Thursday, September 1, 2022

Long Day

It started at 1230AM. You woke up on my chest and you were not happy…

I made you a bottle of 90ml and attempted to feed you. You ate, but wouldn’t burp and was fussy. And when you finally burped, you still weren’t happy. Mom decided to change and was you butt cause you pooped a little. Then we finally got you to sleep in my arms, but you didn’t want to sleep in your bed. So I let you sleep with mom and me. You slept, but it wasn’t peaceful. Fast forward 3 hours (let Uncle Han sleep), I finally got some rest and now I’m sooooo tired and hungry at work. Please remember that no matter how much you may butt heads with your mother and me in the future, that we made a lot of sacrifices for you. It took me until college to realize that myself. I hope you realize it sooner than me…

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Jet Lagged?

You get that from your mom. Sorry. Maybe you’ll grow out of it. It’s a great skill to be able to go with the water. Not sure if you’re on ES...