Friday, March 31, 2023

Quality Time

They say we should cherish our times together as you’ll grow up fast. However, I feel like you’re growing pretty slow 😂.

I know we don’t do as much in our time together as you do with mom, but I’m okay with that. I think we both give each other what we both need, which is some rest and comfort. 

Thursday, March 30, 2023


Comparing experiences at the doctor’s offices today, it seems like you get much better treatment than I do. I’m okay with that because you’re my son, but I wonder why that is.

You think it’s because you’re more attractive than me? I feel like that’s probably it. I’m glad you don’t take advantage of people using your good looks. You must only use your powers for good!!!

Wednesday, March 29, 2023


Hopefully you’re not offended or grossed out by the word “vagina”. But you’re lucky that you came out of your mom. Obviously, there are better vaginas, but there are a lot worse ones.

Trust and know that she will provide you the best life she can. You may not always agree, but what she does is always what she thinks is best for you. Here’s a picture of a waffle with the edges untrimmed. All this time they were wasting waffle I could eat…

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Shot, Just One

And that was enough to ruin your day. I’ll give you a break since you just got back from Denver and over your fever, bur daycare put me in for a real scare when they called.

Guess they didn’t realize that you’re a faker and sometimes a difficult eater. Glad you’re not officially sick and we learned about ears today…

Monday, March 27, 2023

Bling Bling

Another relative, another gold piece. Sorry my family didn’t get you any gold, but they gave you money and I got you a tiger gold bar.

We’re headed home today. I know you were/are sick, but I hope you enjoyed our trip. We will have to come back when it’s warmer.

Sunday, March 26, 2023


Not sure how accurate this fancy thermometer is, but you feel a little warmer compared to when your reading was higher. Your eating is off and your temperament is whiny. 

But you somehow you always manage to stay positive mostly. You were not that positive when Bac Huyen tried to cut your nails for you. It’s too bad Di Angie said she won’t do it. Hoping you’re feeling better, but if not, hopefully better at our dinner with the priest. 🙏 


That’s the hottest we’ve ever felt you since you’ve been born. Not a milestone we had ever wanted to reach and get here we are. I’m so sorry we can’t immediately take away your pain and uncomfortable feelings.

I wish I could hold you for as long as you need to sleep, but I’m sooooo tired. And it seems that you’re extra sensitive to your positions today. I turned off the heat and moved you away from the vent for now. I also took off your weighted blanket. Trying to recreate our daily naps. Hopefully you can sleep longer than the usual 2 hours. Get well soon son. 🙏 

Saturday, March 25, 2023


We know you’re not 💯, but we hope you’re still passing (C- or better). 

You’ve been doing so well at restaurants that we make be able to have a family dinner out…anyhow, stay strong. We’ll do our best to keep you healthy. #supertrooper

Friday, March 24, 2023


Are you okay sharing travel mail with your mommy? Since you can’t read yet, I think it’s okay. Anyhow, I had to do some printer acrobatics last night to get the picture to print correctly.

I was gonna send a picture of the printing errors, but I didn’t want to spoil the mail. So here, look at my stained thumb from the ink accident. So far so good, hope you have a great trip. We have another one next week.

Thursday, March 23, 2023


One of the biggest signs of maturity is knowing when to ask for help. While it’s important to learn to do things on your own, it’s just as important to know when to ask for help, knowing the difference comes with wisdom.

Someday soon we will put you down and won’t pick up again. It’s sounds sad, but it’s good because it means you’re becoming independent. Just remember though, that we and a lot of people are here for you if you need help. You’re never alone.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Chop Chop Boba

I’m wondering at what point we should stop calling you Boba or any variation of that. But you’re so used to responding to it or maybe it’s coincidence. Anyhow, we hope you’re not sick again because we just finished the amoxicillin and are going on a mini vacation.

I wished we didn’t need to force you to take drugs. Hopefully they’re working and hopefully you don’t have a drug problem in the future. Stay strong and healthy con.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Bober and Taco Tuesday

But I got neither. I don’t always make the best choices for myself, but I try to make the best choices for you. The problem is when my choices for me affect you.

I’m working really hard on not negatively impacting you. Today I was a little later to pick you up than I planned because I wanted to watch tv. I still left during the show if that’s any consolation…

Monday, March 20, 2023

Happy Birthday Monday!!

Wasn’t that great of a sleeping night for you (so not for us either). But you took your last dose of drugs today. Ate and slept on your own for a few hours. Woke up like a champ and were happy as can be.

We had a nice diaper change. Smooth ride to daycare. All in all, probably the best we could hope for. Sorry you don’t sleep much at daycare so it’s good we take a super nap together. Hope we’re on the positive now. Happy Birthday Tuesday tomorrow.

Sunday, March 19, 2023


You will go through a lot of different relationships in your life. Some important, some not. Some long, some short. Some smooth, some rough. You get the idea.

I recently heard that you need that friend you can call when everything goes wrong. It’s easy to be around people when everything is going good. The true relationships are the ones that make it through the bad and the people that are there for you when you’re down. Hopefully those are the same people with you when you’re up. 

Saturday, March 18, 2023


Food is life. You need to start eating more real food. 

Your poops will smell worse and your breath, but you’ll grow big and strong so it’s a good trade off. Good to see you at least know how to eat. Not sure what your preference is yet. Hopefully you’ll make healthier choices than your parents. But I guess that’s really our responsibility….

Friday, March 17, 2023

Lucky 🍀

Today is March 17. Also know as St. Patrick’s Day. It’s also your Aunty Melissa Phan’s birthday. And today’s also your 8 month milestone. I can’t really say that today has been lucky, but it’s also not been unlucky so that’s a win right?

Looking forward to bigger milestones. And ouch you just bit me with your one tooth. But I still love you.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Be Good

It’s hard to believe at this point in your life that you would ever grow up to be anything besides an angel. But vision is often short sighted and this change quickly.

As parents, we are supposed to provide for our kids and make sure they have better lives that we did. Given my own personal experience, I can tell you that you won’t need to take care of your parents when you get older and I won’t guilt you into it (not sure about your mom 😂). You already have a better life than your mom and I. For your future, I will do all I can to make sure that continues. For your part, I hope you always will be good.  🙏 

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


What are you thinking about?

Just staring into the abyss? Does the abyss stare back? It’s too bad we’ll never know what you’re thinking about. Obviously, your brain is still developing, but maybe you know more than we think, but just can’t express it? Well at least you’re happy. That’s good. Stay carefree!!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Full Time Parents

It’s probably unlikely that your mother or I will come into a large sum of money any time soon, but I wonder if you’d prefer us as full time parents or do you enjoy others caring for you?

Most of my caretaking involves caring you until you sleep. But I imagine it’s different if it was my only job. You won’t know any better, but I can still dream about being a full time dad as my sole job…

Monday, March 13, 2023

Good Day

Besides Daddy being late to work, today started out pretty good for the most part. We know now that you can use the nebulizer while you’re asleep and therefore won’t be crying bloody murder.

Unfortunately, giving you meds orally is now a whole new adventure. Since you know now to close your mouth and force drugs out, along with your new teeth, it’s becoming a new struggle. I hope you’ll understand sooner than later that we’re only doing these things because we think it’ll make you feel 💯 sooner.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Miss Jeanette and Miss Barbara

You finally got to spend some quality time with your Aunties today. They spent time with you at your baptism, but it was a busy day for everyone so this was a nice opportunity.

Like everyone else, they also adore you. You embarrassed us a little with your whining, but otherwise were good. Hopefully they’ll see you again soon.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

And The Womp Goes On

This is the aftermath of your nebulizer treatment. I wish you could understand that we are trying to help you get better, not hurt you. But I get it’s not your fault. It’s probably really scary for you to have your face covers and your parents holding you down.

On a good note, you were better with the 7pm treatment. Ir sucks that it takes so long, but we do hope you feel better soon. But to be a broken record, you’re a real champ about it.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Whose WWW? This Guy!

This guy is you son!! Mom and dad are really sorry you can’t catch a break and that everything we try to do to make you feel better is new and scary for you. 

Sorry in advance for the upcoming cocktails of drugs. I hope this weekend will help you heal. We want you in tip top shape for Monday. 😂 and 🙏 

Thursday, March 9, 2023


I often find myself holding you so you can sleep. It’s never ideal, but it seems to be a necessity if I want you to sleep longer. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to hold you and get a good picture.

Just know, we try our best to give you the best life as possible. I know you didn’t ask to be here, but I hope someday you learn to appreciate life and make the most of it. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Hump Day!!! 🐪

Do you know why they call Wednesdays is called Hump Day? It’s because it’s the middle of the week and it’s when you get over the hump and coast towards the weekend. Since you go to daycare regularly, it also applies to you. It means you will only have a few more days at daycare.

I feel like you don’t like any place besides home, so Hump Day is a highlight for you too. Hopefully you and mom did okay this morning. I heard she scratched you, but said you scratched yourself. You can tell me what happened later. See you in a few hours…

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Happy Birthday Grandpa

We’re just sitting here waiting for Grandpa to come home from his walk, unfortunately if he doesn’t come home in the next 20 minutes I need to go drop you off at daycare because I need to work.

Thanks for calmly waiting and playing with Grandma. Hope you have a good day at daycare today. I’m pretty sure that’s what Grandpa would wish for on his birthday 🎂.

Monday, March 6, 2023


We probably already posted numerous times about how thankful we are that everyone we know has taken a liking to you and are all so generous with you.

Here’s yet another example of that. Look at what Kieu’s mommy got you from Viet Nam. Hopefully you’ll still fit it next year for Tet. Not sure what other occasion you can wear it for. Too bad you can’t hand it down to cousin Z. www

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Blog Time

It’s not always easy to find time to blog because the days are so random and easy to forget. I used to think I could blog in advance, but that rarely happened and it’s not genuine enough. Although, if I had multiple unique ideas at once I guess I could.

You’re not sleeping, you’re not eating, but at least you’re happy. So I can take time to post about nothing. It’s so nice that you’re able to sit in this thing by yourself for a bit. I miss the swing, but your cousin needs it more and you’d probably not fit or try to wriggle out anyways. New mobility, new problems.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Oanh Time

Guess what you did today with Oanh? Sleep and play. You live a pretty good life. Unfortunately, you probably don’t know it yet and that’s not your fault. Unfortunately, I couldn’t capture a picture of you too without appearing creepy. So here’s you and your mom instead.

I hope you’re better at being nonchalant than she is. 😂 she’s the worse. Anyhow hope you sleep well and prosper. We have a few things to do today that require your patience. 

Friday, March 3, 2023

Full Circle ⭕️

It seems like today just came full circle. Before you left today I held you in my arms as you slept on the couch. We debating dropping you off at daycare because we didn’t want to wake you. 

Now we’re in the exact same place and you’re sleeping again and I debate waking you so we can go see grandma and give her meds. I’m gonna let you sleep and I’m assuming you’ll sleep until mom get homes, but you might be hungry. Enjoy this simple life while you can.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Hoping For The Best

Sometimes that’s all you can do while you prepare for the worst. It’s okay if the worst doesn’t happen, but you’ll be thankful if it did and you prepared. You don’t want to be caught off guard. Preparation is today’s lesson.

I was prepared to eat ice cream today. So this slight deformity did not impact me because I was also prepared for the ice cream not being uniform. If there as a bug in there, I was prepared to through it away or eat around it. If I ate around it, I was prepared for possible food poisoning. Be prepared.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Constant Congestion

Not sure what to do about your constant congestion. Maybe we need to get a fancier humidifier? I’m just glad you seem to be taking the congestion in stride.

I’m sorry they didn’t have the this brand of baby food, but I did my best to get you a variety. Although I’m not sure if you’re gonna like it or not. Anyhow, just keep growing and getting stronger. 

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...