Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Check Up

Tomorrow is a checkup for you. We have so much to talk about to doctor πŸ˜‚. I was hoping for a good time, but I’m thankful it’s just eczema and an ear infection. Glad it’s not worse.

Sorry you have to wake up early tomorrow. It’s gonna be a long day for you, but at least it isn’t all at daycare. With that in mind, I hope you sleep good tonight and early. We’re taking mom out to eat. Hopefully you’ll enjoy the food as well. Sorry I didn’t bring you milk. Maybe the restaurant will have milk and your mom will be okay with it.

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Jet Lagged?

You get that from your mom. Sorry. Maybe you’ll grow out of it. It’s a great skill to be able to go with the water. Not sure if you’re on ES...