Saturday, December 31, 2022

Another Eve

But it’s your first new year celebration. So I guess it has significance. Fortunately for Team Uyen-D, we get to stay in tonight. It’s wet and rainy outside, so definitely safer inside.

Your schedule is way off today, but I finally got you to sleep. I’m gonna hold you to maximize your nap. You’ve been up since 8 in the morning pretty much. I realize that not everyday can be great, but yesterday provides a lot of hope for future. 

Friday, December 30, 2022


I was worried today. Aunty Dina came later than I expected so I had some extra time with you by myself in the beginning. You were a little fussy and whiny so I was afraid it would be worse than Monday, but so far you’ve surprised us.

No crying, just some whining. You can’t see the enthusiasm in this photo, but I didn’t want to be a creeper. Anyhow, hope you’re at least this good going forward. It’ll be better for everyone. 

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Aunty Suzy and You

Get along so well. Not sure if it’s her or you, but I don’t hear you cry, just your whiny fake pretending to cry whimper. Tomorrow will be Aunty Dina. I’m really hoping Monday was an anomaly. Luckily I am off tomorrow in case you have a meltdown again.

I’ll try to get a better picture, but I didn’t want to be creepy. She’s on the floor playing with you. You’re so demanding. Although sometimes you do okay on your own. Gonna need more of those times…

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

One More Day

Before you get to be with Aunty Dina and are done with your meds. I must say that we are very lucky we found nice people to come into our home to watch you. I just hope your experience with Aunty Dina will get better. Unfortunately, Aunty Suzy cannot take care of you all the time…

Hopefully it’s not something serious between you two. Also hope you’ll be okay with daycare. We’re counting down to the final month. This is you and your Aunty Anna. You look cute as a girl too. 😂 Vina

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Sleeping Time

I wonder how long you’ll sleep today son. One thing is certain, you didn’t cry as much today. Is that a coincidence or something else?

Sorry about the flash there. Forgot it was on, but I got a good picture out of it. Now I just wonder how long you’ll give me to do stuff quietly around the house. My guess was 30 minutes and it’s been 40. Anyhow, I need you to remember this behavior and repeat for everyone and everyday minus your bad eating habits. Thanks in advance.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Crying Time

Man did you cry today. First it was the meds and then it was Aunty Dina. I was able to calm you done, but then you cried when I handed you back. I hope it’s just her boobs making you uncomfortable and not something else. Although now that I think of it. All the Phans have boobs and that doesn’t bother you. Now I’m worried.

I’m worried it’s her and I’m also worried it’s you and you’re gonna be bad at daycare. Please be okay. Your crying doesn’t really bother me, but I don’t want it to harm you or you to be harmed. 🙏 Mom and I are doing our best. Please know that ❤️.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Jesus Time

Merry Christmas 🎁. It’s your first one!!! 

Look at all those presents YOU got for JESUS’s birthday. You better appreciate all he does for you and the world. Speaking of presents, you’ve been an unexpected present. Hope you continue to grow big and strong and smart. Lots of love, son!

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Anna Time

Aunty Anna’s here. Although you cried with her this morning. Mom should watch the video camera. WWW. Enjoy her while you can. She’s only here for the weekend. Hopefully mom and I will be able to relax more.

Tomorrow is Jesus’s birthday and your first celebration with him. Hope you have a blast. Sorry we didn’t get you a picture with Santa. WWW.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Dina Time

You got to spend extra time with Dina today and earlier. We heard you crying for a bit there buddy. She really cares about you and tries her best, so try to go easier on her. 

Not sure how much of this part of your life you’ll remember, but just know that it was filled with lots of love and attention. Hopefully that will carry through all the days of your life.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Daddy Times

Seems like you and I have a routine going. You sleep most of the time when we’re together. I’m good with that. Means no crying or fussing. Even if it means I have to hold you.

But you also had short crying fits where I didn’t know what to do…let’s try to limit those cause I can’t give you meds by myshelf and I can’t call your mom to calm you down…

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

A Moment

You’re currently sleeping. I hope you get some good rest so you can be rested for when Momma comes home and we need to give you drugs. I’m glad you don’t like drugs, but these are the good ones that will speed up your recovery, hopefully.

Sorry the lighting is bad, but Momma always yell at me that it’s too bright for your eyes and now I wonder if we should change all our lights to yellow… anyhow, you rolled over to your right with my help and turned to the right. Those were proud moments for me. Keep it up. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022


Man, another ear infection. Sorry bruh. I’m not sure how we can prevent it or make it better, but know we’re trying and appreciate you trying too. Just need you to take your meds without a fuss.

But on the plus side, as usual, you’re a happy boba when you’re not crying. And your cheeks are so rosy now. I call you Boba Claus now coming down Boba Lane. Prayers you feel better soon and don’t give the sitters too hard a time 🙏.

Monday, December 19, 2022


The season of Advent is almost over. But it’s never Roo late to prepare for the coming of Jesus (except after Christmas 😂). But along the same lines it’s never too late to prepare a before future for yourself, by the choices you make today.

This is your family. You are not alone and will never be alone. Keep that in mind as you make your own journey in life. We are all here to support you. Take advantage of the opportunities life will afford you to make it an adventure you can be proud of.

Sunday, December 18, 2022


Your mom says you’re perfect and sometimes she thinks I’m perfect, but the truth is that none of us are perfect. But we are all created in the image of God, so we have potential,

I tried hard to put up a perfect image of myself as a father for you, but I do need you to know that I’m not perfect and that I make mistakes. But what’s important is that I keep trying to better and I don’t give up even if I have a setback. So don’t let your failures define you, but rather use them as listens to achieve success. 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

God’s Help

They say God only helps those who help themselves. There are many similar sayings and it’s true. So remember son, always try. That way you don’t have regrets.

The best piece of advice I can give you is that if you really want something, you can have it. You just need to put in enough effort. It’s hard to accept, but we don’t achieve things often because we don’t want it enough. 

Friday, December 16, 2022

Not A Grinch, But A Wrench

It appears that a wrench has been thrown into our plans. Your favorite caretaker Dina offered to spend more time with you. Although, that was our ideal plan initially, now that we got daycare setup, it complicates matters.

Not sure the end result, but given that she can only help half the day, I’m thinking we will probably need to stick to our daycare plan. Honestly, it if we up to me, I’d go the daycare route 100% just so you can have some consistency, but it’s not up to me and there are other factors besides consistency. Just another example of the extent of our love for you the troubles we go through. 

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Merryhill Christmas 🎄

We got an early Christmas gift today I hope. News that you have a spot at the preferred Merryhill daycare.

Maybe you already knew, but hopefully you’ll be safe and happy there. Which is all we want for you. 🎁 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Dina Day

Today was a little better than yesterday, but we need you to be able to get back to a good routine. Don’t scare Dina away. She really tries and likes you.

Today I was very tired, but I was on the phones at woke today so I couldn’t leave me computer. But it’s still better than being at the office. I think you might be teething now, praying you’ll be a champ like you were with RSV. You can do it!!!


Tuesday, December 13, 2022


I was able to feed and put you down to sleep once Aunty Suzy left. Boy did you give her a run for her money.

Hopefully you and her develop a good bond and routine, but boy did it suck today. Maybe you miss grandma? Grandpa? Uncle Tony? Well Dina has you tomorrow. Please go easy on her…

Monday, December 12, 2022

Bye Mama and Papa Do

They’ve left on a jet plane. It was a bittersweet goodbye. Wonder if they miss Fin or Luke as much as they’ll miss you. Should be more since they won’t see you as often…

Mama says you’re schedule us off today because you miss them. That could be the case, but you seem pretty good here. This is ideal, working on tummy time, not drooling, and smiling. Keep up the good work!!

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Peace Be With You

Another Sunday, another shot at church. You still can’t make it bruh. But at least it’s not bloody murder anymore. There’s so much for me to pray for now, that I will have to put you not crying on the back. Not such if there’s a limit to God’s grace, but I try not to be greedy.

The new year is coming and Christmas is almost here. Hope your first Christmas and New Year will be a positive memory. 🙏 

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Uncle Tony

Asked for a recent picture of you. Unfortunately I haven’t taken any today. It’s been a busy day. I’ll try to take one when you wake up. 

He misses you already, but not sure if you miss him. I think we miss his company, but he’s got us own life to live. It’s probably a good think you don’t remember yet. Enjoy it while you can. 

Friday, December 9, 2022


Life will always throw you lemons. Sometimes you’ll have more lemons than you know what to do with. But you can’t give up. You gotta keep pressing forward. Currently, we are in mad dash to find daycare for you. 

You don’t need to worry about it. Leave it to your parents, but just know we’re trying to do our best for you. God opened a window, hopefully we’ll be able to find a solution through it.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Final Countdown

This is just one of many final countdowns you’re gonna experience in life. Uncle Tony’s last day on his current trip to California is tomorrow. He leaves early Saturday morning.

Please make sure you enjoy your time with him before he goes and make sure you’re a good boy. He loves you very much and does a lot for you. This photo was taken by him too. 🥰 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022


If I could be honest, it’s kind of nice to go to work sometimes. Your mom will probably agree. It’s not personal and we both love you, but it’s nice to get a break.

This was you before I left for work early this morning. It was dark so the picture isn’t great. Hope you are enjoying your time with your grandparents. Also hope we can figure out how to get you to be more comfortable sleeping now that we can swaddle or tie you down…

Tuesday, December 6, 2022


I don’t think it’s an understatement to say that you will have every (non-physical, we can’t make you taller…) opportunity to be successful in life. While defining what success is still left to be determined, there will be no shortage of resources and support.

Look at all the resources you got now! The only failure is currently our lack of parenting experience and your lack of living experience. In due time, we’ll get both of those on pace. 👍 

Monday, December 5, 2022

I Love You

Today is the 143rd post in this blog series. So you’ve been in the outside world for 142 days. 

Your friends came over to hang out and roll with you. Mom asked me if their dad loves his kids more than I love you. The answer is no. I love you as much as any father can love his child, if not more. So don’t ever forget that. I’m still trying to figure out how much I love being a father, but that doesn’t impact my love for you. Just so you know.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

And You Will Be Loved…

There’s a song by Maroon 5 about a woman being loved. It’s in my head when I think about you because you, also, will be loved. That was apparent again today as we had lunch for Grandma’s birthday.

Everyone is excited to see you and sad to see you go. Not sure how long your newness factor will last, but there will likely always be people besides me and your mom that will love you. So don’t ever feel alone or hopeless. No pressure, but you are blessed and should be hopeful.  

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Growing Pains

It’s a part of life, but it’s not always easy. For you, everything is new. For us in our relationship with you, it’s new as well. Today you met Dina. We hope she and you will develop a good babysitter-baby relationship.

I would love it if we could dedicate our entire day to taking care of you, but mom didn’t want me to win the lottery and not it’s too late. So unless our lottery fortune changes, it’ll be you and a babysitter. It would help everyone if you could get along.

Friday, December 2, 2022

So Tired

So far I think they lied. Even though I like seeing your adorable face, I don’t have any secret energy burst in anticipation or when I do see it. I’m still very tired.

I tried to take a nap today while you were, but I was still technically working so I was worried about the phone ringing (today is my phone day) and Uncle Tony was texting me about the new security system we’re installing just for you. It’s okay though, it’s not your fault. You can’t help it. I like to think if you could help it, you would. Both your mom and me have that gene, hopefully it’s passed on to you as well. 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Lots of Photos

I ended up taking lots of photos after I posted to the blog. Look at how you look at that milk bottle. Wish someone would look at me that way…

Anyhow, I think you’re cute, but after looking at older pictures of you, I realize that maybe I’m like most parents who are blinded by their love, but I hope not. Unfortunately, your mom won’t send your picture to an independent verification. Either way, I will love you the same. Like the way you love that milk. 🥰 

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...