to at least. So we’re waiting for the Tesla to charge. I hope it’s true that I get 4% back on charging as if it was gas when using the Costco Citi card.

Debating how much to charge. I don’t think we need to charge to 80%. It only takes 20 minutes to do so though. We’re mostly charging cause you and momma are sleeping. It’s pretty busy here so I feel kinda of bad and also it cost more to charge here than at home. Decisions…

Friday, July 28, 2023


I think maybe the key to having a smooth car ride home is to give you some time outside before putting you into the car. This has resulted in better (albeit inaccurate) photos for your mom and shorter crying in car.

It also gave us time today to check out the Asian mom. You’re mom is better looking, but it’s always nice to look at pretty things. Just remember, admiring and ogling are very close together, so be careful…

Thursday, July 27, 2023


You woke up today and didn’t really cry. Then you fell back asleep when I thought you looked pretty awake and I didn’t have to really sway you back to sleep. 

It’s kind of nice that you just roll around a little and fall back asleep. Kind of like a dog that makes a circle and lays back down. Sorry we had to wake you, but it was time to go. Maybe you should sleep earlier and we wouldn’t have this problem. 😂 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

A New Friend

X was born today. Well I guess I shouldn’t expect you guys to be friends, but it would be nice since your parents are friends. Hopefully you guys can inspire each other to be the best versions of yourselves. 

Anyhow, say hello to Xavier Jerome Malcolm (not sure what the last name is). Hopefully he’ll make good use of your old clothes. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Good Start

Not sure your mom’s thoughts are on this, but it seems like your days generally start good.

And you’re so cute. I’m sad that I was fooled by you or previous looks. Anyhow, I hope you are able to communicate soon and able to understand. I think most of our issues arise from that. Keep up the good work looking cute. We’ll continue working on the other stuff.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Mommy Time

Mommy does a lot for you. I hope you learn to get excited more often for her than daddy. I know I have better energy, but when it comes to loving you, mommy has more love. You need to match hers

Same goes for other people who love you like Grandma and Grandpa. Aunties and uncles. Match their love. 

Sunday, July 23, 2023

New Do

Not your mom’s last name, but hair style. It looks like you might need a haircut soon. Your second one. Maybe when your Aunty Anna comes? Could become a tradition.

Hopefully you keep having good hair for a long time. Daddy doesn’t know many people that do. Your uncle Peter does. Thanks for being relatively good today. Although you couldn’t point out Grandma when we asked. Sleep well tonight. Mom has to work early tomorrow and dad has work dinner.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Nap Well Little One…

…dream good dreams little one. There’s some song I think with this tune…anyhow, thanks for napping so long. Not sure how long it’s been, but hopefully until your mom comes back home from therapy.

Pretty tired. But I haven’t been able to sleep. I’m guessing when I finally fall asleep, you’ll wake up. 🤦‍♂️ 

Friday, July 21, 2023

Happy Days

Thanks for behaving today. Thanks for also doing good at daycare today. I probably should have paid attention to what was different today that you weren’t crying when I put you in car seat.

I think you could have been a little better at Co Trie’s, but you just woke up in a strange environment so I get it. If only you had know all the love in the room. Hopefully you do 💕 

Thursday, July 20, 2023

New Shirt

Sorry that I couldn’t find you one. Maybe I’ll have to try harder since people seem to like the shirt.

Tomorrow is Friday and you seem to be having a rough week at day. I hope you get back into the swing of things sooner. Thanks for being okay at Uncle Tao’s and I hope you’re okay with your Aunty from San Jose and the Phan Clan tomorrow. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

For My Son

I stole this topic from Mommy. For you, I also do a lot. I know you didn’t ask to be here, but I hope you’re having a good life. I will try to always do what I can to give you that.

I also lay with you. You might ask why I don’t sleep too, but I can’t and I would rather do other things. Anyhow, I don’t expect a thank you or appreciation, but just know I do a lot for you. #parenthood

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

And It Goes On

The celebration continues, but I’m not sure if you appreciate or understand. Aunty Lorraine got you a gift. A secret gift came from Amazon. 

It’s easy to forget how lucky we are. Sometimes we get caught up in what others have (and we don’t) and forget what we have. I hope you always remember that you’re more fortunate than both your parents combined. I hope we’re able to instill those values into you. 

Monday, July 17, 2023

Happy Birthday!!!

Guess who finally turned 365 days (1 year)? This guy:

Sorry we didn’t win the jackpot today, but we still have each other. Looking forward to growing older together and not having anyone become a ghost sooner than they’re ready to be. DTCSN (sorry mommy is Nhat).

Sunday, July 16, 2023


You probably get that from mommy, but at least your mom doesn’t need daddy’s help to sleep 😂.

If you can learn to sleep when we tell you to sleep and stay asleep until we wake you and wake up not angry, that would be amazing. Thank you for being a good boy otherwise. 🙏 

Saturday, July 15, 2023

First Magic Show?

I think this was your magic show? You were very excited and clapped. Although you clap for everything so maybe not excited?

All in all you’re a pretty good baby. Just need to figure out why you’re cranky sometimes in your car seat and other times in the morning when we’re trying to sleep. Mom says you’re difficult, but I think you’re easy compared to other babies I’ve seen 🤷‍♂️.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Final Countdown

All good things come to an end. Our trip to visit your mommy’s family is nearing that point. Besides your early morning antics and you being the victim of abuse by your cousin, it’s been a good trip don’t you think?

Hopefully you’re not gonna be like this when we get back home. I also wonder if maybe you have another ear infection…Anyhow, enjoy your time here. You won’t see these until December. Which isn’t really that long, but for you it’s almost half your life. 

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Gia Dinh Time

Sort of, mommy abandoned you most of the morning and didn’t want to nap with you when she got home, but you got to spend a lot of time with your family in general.

Grandpa and grandpa got to spend a lot of time with you. Hopefully they enjoyed it and it wasn’t a burden 😂. Not sure if you’ll remember these times, but I hope you’re at least enjoying them. As you get older they come fewer and farther between…

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Traveling Boba

Boy, aren’t you just the globetrotter these days?

This is you at Aunty’s Daycare. You seemed to be doing well until you saw me…Honestly, you seem to be doing well in general except at night (especially when you’re sick). While we don’t have any experience to compare you to, I think we’re pretty lucky. It could be a lot worse. Keep calm and travel on Boba. We have a few more mini trips before we go home. Try to warm up to your family in Canada 🍁 faster.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Team Boba Milk Tea

Guess it’s just me and you today. Momma said she’s super tired, but not too tired to hang with your cousins. It’s okay, Daddy will give you all the attention he can to make up for it.

Yeah, I see that and I see you. Sorry you didn’t sleep well yesterday, but we’re gonna get you back on schedule. I hope it’s not an ear infection 🙏. 

Monday, July 10, 2023

Prayer and Faith

It’s always a mystery if God answered my prayer or if she intentionally didn’t for “a reason”. That’s where faith comes in, believing without proof. I’m not saying it’s bad to have faith. I’m saying you always need to pursue your own destiny and not rely on God to do it for you. 

But there are some things we can’t do on our own. So that’s where prayer and faith come in. Today you and I prayed for health (for everyone), an end to hatred, and everlasting life with God. Coincidentally, someone wrote on the other side of our prayer intention to win the lottery 😂. I did win $8. I may need to be more specific in the future or you can let God know.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Good Arrival

Hi there little guy. You did a great job on your journey to the east coast. Hopefully, that’s a good sign for your journey home in a week.

It was hard to get a good angle for you, but here you are taking your first Buffalo nap. Mom said I can put you in the crib, but between me and you, if I hold you I get to relax too 😉. Snore long my son. 

Saturday, July 8, 2023


Sometimes I wonder if you’re comfortable when you sleep. I know they say that babies are very durable, but I wonder the best way sometimes to let you sleep. You sure pick odd positions.

Thanks for being good the first leg. Hope that you do as well on the shorter leg to Buffalo. You are too curious, took forever to get you to sleep.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Topless Boba

Today you were pretty calm when I picked you up and drove you home. Maybe it’s because I distracted you when putting you in the car seat so you weren’t in a bad mood. I’m hoping you’ll be okay on the flights tomorrow 🙏 

It’s funny that you woke up from your nap. I tried to change you and you fought me. But before I could find a shirt for you, you fell asleep. Hopefully you don’t get sick from being half naked. I feel like I see kids run around all the time half naked, but they’re older…

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Another Morning…

…another long nap. You sure like to roll around a lot. Maybe we should just put you in the play pen to sleep…however you didn’t sleep in the car ride today…

Thanks for not falling off the bed while I went pee. You’re currently napping with your momma. Sweet dreams boba chop. TTQD!!

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Morning Routine

Sometimes I am tired or your morning routine, but the few days you didn’t sleep sucked more. So I’m gonna try to enjoy you sleeping while I can.

But I’m always late to work cause of you. Good thing my work is flexible, but I hate abusing the policy. Hopefully you learn to sleep earlier and longer sooner than later. 

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Happy 4th Boba

It’s America’s birthday and it’ll be your birthday in less than 2 weeks. It will also be Corinne’s birthday as well. She shares your birthday. What a coincidence.

Today’s lesson is to be nice to people. Even if they don’t deserve it. You deserve to be a nice person, so don’t let others take that away from you. However, don’t let people take advantage of you either. Unfortunately, that’s a fine line you’ll have to learn for yourself. 

Monday, July 3, 2023

Passport Boba

Guess who’s getting a passport?  This guy:

It’s not the best picture, but it’s not the worst picture either. It’s too bad momma couldn’t be there to make you smile more. Regardless, you have the first step to traveling across border. Cheers to future international travels 🍻!

Sunday, July 2, 2023


Sorry bruh. It appears that your mom’s hope for your future wife may not materialize after all. Who knows, maybe you dodged a bullet and she won’t be all your mom hopes she’ll become.

But life always has a way of surprising us. Maybe she’ll fall in love with you anyways, but you’ll be too dedicated to the Lord and she’ll blame her heartbreak on her parents and it’ll be poetic irony. The word of the Lord. Thanks to be to God.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Sweet Tooth

It’s hard to say if you get your sweet tooth from mommy or daddy, but it’s safe to say you got one. And apparently, you haven’t figured out how to handle the sugar rush.

We’re gonna have to be careful going forward about giving you sweets. Especially before sleep time. Hope you crash soon, but not like falling off the bed crash. Sorry about that. 

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...