Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Pop Evaluation

Work evaluations is something you’ll inevitably come across at some point in your life hopefully (means you have a job and kept it long enough to be evaluated)

So far I’ve enjoyed some moments of your life that you seem happy. I have also lost a lot of muscle, which translates to weight loss, but I would prefer it be fat loss instead cause my wedding suit doesn’t fit still. So far I’d have to evaluate you as below average performance. Which is bad. But that means you have a lot of upside. Obviously, I can’t fire you, but if you care about me, you’ll improve your performance. I’ve kept you fed, clean, exercised, so I think I’ve held up my end of the relationship.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Happy Birthday…

…to me, not you. But I have realized that I won’t really have any more birthdays or Christmases or any days that aren’t Vinh days for a while. I can hear you making Uncle Han’s life rough outside right now.

But I know it’s not your fault right now cause you don’t know any better. Hope you’ll learn soon though. One thing you should know is that your parents will always want the best for you and do their best to give you the best life. No matter what.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Another Day…

Your Aunty’s mother in law visited you today. Your mom was a real champ. She doesn’t like your Aunty. Others don’t like Aunty’s mother in law. But your mom was cordial while your dad distracted your Aunty.

Too bad we didn’t get a picture of you and her, but know she came by. She made soup for your mom and she gave you a generous gift that mommy will put in your college fund. Never forget, you are loved. 

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Welcome To The Nguyen Clan

Lots of love is gonna surround you. So don’t ever feel alone. Your parents will always be here for you, but you’ll have tons of aunties and uncles and cousins here for you as well.

And don’t forget all your close friends. So I expect you to be successful since you have sooo much support 😂 

Saturday, August 27, 2022


This is why I’m yawning.

That’s daddy at 1230AM trying to get you to stay asleep. You barely ate, but at least you didn’t spit it up on me like you did Friday or to Uncle Han today. Mom is okay with you becoming a priest. Who knows? If you have kids, they might be easy. But so far, you’ve been torturing us. At least you’re good with most other people…

Friday, August 26, 2022


Don’t really know anymore. The only thing that helps is if I have to answer phones or not for work. You’re a second job son. The pay isn’t that good though for me, but your mom gets paid really well.

In this Covid world, your paying me minimum wage. If you could be better behaved and get healthier, that would be a great raise. Think about it, or I might have to quit. 😂 

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Testing, Testing…

*shake, shake, shake*
Looks like you’re able to track the sound and object when you feel like paying attention. The neurologist said you seemed good too. So lets hope it stays that way.

Your eating is has been a little sporadic as of late, but at least your butt rash seems to be improving. Hopefully someday we can get back to using wipes on you…

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Cute Isn’t Enough

Today we took you out for your first restaurant experience. It was exactly what we expected. You’re a terrorist. I have higher expectations for you, but your mom says you’re normal…

This is what I try to remind everyone. While some men put up with a hot girl who is a b*tch, or a rich man who is mean, I don’t have patience for that. You’re very cute son, but cute isn’t enough for me. You need to be behaved too.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022


Today you successfully pooped, peed, and spit up at the same time or close to it.

And yet, your momma still loves you. As does everyone else. I would tell you to enjoy it while you can, but I think you also need to get over it sooner so it will be easy on us. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

Back to Work…

But now we have “help”. You’re quite the handful son. It’s tough cause you’re so good with others, but you make our lives very difficult 😥 

We just wish we knew what was bothering you so we could help, but sadly we don’t. A lot of people say it’s good that you’re good in public. We wish you were good in private since you spend more time there 😂 

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Welcome World

You’ve made it past the 30 days and some change. So now you get to meet people. You met Aunty Minh. Now you met The Phan Clan. You’re the center of attention, so enjoy it while you can. 

Since you’re so nice and calm to everyone else can you try to be nice to us? I don’t think I’m stressed, but they say you can sense my energy. Please stop peeing on stuff besides your diapers.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Bidet Butt

And cradle cap. Man, showering really brought out your bad side. Not only were you crying bloody murder, but your cradle cap has been exposed.

But now we know that we should wash your butt after each diaper. It’s your mom’s idea. Sorry in advance for violating you. 😂 

Friday, August 19, 2022

I’m F-U-S-S-Y

Bruh, why you so fussy? You got so much love and attention and food. What’s the deal? I wish we knew. Maybe we could help you…

Surprise! Aunty Minh and God Daddy Art came by today. You’re very lucky to have them in your life. They love you so much already. So do Uncle Tony and Uncle Han (he’s your God Daddy in spirit).

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Same Stuff

New day. This is you again holding me hostage. But at least your mom got some rest. Anyhow, we had another adventure with you. This time to cauterize your belly button. Wonder if we’ll have to cauterize the rest. Today was just a blister…

You thought I was gonna show your belly button? 😂  I know how much you love baths so get ready to finally get a bath soon….

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Mistakes Were Made

I think they conferred you’re degree from Osteopathic school too early. Man were you a terror yesterday morning. 

Contemplated tossing you in the new trash bins. Just kidding. If only we could have more moments of calm from you. Hopefully the Physical Therapist and Neurologist will be able to clear you. 🙏 We’re optimistic, but being precautious.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Graduation 👨‍🎓

You graduated from Osteopathic Therapy. Hopefully we don’t need to go back and you continue to progress forward. 🙏 

Yet another reminder of how much love there is around you. Here’s a gift from your mom’s favorite Aunty, Minh. So you really don’t ever need to feel alone or unloved in this life.

Monday, August 15, 2022


It almost happened. A session with you that didn’t involve any tears or crying. By session, I mean feeding, burping, changing, sleeping. I’ve been taking the weekend night shift and it’s been working for your mom. Feel bad I can’t do it during the week, but we’re figuring it out.

You had a lot of smiles during the session. I’m hoping you’re getting more relaxed and comfortable. I’m hoping I’m getting better at understanding you and being patient…

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Don’t Jinx 🤞

We had a few less meltdowns today from you. So it was a treat. Your mom had to call me home from quick errands because you wouldn’t calm down…

It’s too bad you don’t understand that your crying and tears annoy, but do not sway me to treat you any differently. Maybe that’s the reason your cousin Mr. Cry Baby Lucas doesn’t love or like me. Be that as it may, I will still treat you fairly even if you are a whiny AB. 

Saturday, August 13, 2022


I finally experienced some silence today and I was scared to start anything. And just as I’m about to start this text, look who’s wah wahing? You!

But later this evening we had a good few moments of you “relaxed” and awake. Maybe the light at the end of the tunnel is coming into view 🙏 

Friday, August 12, 2022

The Vinhster

Vinhnarooski, Vinhnarama, Vinhnie, VinVin. You probably don’t get the reference, but it’s a nod to Rob Schneider the actor. 

This is your cry baby cousin. He’s 5, and you’re 3 weeks so i won’t hold it against you. But when you’re 5, if you are a cry baby, I’m gonna blame it on your mom’s genetics 😂.

Thursday, August 11, 2022


I don’t know if it’s been mentioned yet in detail. But it should be repeated so you know. You will never be short of love in this life.

You turned mom’s hair gray. She wears diapers because of you. She loves sleep and hasn’t slept since you’ve been born. But she would doesn’t regret doing it for you. So no matter how life turns out, never forget this unconditionally love (even though sometimes she tells you to do things and she’ll love you…)

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Straight Jacket and Binky

That seems to be the magic formula to settle you down.

Unfortunately, it ends up covering up a good chunk of your face hiding how cute you are. But that aside I think it made you more compliant. Hoping, some day soon we’ll be able to hold you in just your diaper and you’ll be alert and happy. Maybe smile with your eyes open. 🙏 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Post 25

It means you’re 24 days old today. Cause I made 1 post before you were born.

This is you holding your dad hostage again. I can’t move or else you’ll cry. I hope someday to be a willing participant. I’ve seen you calm son, I know you can do it. I believe in you!!!

Monday, August 8, 2022


Hopefully if you ever get to read this you’ll realize how truly blessed you are. Hopefully it won’t take this blog to remind you that.

Mom and I are blessed to call so many people family and friends. In turn, those same people are also a blessing for you. This lovely set of burp clothes came from your Uncle Dave, Aunty Monica, and cousin Corinne. Just so you know, you have the same birthday as Corinne so make sure you remember to tell her happy birthday 🎂 

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Three Weeks?

Let’s hope you end up looking like your mom. She’s definitely got the better looks. Even as a boy (your mom looked like a cute boy at many points in her life 😝).

I think the universe brought you to me on purpose so I couldn’t multitask or be efficient. When we’re together, you require my full attention. I understand now, so please cut me a break 😩

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Cried Us River

Mom says you don’t have tear ducts yet, but I didn’t check. But I know if you did, your tears yesterday would have flowed like a river.

You’ve helped me lose weight, but strangely my blood pressure is higher. I would gladly trade both if you could please just give your mom and I a break. We’re trying our best. We’ve had a few moments where you’re calm and alert, so we know it’s possible 🙏 

Friday, August 5, 2022

Looking Forward to…

One of these days we’ll get a great picture of you awake. But it seems you’re much cuter asleep and/or we’re bad photographers…

It really is funny how things change. When you came home, I dreaded changing poopy diapers and now we’re excited when you poop. Wonder what else will change… 

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Awake Good

Yesterday you were awake and good. Similar to how you were right after the osteopathic appointment we had. I was trying to think back to all my experiences with newborns and I don’t know the earliest I came across one. So maybe it’s normal for you to eat and sleep only. Cause when you’re awake, you’re not fun.

Your mom missed a great picture opportunity of you and me hanging out with you awake and not complaining. Hopefully it won’t be the last opportunity. I sure hope we resolve your uncomfortable issues soon. For all our sanity 🙏.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Sleeping Good

Seems very unproductive to have you sleeping on my chest, but I think it’s the calmest I’ve seen you in a while. Also your breathing seems more relaxed most of the time now.

My coworker said your last airbender mark will go away and I hope she’s right cause kids are mean these days. Anyhow, I need you to go easy on your mom. She says she really loves you so quit being so fussy with her 😂

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Worst Day Yet?

I feel like everyday with you has gotten progressively worse or maybe it’s something new that quickly makes me forget about the last issue.

I was very optimistic as I got ready for bed last night around 930pm. You were relaxed and calm from the osteopathic session, but today you were a terror. I hope that means the session and exercise (which I hope we’re doing correctly) are working. I thought the doctor was overreacting when he said you’d be fussy. He was not…I’m gonna YouTube the exercise.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Relax Bruh

From Day 1 they told us you were very tense. Although in the womb you were lazy AF. What a scam. Anyhow, today we’re taking you to a specialist to see if there’s something we can do to help you that doesn’t involve violating your butt.

On the positive side, you seem to be eating a little better and more. I just wish we didn’t have to take a break to change your diaper and wake you up to finish the feeding session, but at least I don’t think you’ve spit up today 🙏 and so far it’s eat anything we feed you. Hope that foreshadows your future dietary preference (being a lack of one)…

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...