Thursday, April 18, 2024

So Dep Trai

Who’s this cutie pie? Vinh Gavin Nguyen is who!!!

You did good with your haircut yesterday. I think it’s funny how you say “bye” to everything. That’s how I get you to detach from your toys before daycare. What I need you to also do is be nice to people who are nice to you. Uncle Tao and Aunty Susie and Jennifer. You need to be nicer to them and sooner. I know we don’t see them enough, but you should still remember them. They love you even though you don’t show them love. Be cute and nice. 🙏 

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Jet Lagged?

You get that from your mom. Sorry. Maybe you’ll grow out of it. It’s a great skill to be able to go with the water. Not sure if you’re on ES...