Thursday, November 30, 2023

Sorry 😢

I hope it wasn’t too cold for you last night in your room.

We probably should have a portable heater already, but we don’t. I did order some that will arrive next Thursday. I will check out stores to see if they have any good ones available now. I also called an HVAC person to come look at the home air system. Thanks for your patience. This is a good reminder that it’s better to prevent problems rather than scramble to fix them. An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2023


Your parents are not really fancy people. But we do have a lot of fancy friends and family. The reason we do is because we try to treat everyone we come across with respect and kindness. Inevitably, there may be some people who will take advantage, but hopefully you can weed those people out. 

Not that it’s the purpose, but our treatment of others has resulted in people being kind and respectful to us. One example are these fancy shoes we would never think to buy for you. Thank your God cousin. Anyhow, stay humble, be kind and respectful to others. Mommy and daddy love you lots.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023


Today we were listening to a podcast about love and loss. The mother on the episode writes letters to her son. Reminds me of this blog. Although I hoped I’d have more profound messages for you…

Hopefully you find some value in this blog when you finally get to read them. Please stop putting things where they don’t go. I.e. cheese in the xe xe. 

Monday, November 27, 2023

Rise and Shine

Boy did you wake up early today. I hope you got enough sleep. 

We got you new shoes, cool jacket. You’re ready for school early. This could be the beginning of a good thing. 🙏 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

It’s 500th Post

Wow. Today I made you some wagyu fried rice. I hope you like it, but also that it doesn’t ruin your ability to eat fried rice without wagyu.

You can thank your uncle Peter Tran for this. He gave it to us and now you get to enjoy it. Your mom enjoyed it a lot 😂. I hope you’re back to your good behavior now. Yesterday was no bueno. Lot ya lots. 

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Bad Boba

That’s not a great drink name either. You weren’t the worst behaved kid in church today, but that’s not really something to cheer about.

Are you having withdrawals from your grandparents? You better get used to it. Or you need to take advantage when they FaceTime you. Anyhow, I’m gonna let this one slide, but very soon you’ll be disciplined…

Friday, November 24, 2023

Daddy Daycare

Definitely not certified or regulated. Hoping the next half of the day goes as quickly as the first half. Daddy loves you, but caring for you IS a lot of work. Hoping it gets easier once you’re more independent, but there will probably be new problems.

Feel free to sleep until 8PM when your momma gets home. I just ate so now I’m gonna try to nap with you. 😴 

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Turkey Day

Hi buddy. I hope you’re thankful for everything you have. Of all days, today is the day to be thankful.

Sorry about my gut. Thanks for cheesing finally. Looks like you might be fitting 3T soon. These shirts are a little big, but don’t tell your mom. She thinks she’s not fat. I’m thankful you’re generally a good and healthy kid. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Mean 😭

There seems to be general consensus of a few things about you. You’re cute. You’re smart. You’re mean. Can we work on the mean part?

I know you can’t be perfect, but I would prefer a different vice besides mean. You were not nice when I tried to stop you from spilling water. You also weren’t nice when I tried to take a picture with you and uncle Marcus. Troi oi!

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Vroom 🏎️

Look what we (I) finally put together for you:

I forgot some washers, but I think you’ll be fine. Uncle Peter says that your cousins loved it. So hopefully you will have a good time too. I feel bad I didn’t put it together sooner for your grandparents to take you around. Maybe they can today. Another reminder (just sayin’, not screamin’) that you live a good life. Lots of love all around.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Final Countdown (Also Aunty Trang’s 🎂)

I hope grandma and grandpa don’t think daddy is lazy. He just wants them to maximize their time with you before they go. 

You are very lucky that they take great care of you and enjoy your company. Hopefully, you’ll be okay when they go. I’m sorry, but we won’t be able to give you the attention they did, but it doesn’t mean we love you any less. .

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Home Sweet Home

My might be right about you being more comfortable at home, but I (and everyone around you) appreciates your presence outside the home. Thank you for coming to visit Annalex and The Nielsens (I never remember if I spelled it correctly).

As you’ll probably learn soon, we do most of these things for your mom. Hopefully if she’s happy everyone’s happy. 🙏 

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Hi Homies 👋

Did you have fun with your humors today? Everyone is growing so fast. Well maybe except E, but she’s cute so it’s okay to stay that way for longer.

Please have a good nap and sleep tonight, but most importantly, have a good ride home tomorrow. “Cheese”!!!

Friday, November 17, 2023


That you may have peed through your diaper. I wonder if it’s because we tried to use the last of the size 3 diapers or if you just peed a lot last night. It didn’t seem to bother you though and you slept until 810A by yourself.

Check out these new kicks I got you. You can thank your Aunty Jenny and Barbara. Today is Aunty Jenny’s birthday. We exchanged the clothes she got you for shoes. We’ve been very blessed that we haven’t had to spend much on things besides food and diapers. I assure you the size 4 shoe is bigger, bad angle.

Thursday, November 16, 2023


I couldn’t get you to pose for a picture of your tongue today, but I finally saw it. Sorry about that. Looks terrible, but you’re doing great. So here’s your school photo.

I hope you had a good day today at daycare. I forgot to ask if we let the daycare know in case you start bleeding, but it’s almost 3PM and we haven’t heard anything yet. We’ll see each other soon. You’re the real MVP!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Ouch 🤕

Sorry that we let you down. You can’t see it, but this laundry is full of bloodied clothes and sheets. As always, you seemed to take it like a real champ. Stopped crying pretty fast.

I did order some pads to see if we can help protect you more. Praying that we don’t do anything that will negatively impact your future potential. Please know that we are really trying our best. Lots of love little buddy!

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Vinh Houdini 🪄

Hey, what are you doing? Besides being cute? Where you going buddy? The bars aren’t to keep you trapped. They’re to keep you safe. It’s a very dangerous house.

I put the backpack to see if it’ll stop you. But I’m afraid the taste of freedom might be difficult to get off your palate. We’ll just have to wait and see…

Monday, November 13, 2023

That’s My Son

I hope you’re not having an ear infection or anything like that. Hopefully you’re just getting reacquainted with your house again. Sorry you had to wake up so early this morning. 

You get the open mouth gene from your mom’s side. That’s how her family sleeps. Anyhow, if you don’t feel better tonight, we’ll see about taking you into the doctor. Mommy and daddy will be picking you up soon. Enjoy your time with Miss Angelina while you can. This is her last week 😢.

Sunday, November 12, 2023


I really do hope you realize sooner than later how very blessed and loved you are. Even strangers are nice to you. I hope it continues so it makes your life easier. But I also hope you don’t take advantage and stay humble. 

It’s easy to stay humble when you have no choice. But it’s more impressive to stay humble when you’re so fortunate and lucky. Be the later. Leave no chance for people to say bad things about you. Unless they’re just haters 😂 

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Expectations and Communication

I was talking to your Uncle Pink past night and I told him not to get married. It’s my opinion. I said that a wedding and ring are okay, but the paper that binds you is a burden.

It got me thinking about the best advice I can give you about relationships is that you need to communicate your expectations clearly and understand your partners expectations. That’s the easy part. The hard part is getting the other person to communicate accurately. But that’s where most problems originate from. Someone isn’t communicating accurately or the other person doesn’t understand completely.

Friday, November 10, 2023


Today is the midway point for your time with Grandma and Grandpa Do. It’s also Aunty Vina and Uncle Steven’s wedding day AND Uncle Thang. 11.10.23!

They’ll be there for you. So don’t forget to pay them the appropriate respect. Good family and good friends are hard to come by. So when you find good ones, keep them and remember you have to work to maintain relationships too.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Good Job

Guess who got a raving review today? You did, but it could just be that they’re raving about all kids. Although I’ll assume they’re not. 

I’ll work on getting you to wake up cooler and help you fall asleep faster. Just need your help too. Also, I’m not sure what you want more of when I’m putting you to bed at night 🤷‍♂️ 👉✋

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Cheers 🍻

Daddy is home and he picked you up today. Not sure why you always try to close the car door, but it’s kinda cute. Is it because you want your crackers first or because you don’t want to go home?

I’m sure your grandparents don’t give you crackers, but they also have the luxury of being a team to entertain you. I’m glad you’re doing so well with them. I just hope you learn to do well with us too when they go back home. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Wasting Isn’t Always Bad

Growing up poor, Daddy has always had a difficult relationship with wasting anything. Be it food, paper, money, time, etc. However, if I can give you a piece of advice on that topic, it’s this: Wasting Isn’t Always A Bad Thing.

Something you might never see Daddy do is not finish a drink, especially a boba drink. However, this one wasn’t that good and Daddy was full. So rather than over consume or force myself to drink something not good, I decided to throw it away. This situation doesn’t really impact anyone else, so it’s okay. It would have been much worse to try to finish it. Although I did save it overnight for the morning and I decided it still wasn’t worth it. Be okay removing things from your life that don’t benefit you (or society). 

Monday, November 6, 2023

Golf Workcation

Thanks for letting dad take an extra day to play some golf before work. Please continue to be good to your mom and grandparents. Daddy will be home tomorrow. But you won’t see me until you wake up the day after. Although I’m not sure if you know the days 😂 

Even if you don’t decide to pick up golf, we can still try to find something to do together. But look how pretty and fun golf can be. ⛳️ 

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Hello 👋, Goodbye 👋

I’m gonna come home today to say hi, but then I have to turn around and saw goodbye. I think you’ll be okay with mommy and grandma and grandpa around. Thanks for doing so well with them while we were gone.

It’s like you’re better with them than us. Makes me wonder what we’re doing wrong or if it’s just you? Anyhow, I hope you keep your good improvements after your grandparents leave. It’ll make everyone’s lives easier I promise.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Golf ⛳️

The hotel is on a golf course.

It was surprising to see that there were no people on the course yet. I wonder if the hotel limits when tee times start. Website wasn’t very helpful, but price seems reasonable. I hope we’re able to share interests and that of them is golf. It sure would make spending quality time together easier. Not sure when I could golf this weekend though…maybe we could have arrived earlier…

Friday, November 3, 2023

Good Boy

Please be a good boy for your grandparents. We are officially away from you tonight. I hope you sleep well.

Your mom is having a very good time without you. I’m sorry. I’m doing okay. But what’s most important is that you do well. I will pray for you and your grandparents. Hopefully this time away will do wonders for everyone 🙏.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Baby Be Good

Tomorrow will be your first night I can recall without your mom or me. Please be nice to your grandparents because they really care about you and are trying.

You don’t get to see each other often so you really should take the chance to really enjoy their company. Mommy will be back soon and dad will be back later. So don’t miss us too much. 🙏 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Love Is All Around

You. This is an old picture. I couldn’t get one today of your grandpa putting together the gate and fence for your toys. 

I don’t know if love is enough for you to have a good life, but if all it takes is love, your life should be the best one ever. Life is what you make of it. You’ve got a great chance to make it a great one. I hope you do 🙏!!

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...