Sunday, April 30, 2023

Eagle Eagle

That’s the plan for these next 2 holes today. Dad and his friends played a little shorter. Update, par and par. I did have chances at eagles and birdies, but it takes more than one good shot to get poultry. 

I took a similar angled picture in Mesquite and I did get and eagle chip. Anyhow, that’s a lesson for life. Sometimes it’s takes more than just one good break.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Come On Man

Why won’t you let me sleep with you? I guess I should be thankful that you slept through the night again. But it’s the same thing every morning. I hold you from about 6-8 so you can sleep, but I can’t.

The exception is Monday. I have to wake up even earlier so I can make your formula for school since mommy works early that day. I know you didn’t ask for it, but I sure hope you appreciate it and that you get benefit out of it. 

Friday, April 28, 2023

Nom Nom Nom

Hi buddy. Sorry I bit you this morning, but it wasn’t hard. At first, I thought I had motherly tendencies because your pheromones make mommies aggressive and they’re supposed to relax daddies. 

However, it could also be this thing called cuteness aggression, where something is so cute you just want to squeeze and bite it. Everyone says you’re cute, so this is probably the cause of my aggression. 🥹

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Why You So Shy?

Everyone wanted to say hi to you today, but you were not having it at the concert. I’m hoping this is a phase. I don’t want you to only depend on familiar people, but we probably need to keep introducing you to your family so you’re not brand new.

Aunty Minh really tried. Next time you see her, please try to be accommodating. She won’t bite. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Shhh 🤫

Don’t tell mom. That’s a life lesson. Ignorance is bliss. 

Sometimes it’s important to know when not to talk. Mom told me I have 2 ears, but just 1 mouth. There’s also that saying that keep quiet and they may think you a fool, speak and they will confirm it. You’re very cute, let’s hope there’s intelligence and kindness to go with it. 🙏 

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Can You See Me?

Hi Boba. I came by to drop off some water for you. I hope you got to drink it and it helped. I wonder if you can see this far. It seems like you can or maybe it’s just my voice.

You coughed some this morning. I’m hoping you feel better soon. It’s always exciting when you don’t cough so we think you’re better and then www. Anyhow, keep up the good work. Let’s graduate from PT and gain some weight without constipation. 

Monday, April 24, 2023


Quality Time or Quiet Time are definitely very important to the overall health of any living thing. Whether it be a relationship, a job, or a person. Thanks for giving me so QT today.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get to sleep, but I did get to do a bunch of chores. Doesn’t sound exciting, but I think one day you’ll come to share the enjoyment one gets from getting things done. Either way, make sure to make time for yourself for QT.

Sunday, April 23, 2023


Not quantity, but quality that matters in most things. When it comes to friends, that’s most important. 

It sounds counterintuitive, but it’s not the friends that you party with or hang out all the time, but the friends that are there when life is www. Those are the real friends. You just new a few of those.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Just You

Today it seems like you’re okay being by yourself when it’s your mom, but not when you see me. Seems like the same way you have been whiny with others lately, except mom and I.

I get stranger danger, but you’ve been not nice to people who really care about you. I hope something isn’t hurting you, but it would also suck if you’re just being a punk. I get you don’t know better, so we’ll let it slide. But eventually, you gotta learn. 

Friday, April 21, 2023

Dadly Advice

There’s a guy on YouTube that does videos on a channel called “Dad, How Do I”. It’s basic home maintenance stuff, but things you might ask your dad. His dad walked out on him when he was 12 and he thought it could be useful for people without dads to ask.

In an ideal world, I’m supposed to “go home” before you. I hope it’s a while before that time and that I’ll be around to answer and help you for as long as you need me. But in case I’m not, I’m gonna try to get back and sprinkle advice in this blog for you:

If you don’t know where you stand with someone, it’s time to start walking away from them.

Thursday, April 20, 2023


It’s a great skill and asset. I got a carwash today and decided to be productive, rather than wait around and play on my phone. I took a walk to drop off a package at FedEx for work. 

Time is a precious resource. Anyway you can make the most of your time, the better off your life will be. Making most of your time doesn’t always mean doing as much as you can, but doing what means the most to you with that time. No one (as far as I know), dies wishing they did errands in their lives…

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Saying Good-Bye

Mom hates when I blog about life lessons, but you don’t. So here’s one for today. Be careful putting rings on your finger. They might get stuck…

But seriously. We never know when we will breathe our last breath or take our last walk. Try to enjoy the moment and live life in a way that you can be satisfied each night you lay yourself to sleep in case tomorrow isn’t guaranteed…

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Graduation 👨‍🎓

You’re gonna be graduating from PT soon, but I worry since we got more assignments today. I’m also worried because I have to take you to the next appointment by myself. I just hope you develop the skills before the appointment.

They say God loves all his children, but probably the innocent ones the most. Please let God know the reason Vinh is here is waiting to get into heaven and that he should let her in. She didn’t want to go, but she’s ready to be home with her bff. 🙏 

Monday, April 17, 2023

Happy 9 Months

Soon we’ll be counting years and not months. How exciting.

Thanks for sleeping on your own for a bit and letting me finish my extra long poop today. It’s not long by universal standards, but for my standards it was long. Anyhow, looking forward to your pictures today. You coughed a bit this morning and were not happy going to daycare. Hope you’re better when you get home. 🙏 

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Clash of Cultures and Time

Don’t feel bad if people don’t like you. Assuming you’re a good person. Sometimes people have their reasons and you don’t have to like everyone either. Just be a good person and let nature do it’s part.

Your mom is sensitive that my parents compare you to other grandkids, but that’s the culture. But they still love you, it’s just their way. Don’t let it get to you. 

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Best Toy Yet?

It’s free. It’s red. It makes noise. It keeps your mom’s breath minty fresh. And hopefully it’s childish proof.

 It’s really unfortunate that the camera can’t catch whole adorable you are. Or could it be that our eyes are biased and the camera is the truth? Everyone seems to think you’re the cutest. But I will love you either way. 

Friday, April 14, 2023

Wife Lessons

I used to blog life lessons for your mom and she didn’t like it. Maybe you’ll like them. People say, “happy wife, happy life”, but it’s not really accurate. Having a happy wife doesn’t really guarantee your life is gonna be happy, but it could help. 

Ultimately, you’re in charge of your own happiness. Today I used my friend Starbucks to get your mom a coffee, but I didn’t forget about myself. If you can’t make yourself happy, what’s the point of making others?

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Asthmatic Boy

Sorry son. Mom wants to blame me for your asthma, but I think it’s your Uncle Tony’s fault and therefore mommy’s fault.

But we’re gonna get you some more of your favorite things, drugs. Hoping we can get your health stable. Even though you’re doing good, we know and want you to do better. So please try to relax when we give you meds. 🙏 

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Florida Boy

Hey, if you lived in Florida, you could buy a gun and carry it. Crazy huh?

When you’re ready and if you want a gun, we can get you one. Assuming your mom doesn’t veto it. In the meantime, let us work on keeping you healthy.

You did a decent job of using the nebulizer today, but we do need you to be better. We wish you could understand that you just need to relax and breathe. #gethealthy

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Single Mom

How was your day? How was your night? Today was the first time your mom was a single mom. I heard you made a rough night for her. I hope she’s wrong and you’re not sick.

This is what I’m doing instead being at home. I’m doing to for our family. Need to make money since we didn’t win the lottery. I won’t do it often, but sometimes I’ll need to leave you and mom alone to bond. But I’ll be home tonight. See you soon Boba Chop. 

Monday, April 10, 2023

Case of the Mondays

Looks like it’s contagious. I don’t know if you gave it to me or I gave it to you or we got it from your mom, but we definitely got a bad case of the Mondays.

Sorry I had to drop you off at daycare today. You weren’t too happy. I guess you got used to the last week with all that attention. It’s called vacation, not it’s back to reality. This should motivate you to find work life balance early on in life and maybe be good with your money so you can retire early.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Easter Sunday

Gonna have your first Easter egg hunt. Maybe even your second today. I’m sure you’re very excited. Update: you only did one hunt, but you made it a great one.

You get along great with your family. That’s good because you can’t choose your family. So be humble you got a good one. Man did I suffer to help you find eggs. My allergies sucked today…

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Holy Saturday

And holy smokes I’m tired. Unfortunately, only your mom and you got to sleep this on the plane and car. Someone had to drive and do it safely…

Anyhow, guess we’re going to church tonight late. Your mom wants to complete the Holy Week celebration. On the bright side, we have one less thing to do tomorrow and your mom will be happy. Why the picture? Because we’re always praying for you. And since you’re closer to God, we hope you’re praying for everyone too. 🙏 

Friday, April 7, 2023

Good Friday

Every day is an opportunity to be a good day. Today happens to be your first Good Friday. May it be the first of many and may you find this time to year a joy to use for reflection and improvement.

We had a great Holy Week and time away from home. I’m sure you’re excited to get back. Just give us one more day of your good behavior. You’re so angry now 😂 .

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Sleeping Land

Good thing you’re free. You did enjoy the Aquarium, but as soon as we left, you feel asleep. Although, I’m glad you were able to sleep in this setting.

You did good at Korean BBQ the other day. I hope you’re good tonight too since grandpa and aunty Trang want KBBQ again. I believe in you!!!

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Poopasaurus 💩

You’re a regular pooping machine now. As I blog, you’re probably working on your second deuce for today. Mommy is very envious of you I’m sure. Mom just said you might be pooping. How timely.

So you’re getting some things right. We just need to figure out how to keep you 💯. It’s probably our fault that we keep taking you out. WWW. At least God Daddy Nick is here to suck your nose.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Squeeze Time

I’m sure you’ll come to learn about squeeze time in your life at some point. But you’ll never know true squeeze time until you have a child (unless you have a crazy life or job).

Look who decided to interrupt daddy and uncle’s workcation? It’s okay. Time to go back to “vacationing”. Good job being good this week. Sorry you can kick the cough and congestion. 

Monday, April 3, 2023

Sleepy Boba

That reminds me that I want some boba that I bought from Costco today since they didn’t have coffee for daddy (but daddy did get a blended coffee). And then I got busy watching you so I didn’t get to drink the boba. That’s the life of a parent.

Thankful that Aunty Trang got you to go down for a nap. Not sure how she got you to stay asleep, but I’m happy with the results. If only daycare and your parents could figure it out too…

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Your First Palms

Look who got their first palm today:

I wish I could have taken a better picture, but you get the idea. You’re getting so good at church. I don’t even think mommy needed to pick you up, but she did. Not sure the cloth is in your future, but I hope goodness to yourself and others is. That’s the most important thing. 

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Real MVP

Grandpa let you fall on the table today. That’s probably where your mom gets it from. But you didn’t make a fuss about it. It wasn’t a big deal.

Welcome to San Diego (area)! It’s a good lesson for life as well. You only have so much patience and attention. You can’t give it away to everything or you won’t have any left for the important things. So pray to God for the wisdom to not sweat the small stuff.

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...