Thursday, August 31, 2023

Doing It Wrong

As a father, it’s my responsibility to teach you the right and wrong way to do things. Touching my boobs or your mom’s boobs is not your best use of time. You need to grab nice boobs from your Aunties. 

You’re not going to be young forever. I’m gonna keep trying to help you, but you gotta take advantage while you can. Life is about timing…

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Happy Birthday Daddy

That’s me. It’s my birthday. I got good gifts this year.

Not the way I wanted to spend my birthday today, but I’m still blessed that I have a birthday and spent it the way I did. You having a good ear appointment follow up today was good too. Now you need to sleep for mama.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023


Boobies are like pillows too con. Maybe this is a transition to you appreciation pillows. Or it could just be a coincidence. You woke up and moved towards the blinds and I thought I had lost the opportunity to get you to nap.

To my surprise, you got comfy with the pillow and went back to napping. You woke up, but you just went back down after some hard work by daddy. Rest up. Lots to do tomorrow!!!

Monday, August 28, 2023

First Dentist Appointment

Someone had their 1st dentist appointment today and it wasn’t me. It also wasn’t much of an appointment, which I guess is good for everyone.

You did good except when you cried when I had to lay you down for your exam. Everything said you’re cute as usual. We still need to work on your other qualities. No cavities. I did as about your underbite and they said it’s possible that you like to stick your bottom jaw out. Anyhow, not too worried as 😬 can fix…

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Hangry Face

I wasn’t able to take a picture of my hangry face, but I think it probably looked like you and mommy except I probably had sesame seeds on my face.

I’m golfing terribly today, but it should be a reminder that you can still have a make the best of a bad situation. I’m still glad I went golfing today rather than not going. Life is often times how you respond, not what happens to you…🤔 

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Boba Chomp

Good Job! You’ve been chomping a lot more. Just need you to eat more veggies though. 

I think you get that aggressive eating style from your mom. Seems like you get a lot of your personality from momma. She’s a better role model than I am. Hopefully I’ll be able to teach you all the important stuff to help you navigate the mean world we live in 🙏. Good thing you’ll have a good support group around you always.

Friday, August 25, 2023

God Mommy

Thanks for being good to your God Mommy. She is a very nice person who really cares about everyone. She’s a good role model for you except that you also need to take care of yourself too.

It seems like you got expensive taste. Lobster balls and wagyu. I’ll have to go to the Asian store to get you some more so that your mom doesn’t have to steal them from the restaurants. Sorry…

Thursday, August 24, 2023

First KBBQ As Family

Sorry mommy gave you spicy meat. Also good thing you’re not too embarrassed that mom stole food for you. 

Mommy really tries, but the results aren’t always good. Thanks for trusting her again to feed you. She’ll let you down more times that you can count, but she’ll keep trying not to. That’s the best you can hope for.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023


Rough time at daycare today? Glad you’re still a champ when I picked you up, but I hope it wasn’t too bad when it happened or shortly after.

It’s nice that you are sleeping better at daycare. Hopefully you’ll learn to walk soon so you can better interact with your classmates, but that will pose new challenges for your parents. Also if you could learn to sit still and not fall out of your chair again, that would be great. Thanks!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Poop Monster

That’s two days in a row daddy had to change your poop. Although I guess I could l have had daycare do it today, but I was already outside.

As I was putting back the car seat today I noticed this stain. Good thing we got the seat cover for your momma. It’s not your fault, but soon you need to learn to be cleaner. Next time I will try not to rush so it’s not so crazy for you. We’re gonna try to start waiting instead of making other wait. We can do it together!!

Monday, August 21, 2023

Sleepy Head

Do you like my other shirt? If you can’t see it clearly, it’s a t-Rex with a party hat on. Hope you’re having a good dream. We’re gonna head over to Aunty Kieu’s to say good bye to Aunty Nhan and Uncle John and cousin Macky.

You got your finger smushed today, but you seem to be doing okay. Thanks for napping because daddy needed a nap and to blog. Anyhow, try to get some good rest today, we’re gonna need to get you up early tomorrow…

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Pars 🐥

No birdies so far today. Think I wore the wrong shirt son:

I think there will be 10 birdies today and I will have none. WWWW!!! Well I still have more chances and I just parred this hole too. Dang, running out of chances, but I’m trying to focus on fun too. Focus/remember on the good too, not just the bad.

Saturday, August 19, 2023


Guess who joined God’s family today? Baby A and Baby E. You’re siblings now. You did okay in church today, but you could have done a little better. You don’t need to be jealous when mommy is playing with other kids. You get all her other time…

Try to pick up good habits from your cousin like standing and walking. But not the bad ones like tearing stuff up and wasting wipes. And try to get along better, you’re bros!!!

Friday, August 18, 2023


Today is my 400th post in your blog. I hope you find at least 10 entries that are helpful. I didn’t know what I was gonna write in this blog, but I wanted you to have something from me at a specific time in your life.

Wish we had more shots if you smiling and less shots of my stomach cleavage, but we can’t have everything. Hope you’ll continue your growth in the next class next week and hope your cough isn’t serious 🙏.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

You Sick Bro?

I sure hope you’re not sick. I mean we just got surgery for you to help reduce your ear infections. Now you’re coughing. Sad. Anyhow, aside from hearing your coughing, no one could tell you’re possibly sick.

Who sleeps like this though? We don’t want you to get any of your family sick, so stay healthy and not contagious until they leave okay?

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

You Mad Bro?

This is how you looked when we got home:

Wonder what you’re dreaming of. Anyhow, it was funny that you saw me at pickup today you started to crawl to me, then you stopped and tried to get Miss Alex to pick you up. You’re so lazy and smart 😂. Thanks for sleeping when we got home. Here’s you doing your favorite imitation of Zoro from One Piece:

Tuesday, August 15, 2023


It’s over and you survived. It was really funny that we could hear you crying when you come to, but then it was really sad that you kept crying. Fortunately, you got better once we got home and you had some milk. 

I’m hoping you were just disoriented and hangry. Usually picking you up fixes everything. Everyone said you’re cute today. I mean I think you’re cute, but I wonder how many people just say that cause you’re a baby… 🤔 

Monday, August 14, 2023

Surgery Eve

I changed the photo so it was more current. The calm before the storm, but I hope there’s no storm. Tomorrow is your ear tubes procedure. I pray it all goes well, before and after.

I was thinking in the car you’re too young to understand how fortunate you are. You were cry a storm because I had to wake you to take you home from daycare. It’s too bad you can’t appreciate these times and will probably not remember them. There will come a day when you have to go to school and wipe your own butt…

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Road Trip For Mama

One thing we currently share is your mama. She’s my wife. You and I are both hurt by your mama and often troubled by your mama. I’m sorry you didn’t get a choice in this, but I did 😂.

Today we both endured a road trip to San Jose so mama could get some good food. I hope you had a good time. It seams like you did for the most part. I probably shouldn’t have let you out of the car seat, but I wanted to relieve your stress since you’re innocent in this. Hope you learn to be okay for longer periods of time in the car seat. 

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Waiting for the Kopicos

You really like the blinds. But you have to be careful. Mommy paid a lot for them. She won’t be happy if you damage them, but I won’t tell her 🤫 .

Thanks for warming up to your Kopico aunties. Hope everyone had fun today. Guess we’re not going to church today 😂. Get some rest son, but not too much that you don’t sleep tonight. P.S. mommy’s birthday gift come today. She’ll like yours since it came from you, but I hope she likes mine too 🤞.

Friday, August 11, 2023


Man, I have have a T4 drink in a long time. Guess they don’t send me emails for free birthday drinks anymore. Anyhow, it was a little sweet and I tried to reduce the toppings so maybe that’s why it was a little sweeter.

Not sure I’ll go back here again unless it’s the only option. Which I guess is better than never going back regardless. Hope you have a good time this weekend and next. Lots going on, but I believe in you. 🧋 

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Cracker Chop

Hey Boba Chop. How’s your cracker addiction? Mom says I can’t give you too much because it’s not nutritional, but it’s made by nuns so it’s gotta be full of spiritual sustenance?

Anyhow I am grabbing more tomorrow so I don’t have to ration my last pack and I can share with you, but only if I think you really need it. Instead, you can drink prune juice to help you 💩. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Seriously Bro?

Like why do you always put stuff under the couch where you can’t reach or throw things out of the chair or car seat? Also, why do you keep hitting yourself? So many questions…

Took me a while to find the remote today, but I finally found it. After you made one remote stinky and hid this remote, not sure if we should let you handle them going forward. However, it’s your mom that always gives you things you shouldn’t play with…

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Eggs 🍳

It’s egg-citing to see you’re growing up. I was gonna post the picture of you at 3 months in this same outfit. I guess you didn’t grow too much since it fits. But you’re a bigger boy now. Soooo big!!!

Good and the bad. Hopefully more good than bad to come. Too bad they didn’t take a better angle for you at daycare…If I remember we can take one later.

Monday, August 7, 2023

So Big, ❤️

You need to learn how big you are (answer: so big and throw your hands up in the air like below). Also, your mom said you know where your heart is…

We know you’re a very happy baby. If only we could get you to cooperate when we need you to be happy 🤦‍♂️. Anyhow, good job so far today. Maybe try napping with your mom now and not taking forever to sleep tonight? 🙏 

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Family Portraits

Who’s this stylish guy with the awkward pose? Vinh Chop!!! Sorry it was so hot today buddy, but thank you for not fussy (albeit you didn’t smile much)…

Mom said next time we might have to take portraits earlier so it’s not so hot. Happy 1 year as a family!!! 🧋 🧋 

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Fancy Boba

You’re probably the fanciest baby I know directly. Wait maybe E is fancier. You’re well traveled. You eat well. You have access to a lot of resources that most babies don’t have. 

I’m not asking you to thank us, but I do hope you learn early on to appreciate where you come from and know you are pretty lucky. I mean, wow, hopefully you don’t eat instant ramen like your mom and me, but to live in a time where you can access extra toppings. CRAAAZY!!!

Friday, August 4, 2023

Future School

I drove by the elementary school near your mom’s house today. It’s pretty busy. If I have to pick you up from school, we might walk since it’s good exercise and so we can avoid all the traffic. 

It was busy so I didn’t want to take a picture while driving. So here’s a picture of my toes. They were really pink so I took a picture. Hopefully it’s not a sign of something bad. Don’t tell your mom, she might overreact…

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Running Man

I often find myself asking where you get your weird sleeping form from, but I never remember to ask the doctor. This is how I found you this morning.

It’s almost like you’re running in your sleep. Anyhow, I hope you’re not in the big bed because you woke mom up early, but rather cause you slept the whole night. Either way, at least I found you sleeping and not awake.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Moving On Up…

Someone is moving to the next class. I wonder if you’re ready. I also wonder if they’re trying to move you so they can get more infants in. You can’t even walk. There are tons of infants who can walk. Not sure the metrics they’re using to grade your progress. 

However, if we’re being optimistic, then it’s great that you’re making progress. I still wish I could feed you from the bottle because it’s easier, but I can’t hold your progress behind for my sake. Probably the first of many times that I’ll feel this way…

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

But It’s A Rash


Also you didn’t sleep after daycare today and now you’re fussing with mom. Not cool bro, not cool. And apparently, it’s cause you’re not cool you got the rash. Hope you feel better soon. Your mom keeps on tossing you to me every night. I don’t know what the big deal is. You sleep fine with me, but not in your crib…

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...