Wednesday, November 30, 2022

No Photo Today?

Wow, I haven’t taken a photo of you yet today and it’s already 555PM. I did see you a few times today though when I took some breaks from work. It’ll be interesting to see how we settle down after your uncle and grandparents go back to New York. 

Like most things in life, we’ll do what we have to do because it has to be done. Here’s a picture of me giving my impression of you with no neck. It was pointed out to me that your cousin Avery also had no neck in the beginning. So hopefully you’ll be alright.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Stork Bites

Hi Buddy. Today I learned about stork bites. I honestly think it’s a way to make people feel good about marks on their babies and I still hope yours goes away. Not that I think it makes you any less adorable, but I’m just afraid of immature or mean kids.

In the meantime, I’m gonna try to teach you to be okay in your own skin and to know your worth, priceless. 

Monday, November 28, 2022

Graduation 👨‍🎓

Today you graduated. From riding with a guide. You rode alone in the car with just papa. We had a nice chat and I sung you songs. It’s one of many things we have to practice with you.

Next, we’ll need to get you comfy with your number 2 ranked cousin (according to your momma). I get the whole “stranger danger” thing, but he’s not a stranger. Anyhow, you did good today and someday soon you may get to meet mommy’s coworkers.

Sunday, November 27, 2022


You cried last night like we are in Hawaii. But I think we just aren’t getting your signals right away. I’m gonna try to be more observant of you. Not sure if your grandparents are guessing, but they seem to think they know what’s going on with you.

I probably shouldn’t take pictures with you because you’re so cute that I look extra unattractive 😂. Anyhow, like I said, please give us consistent and more signs and be patient. Love mom and dad ❤️!

Saturday, November 26, 2022


As long as you’re smiling, I think everything is okay. It’s fun to watch you smile when you see your reflection. I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence or if you recognize faces, but it’s fun to watch.

You look like the most adorable emoji. Thanks for not having any more Hawaiian meltdowns. Your current crying we can deal with. Hopefully we’ll continue to learn about you and you won’t need to cry as much at all. Lest we make you apologize to everyone for your fake crying. 😂 

Friday, November 25, 2022

Your First Black Friday

WWW. There’s nothing to buy or needed for you. Which I guess is a good thing. You also had your first Thanksgiving and you did good.

Everyone was so proud of you. Another good job. Just like the flights Hawaii. Also thanks for waking up calmly in the morning and sleeping longer at night. You’re making good progress. Keep it up.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Your First Thanksgiving

We have to find out if we still have the turkey hat. I was gonna have you and Martina wear it. I guess we’ll just settle for this years run shirts if we can’t find them.

Here’s what I’m thankful for. Hopefully you’ll make us proud son. No pressure 😂. But we’re setting the bar pretty low. Just need you to be independent and a good person. Great would be better, but good is a-okay.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Know Yourself

Hi Vinh. How is your day going today as you read this? I hope it’s going well. I wonder how old you are when and if you ever read this. I hope we were/are good parents and more importantly, you’re a good human being. (it’s possible that we were terrible parents and you’re still a good human).

Today’s advice I want to give you is to learn and know about yourself. Don’t sell yourself short (you get your height from your mom 😂). But also don’t take on more than you can handle. It’s not gonna be easy, but it’s really important to know your limits, but also challenge yourself so you can reach your potential. Like opening this bag of noodles at 4 months…

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

You Cry

You had a new high pitched cry today. It didn’t sound fake, but it was odd and new. Not sure what to make of it. Hopefully it’s not a normal thing because it sounds like a velociraptor 🦖.

Your uncle North came by today. He was very happy to see you and brought you a gift. You spit up on it right away and you didn’t even eat. Then you had the new cry in his face, but he understands…

Monday, November 21, 2022

Fatherly Advice

I think the most important job I have is to be a good father for you. I think the best way to do that is to be a good example for you. 

You see yourself? I think I’m a good person. I can always be better and I will always try. While I would be honored if you looked up to me, I want you to be better than me. That’s what parents want for their kids. To be better than they were otherwise what’s the point?  So what’s my fatherly advice? At the very least, be a good ol man. But strive to be a great ol man!

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Grandparents Time

You may not appreciate or understand it now, but you’re very lucky, we’re very lucky to have your grandparents here. 

Enjoy it while you can. They don’t live close by. It’s okay for you to sleep too. You’re not missing anything. It’ll all be here when you wake up. Promise. 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Mommy Time

It’s the first day off your mom had since she went back to work. While she slept a lot, she did stay home from church today to play with you. I hope you’re having a great time and not eating your hand around 7pm…

I took your grandma to church today and I went and ran some errands. Picked up your very first Run To Feed The Hungry shirt. Sorry they don’t have onesies. Not sure if you’ll run that day, but i wanted you to be part of the tradition. 

Friday, November 18, 2022

Happy 4 Months and 1 Day

Hi buddy. You’re doing good I think. Except sometimes you don’t do good with your grandparents and sometimes you don’t do good with your momma. But you’re usually good with dad.


Thanks for that. Now just need you to be okay with everyone else. Especially your caretakers. Cheers to your continued growth and sleeping the other way. BTCSN!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Hello Mrs. Lorraine

Sorry, I still didn’t get a picture of you and Mrs. Lorraine today. Here’s a picture of her holding you though.

Happy 4 months Vinh. Although I don’t see much difference from the last one. I think RSV might have set your weight back. Anyhow, glad you’re basically 💯. Looking forward to continued growth and progress.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Why? 😭

Why do you cry so much around your grandma sometimes? Why do you cry in general? Everyone loves you man. 

You’re such a happy baby and have so much happy potential. Life is gonna get a lot harder as you get older. So you really should learn to enjoy and be happy until then. You were so happy when you were sick so I know you can do it. Are you gonna miss the medicine?

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Meet Mrs. Rainy

You got to meet Mrs. Rainy today. I should have taken a picture, but I guess there should be plenty of time for that in the future, hopefully.

It’s hard to know if you’ll take on to her especially since you’re such a happy baby now in general, but she’s good people so I hope you guys develop a good bond. Can’t have you crying like you do with grandma now…

Monday, November 14, 2022

Mr. Poopsalot

How was your first day with your parents back both to work? I heard you did good and your grandparents, but you didn’t sleep much…

We have to get you to stop sticking your whole hand in your mouth so uncle Tony got you this toy. Lets hope it works. We’re still figuring out how to take care of you. Please ask God to help us. They say God listens to kids and kids are closer to God.

Sunday, November 13, 2022


Mommy is going back to work tomorrow. Daddy is going into the office tomorrow. We need to start your care soon. So mommy is trying to jot down your schedule…

However, it seems you like to make your own schedule…WWW it seems you like to wake up on schedule, but you don’t like to sleep on schedule. We’re gonna need to figure this out soon. Grandma won’t be around always to put you to sleep…

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Daddy Daycare

This is what mommy thinks Daddy Daycare looks like:

But we were just posing for photos. In reality, we had a great time. Tummy time. Reading time. Bible time. Walking around the house time. The only time we didn’t have was eating time, but I think that’s because mommy made me starve you until at least 4 hours and then you lost your appetite. Which caused you to be confused between being tired and hungry and active. Your schedule is not our schedule. WWW!!

Friday, November 11, 2022

Baby Returns

Geez Vinh, I wish you would just keep baby stuff we get you…I would say it’s not your fault, but I can’t be sure. I mean the carrier and head pads look pretty comfortable…

Anyhow, look how happy you are working. I hope you keep that mentality in life in generally. Make the best of every situation and be happy. That’s all we want for you. Your cousin Avery will watch out for you too i hope.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Looking Up?

You seem to be getting better today, but I think you blew out your diaper today. I had to go to work In Tuolumne County today. We’re helping your cousin Ben with college apps now. Mostly Uncle Tony is.

It wasn’t the most exciting thing, but it’s all part of the job. I really hope you’re gonna be well soon because we want to share you with all the people that haven’t gotten to see you yet. There’s tons of people who love you that you haven’t met yet. Uncle Vince and Aunty Raquel need to meet you. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022


It’s been some days since we believe you contracted RSV. It’s scary, but your smile makes us less worried about your cough and congestion.

You never let me take a picture of you smiling, but here is your “I don’t care” face. Your mom has been a real champ taking care of you lately. I figured I’d let her enjoy that before she goes back to work…

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Sorry We’re Not Billionaires (or Millionaires)

We didn’t win the jackpot yesterday. Nor did anyone we know. So we’ll be solidly middle class for now. But hey, we still have our health and you.

Everyone is still sick, so that sucks, but we’re all doing our best to feel better. Today I’m buying pho for everyone. Too bad you can eat anything, but milk for now. Hope your ear infection heals soon, but I’m not sure how we’ll know except that the medicine will be gone…

Monday, November 7, 2022

We’re Sorry

That you’re sick. If it’s any consolation, we’re sick too. On a lighter note, the Powerball Jackpot today is $1.9bn. That’s billion with a “b”!

I promise that our lives will not be worse by winning. If it can be helped, you’ll never know. I also promise that we’ll do good with the time the winning will buy us. Cheers to escaping the middle class. #notbougie

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Yah, On Being Negative

We’re taking you to Urgent Care now. Prayers that we’re overreacting. I asked Uncle Tony to look into a thermometer for you so we can monitor you for fevers. Apparently, that’s what we need to worry about.

You’re being a real trooper. I’m just sorry you’re feeling so bad. But we’re all learning and praying together.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Welcome to the Family

Not our family, but God’s family.

But you were part of these families the day you were born. I hate to have to keep reminding you, but you are loved and cared for by many people. You are never alone. 

Friday, November 4, 2022

Poor Boba

I’m so sorry that you’re sick. I really hope you (and everyone else) gets better soon. 

You are being a real trooper though. You’re only crying a little bit. Rest assured, we’re trying all the remedies to make you feel better as soon as possible. We don’t want Sick Boba on the menu.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Don’t Miss Me Too Much

I hope you’re not missing me too much. I already feel bad that you and mom are sick and I’m not there to help. Hopefully the noise and love from others will keep you well.

Ironic that you’re smiling with Aunty and not Uncle. I think Uncle loves you more so try to be happier around him. But Aunty Janet is nice too. I do hope you’re feeling better. I’ll be home soon. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

All Souls Day

I’m sorry I have to be away son. But you’re in good hands with all your uncles and aunties and grandparents and mom. I’m also sorry you got sick, but you’re being a real trooper.

It’s not that great where I’m at and I’d rather be home, but I gotta work sometimes. I hope you’re okay with this blog post because I didn’t bring a card to mail you. Although that’s really your mom’s thing and she might get jealous if I mail you stuff. So the postcard is the exception 😂.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

All Saints Day

Hi Boba. We’re ordering boba and they only allow 1 topping online. What a crime!!! In a few days there you’ll be welcomed into God’s family and your saint will be Peter. Your mom says saints have rankings. Sorry I didn’t get you the most powerful saint, but I don’t know who it is and she claims it’s a girl.

This is your uncle Tony. I don’t have a picture of your cousin Lucas, but they really love you and are one of your many saints in the living world. I just want you to never forget that you’re loved.

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...