Monday, June 10, 2024

Precious Moments

I can’t recall what it was this morning that I wanted to blog about today, but I did let you sleep in past your normal time. Anyhow, I really wonder how much of these times you’ll remember. Science says you won’t have any memories and thinking about my own life, I don’t recall any memories before age 4 or so. 

We have a lot of good times, but I wish we didn’t have as many bad times. It’s just hard to know if you’re doing things on purpose or not. Anyhow, let us both try to enjoy our time together and minimize the struggles. Stop throwing things on the ground. 🙏 

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Jet Lagged?

You get that from your mom. Sorry. Maybe you’ll grow out of it. It’s a great skill to be able to go with the water. Not sure if you’re on ES...