Saturday, June 29, 2024

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said, I still need you to continues to be better.

We need you to listen without us having to repeat ourselves. We need you to eat without a struggle. Actually, Lucas does have you beat in being able to sleep on his own. But you got a lot to improve. Staying ahead of Lucas isn’t enough.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Finally Boba

Has gotten in the water…

Hoping this is the start of your path to swimming and water safety. Your parents can’t protect you always, but we can put you in a position where you can protect yourself.  Glad you had a good time and nothing bad happened. I keep my expectations low 😆.

Thursday, June 27, 2024


I hope you’d give me a good evaluation if you had to write one today. I think I’ve done a pretty good job of being your dad. I think you only got hurt maybe once under my watch.

It’d be nice if you were a little nicer to Uncle Tony. He really tries and is nice to you. Along with eating and listening better, those are my evaluations of you. You’re great at being cute.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Finley Chop

I get it, she is taking the attention of your mommy away from you. However, she’s still your cousin and she isn’t mean to you.

We’re hoping that you will have a sibling someday. You cannot treat your sibling like this. Especially, if they’ve done nothing wrong. It’s okay, but not necessary, to respond to meanness with meanness. But you can’t be returning kindness with meanness. NO!!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Thank You Not Merci

We’re back in ‘Murica. Hopefully, you left that attitude you had in Montreal. Geez, you were so bad the last day. Not cool. May the flight fear is your punishment, but then again, your crying bothers other people…

I hope you have a good time here too, but without the attitude. Some day you’ll be free to live your life. For now, we need you to cooperate with us. 🙏 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Last Day In Montreal

I hope you had a good time. You missed your nap today, but it’s okay. We got to go out and visit Old Montreal and Old Port. Too bad the Basilica was closed.

Sorey it was so hot and that you didn’t have a hat or stroller. I’ll try to remember for next time, but maybe this is also a lesson on you needing to walk more?

Sunday, June 23, 2024

God and Boba

Those are 2 good things in life. If you decide to become a priest, you can combine two amazing things into one (sort of). Maybe you can open up a Holy Boba Chapel. #notblaspemous

Hopefully our prayers and your presence will bring healing and happiness to all the people we care about and more. 🙏 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Worst Flight Ever

Thanks to Boba Chop. I wish we knew what was bothering you. Could it be your ears not popping? It never happened before. But it also started before the plane even took off. So I’m not sure what it could be…

But we made it to Montreal with our luggage safely. Now we’re just waiting for your mommy to buy her pate and bread. I hope she buys the right water. I wanted to ask her to buy snacks, but I’m afraid that would overwhelm her 🙏.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Daycare Fail?

You didn’t eat today. You didn’t nap today. You took a big and hard poop today. Was that the reason?

Well, at least we got a lot done today. Park, nun, Costco, ong, home, poop, Dina, mom, ong…it’s gonna be a long day tomorrow so you need to make sure you rest up so you can travel well.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Faith In Humanity

Today I had my faith in humanity and the universes restored a little bit. I was able to get a video of Aunty Nga’s car accident and it showed what happened. 

I don’t know if the video is gonna change anything because I don’t know the insurance process, but I can say that at least I know there are some kind people who help. It’s just a reminder that you should be kind. #littlespotofkindness

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Daddy Daycare Win

Today was a pretty good day at daddy daycare. A lot of different factors probably came in to play, but regardless, it was a good day overall.

Everything went pretty smooth except for your nap delays, which could be poop related. In any case, this could be every day if you ask 🙏 God to let us win the lottery 😆. See you back here Friday. Make sure you say goodbye to “La La” tomorrow. 😭 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Trip Coming

But for you it’s just another day. Mommy and daddy have to prepare a lot for our trips that you go on. Sometimes, we have to trouble other people like Goddaddy Art or Uncle Tony.

I got some Canadian dollars for our trip and prefolded origami while on the phone during work. It’s gonna be some rough weather, but at least it shouldn’t be too cold. I hope you enjoy the trip.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Baby Owie 🩹

Sorry mommy keeps hurting you. I would have gone to the park with you, but I just started eating dinner. Anyhow, you took it like a champ, but I’d still prefer it if you didn’t get hurt.

Hopefully you have a better day at school tomorrow. We need to make sure your behavior today is not a habit. Otherwise, lots of timeouts and spankings in your future…

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father’s Day

This is the best gift I got for Father’s Day!

I hope I can live up to be the best father for you. Regardless, I will try my hardest. I hope you are happy I’m your father. ❤️ 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Happy Father’s Day Eve

Today is the day before Father’s Day. Although, we actually celebrated it yesterday with your family. You had a great time. 

I wish you’d eaten more at breakfast, but you didn’t have as many options today. Hopefully you’ll eat more the rest of the day, especially at dinner. You didn’t ask to be born so I don’t expect anything from you for Father’s Day. But if you want to get me something, it’s for you to be healthy and a good person. 🙏 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Love Is All Around

You’re so lucky. Thanks for knowing who Bac Minh is. She is always so nice to you. Godfather Art was probably sad you didn’t swim with him. He was begging you forever…

I hope you had a good time today. You ate okay. It’s a little windy so I hope you don’t get sick. 🙏 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Spot of Kindness

Today we spent time celebrating your cousin Faith’s graduation from 8th grade. I regret that I wasn’t more proactive about being friendly to different people. And no that I know better, I wish it wasn’t because I have different people in my life. 

I never want you to be taken advantage of, but if there’s ever and opportunity for you to be kind, take it. I hope you’re starting to understand what not to do as well. Hopefully you learn before timeouts stop being effective…

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Drama 🎭

It was funny to see you come out of your room today on your own and go look for daddy. But you were so dramatic when you saw me in my office and you just laid down.

Took a few minutes to get you back up and running for the day. Good job taking a poop. Mommy doesn’t want you at daycare all day without your butt being washed. Don’t forget to wish your mommy a happy wedding anniversary. 💒 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Boba Be Good

Last night you tossed the plate of food before mommy could get to you. Today you threw your milk bottle. We do not appreciate or condone this type of behavior. You’re going to find yourself in more time outs and with very unhappy parents and people if you keep this up.

I’m gonna try to talk to you and see if you can learn better behavior without the threat of violence or timeouts. Please work with me 🙏.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Precious Moments

I can’t recall what it was this morning that I wanted to blog about today, but I did let you sleep in past your normal time. Anyhow, I really wonder how much of these times you’ll remember. Science says you won’t have any memories and thinking about my own life, I don’t recall any memories before age 4 or so. 

We have a lot of good times, but I wish we didn’t have as many bad times. It’s just hard to know if you’re doing things on purpose or not. Anyhow, let us both try to enjoy our time together and minimize the struggles. Stop throwing things on the ground. 🙏 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sea Lions 🦭

Arf, arf!!! You’re soooooo lucky that you just get to sleep wherever. How come you no sleep at home? It would be so much better if you would just stay awake. We had to spend $6 so you could sleep in car…

Also why are you so loud in church? Were you annoyed it was soooo long and smoky? Sorry it was so cold. This trip was really for your mom. Don’t get sick okay? Daddy loves you. 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

🍻 Cheers

You don’t have to be able to do everything yourself. For the things you can’t do, make sure you have good people to do it for you (or help).

Your Uncle Truong came over to fix the Tesla charger and he even brought us treats. Be good people and good peoples will find you. That is the words.

Friday, June 7, 2024

You’re Welcome

Daddy works very hard to make sure all materials are clean for you. Not only laundry, but also vacuuming the floors you like to roll around on. Mom cleans the floors downstairs.

Hoping to get all it cleaned before you roll around tonight, but it might lack a comforter or two. So try not to roll off the bed that way. I moved the dresser a little to give you a little more space. We’ll see if mommy wants to move it more..:

Thursday, June 6, 2024

More, More

That’s probably the best thing I can hear from you, but only when it comes to you eating healthy foods. More sugar is no good.

More shrimp crackers is no good. And to no surprise, there were no more to speak of by the time we got to daycare. Anyhow, I pray that you’ll learn to eat better along with being potty trained soon. And to stop spitting. Is that asking for too much?

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Happy Birthday Lala

I’m sorry that Lala isn’t going to be your classmate anymore. It’s a good thing you’re supposedly not gonna remember her anyways. But I still hope you enjoy the moments.

Mommy is on her way to pick you up. Please make sure you’re nice to her and behave in the car ride. It’s hot outside and I don’t want you staying out there longer than you need to.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Sorry About Your Pants

It’s a good thing that you won’t have memories or this. Although I wonder if you’ll be traumatized since you hide when you poop, is that shame you’re experiencing?

Hopefully mommy dropped off a better fitting pair of pants for you today. On the positive, at least we now have a “hack” for pants that don’t fit. We all suffer from big belly syndrome. WWW.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Who Loves You Part 2?

Still this guy:

Someone likes to hold Daddy’s arm to make sure he’s still there or he won’t go back to sleep. Eventually, we’ll need to get you up by 730 probably. When you join the next class at school, we’ll likely need you there by 9 so you can get the full experience. I guess we can also cut your meal time at home too…

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Who Loves You?

Daddy duh. That’s why I’m trying not to die early. Need to be around long enough to help you get on the right track in life.

You don’t need to prove yourself to anyone. You come from a good family and have resources and you don’t need to be ashamed of that, but you do need to be responsible and smart about it. Hopefully I can get that into your head early on. Failing currently, except for threatening time out…

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Cookie Jar 🫙

I don’t remember when I first thought about giving back and helping others. Feels like around college or high school. I wish I could have learned it sooner and I hope you do. 

This also extends to the people in your life. Imagine life is a cookie jar full of “cookies”, if you take cookies without replenishing the jar, eventually there won’t be any cookies left. Make sure you put cookies back. Be nice to others, especially those who care about you. ❤️ 

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...