Sunday, December 31, 2023

The Badness Continues

Your mom says that Lucas is a lot better when his parents are around. I’m wondering if it’s the same with you. I hear it’s that way with most kids.

Tomorrow is a new year. I need you to be your regular behaved self. You were pretty loud in church today and that was not cool. We’re gonna be on a long flight so it’s important that you behave. Thanks in advance.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Eve of the Eve

Tonight is our last night on “vacation”. Tomorrow we head back to the best coast. You’ve been loved on this trip, but you’ve been bad too. 

I hope it’s just because you had bad influences around you. Either way, this behavior is not acceptable. You just dumped cereal all over the airbnb. I’m not sure when you’re old enough to be spanked, but it’s coming soon. I can’t promise it won’t hurt. 

Friday, December 29, 2023

New Do

Someone got a new Do, as in hairdo 💇‍♂️.

It was a painful process and not the best hair cut. But you’re very cute and now the hair is out of your eyes for a while. You make the haircut look good. Again, we were very blessed that someone was willing to cut your hair. You need to be nice to Co Vi when you see her again. #canada

Thursday, December 28, 2023


You’re always gonna have family.

So remember you’re not alone. While it’s important to be independent, it’s also important to know when you need help. If you need help, please ask. But also understand value and benefit. If someone doesn’t value or benefit your life, you don’t need to waste your breath on them. 

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Bad Baby Boba

Did not nap today. And also caused a ruckus with team Howard. Poor grandma’s salt…

This was the calm before the storm…we’re in Canada now, so we really need you to be on your best behavior. We do not want an international incident. Also you need to pack less stuff and leave some room for your daddy. Your mom didn’t leave me any.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Sour Patch Kids

First they’re sour, then they’re sweet. That’s you and your mom.

I’m not sure if you’re even my son. You have all the qualities of your mom and you came out of her (I was there). I stopped eating sour candy so if you could just be sweet going forward, that would be great. Thanks. Love you. And if you could remind your mom too. 

Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas

The greatest gift you can get and giveis love. And you have tons of that around you and you give tons of it out. 

Hoping that you’ll grow and learn that the day isn’t about gifts you receive (except the love), but about the joy your gifts can bring to others. #seasonofgiving

Sunday, December 24, 2023

First Class

Someone got another taste of the high life today. Lounge experience. You didn’t seem to enjoy it too much and you got a mysterious injury. 

Now you’re at your Godfather’s place and Santa got you a stocking and gifts. You’re very lucky human being. Your mother and I did not have those things growing up. I hope you turn out to be a better human being than both of us. That’ll be the best Christmas gift. 

Saturday, December 23, 2023


Sometimes you can be bad and it makes me sad that you’re so lucky and cute. 

Anyhow, we have an adventure tomorrow. I hope you have a good flight so that we all can have a good flights. TTQD!!!!

Friday, December 22, 2023

Daddy Daycare

What do you do with mommy when daddy is away? At daddy daycare, Team Boba Milktea just hangs out all day. I wait for you to eat lunch and then hopefully nap.

But the fun doesn’t end at 5/6. It goes until mommy gets home. Which today is probably 7. Not sure if we’re gonna leave the house or not, but please be good for daddy today 🙏.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Still Blessed

Aunty Susie gave you so many things today. You’re so lucky. You also need to be nicer to your Uncle Tao. He really cares about you.

Even your Aunty Dina came by today and made you food and brought you gifts. If you fail as a human being, it’s gonna be really sad for everyone. Well still love you, but it shows that maybe love isn’t enough.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

My Love Is Unconditional

But it’s not free. It’s actually very expensive to show love for you.

But I was able to save us money today by not going to eat sushi with your mom. Instead we got you some unagi. I hope you like it. We can also try other brands if you don’t. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Morning Or Not?

Your mom is a morning person. Just kidding, she’s not. Daddy is generally, but less since you were born. Although I’m not sure if you are or not. 

Although I think we’ve had more pleasant moments than unpleasant ones when you wake up. It’s a different story when you’re trying to sleep or fall back asleep though. I hope you learn soon that while we may not be next to you when you wake up, we’re not far away.

Monday, December 18, 2023


Apparently, you didn’t like Santa.

Maybe you weren’t feeling 💯, but you’ve been so good at cheesing you missed an opportunity there. Anyhow, you seemed better today. Which is good because we need you to be good for the trip to New York. Now that you’re getting older, I’m kind of worried about how to keep you entertained during the flight. 🙏 

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Peace To Be With You

…and with your Aunties and Uncles. Thanks for being relatively good with Uncle Art and Aunty Minh. They really spoiled you and you didn’t take advantage too much.

Guess who we saw at church today? Bishop Jaime Soto. What a pleasant surprise. It’s like that time Mommy and Daddy saw President Biden at church in Rome. Please keep being “good”, but also strive to be better. Especially in church. ⛪️ 

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Lion King

Mommy and I are going to the Lion King in San Francisco today. Please be good to your Aunty and Godfather while we’re gone. I really wish you could go, but you’re too young at this point. Mommy will take you when you get older.

Today, you got to see your Aunty Jenny and Barbara. They love you very much and got a gift for you. I always have to remind you how blessed you are.

Friday, December 15, 2023


You’re never too far from family. And they really like you. So we need to work on you not being so shy around them.

Look at all that love. I really hope we don’t ruin you by giving you an easy life. Please make us proud and be a shining example of what love can do. ❤️

Thursday, December 14, 2023


It’s easy to lose sight of our blessings when we have so many or when they’re always around. That’s why it’s important when you get old enough to make time for volunteering. 

It will show you how much you have and how easy your life is compared to others. That won’t solve your problems, but it may help to show you what real problems are and how fortunate we are in the greater scheme of things. #blessed

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Acts of Love

Up until now, I don’t think I’ve ever been excited to hang out with you. That’s bring honest and your daddy is alway honest. However, that’s not to say I don’t love or care about you. I just choose to show it in other ways:

You’ll always have good for you food to eat. You’ll always have nice clothes. You’ll always have a roof over your head. You’ll be surrounded by love, even if you’re not surrounded by me. Just remember that. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Pope Vinh

Maybe it’s good if you do end up a priest. You won’t have to worry about all the responsibilities that come with being an adult in this age. It’s very expensive and stressful.

You’ll be taken care of and people will generally be happy to see you. And at the end of the day, you can relax because everything will be in God’s hands. Just a thought 💭…

Monday, December 11, 2023

Single Parent Households

Your mom thinks that you do better when only one of us is around. Studies have shown that single father households raise equally successful children when compared to dual parent households. However, single mother households tend to fail when compared to dual parent households. The reasoning behind the findings seem to be inconclusive.

While ideally, I would love to for both of use to remain in your lives. I don't think it's going to be beneficial if your mom and I aren't happy. They may have as damaging impact on you as our divorce. I just want you to know that no matter what happens between mom and I, that it had nothing to do with you. And that whatever the future brings, know that both of us will do whatever we think will be best for you and that you will never be short on love.

Sunday, December 10, 2023


Maybe daddy isn’t good for you. I always try to do what I think is best for you. I don’t think your mom can do this without me, but if that’s what it takes, I’m willing to step aside.

Only time will tell how you’ll turn out. I pray that all our efforts and prayers and the love that surrounds you do you good. Be good to your mom when I’m not there. Love you Lots.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

More Friends

Today you got to enjoy some more friends. 

Your parents got to enjoy some time with friends too. I hope you look back in your life so far and appreciate that we did the best that we can with what we had. I think we’re doing a pretty good job. We just need you to get on board some times.

Friday, December 8, 2023


I hope you don’t resent us for not giving you a sibling. As of this post, that’s still the plan. You are surrounded by young people that are basically like siblings.

They really like you and you seemed to have fun with them. Remember that. Good friends are better than okay family. What a Friday surprise 😮!!

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Bad Baby Boba

Man, you've been so "bad" in church lately. I hope this is just a phase. But people still do love you. I saw a lot of people looking at you with loving eyes.

Why are you picking your pants? SMH. Anyhow, we need to start figuring out how to get you to drop some of the bad habits with the good ones. LYL!!

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Love is Pain?

Sounds like a bad deal, but here’s some proof:

I was taking a shower today and noticed some stinging and looked to see all these little red marks. Someone likes to hurt daddy when he’s trying to fall asleep. But I let you do it. I even don’t wear a shirt because I know you like skin to skin contact. You’re welcome. Don’t forget how much I love you. 

Tuesday, December 5, 2023


I hope you never feel suffering or want. We’ve tried hard to make your life easy. Hopefully we aren’t doing you a disservice by doing so.

I hope you grow up and remember that there are people less fortunate than you. I hope you use what resources you have to brighten the life of others and to remember it’s okay not to sacrifice for the greater good.  

Monday, December 4, 2023


I guess we all are responsible for this:

But it’s really your mommy’s fault. You didn’t ask for this. I didn’t ask for this. Your mom asked for this. That being said, we are where we are now and have to deal with the situation. So for the next few days and weeks I will need you to be extra patient and accommodating as we get through this as a family. Thanks for your cooperation. Good lesson in life that even when things aren’t your fault, you still have to deal with the ramifications. Life isn’t always fair. WWW 

Sunday, December 3, 2023

More More 🫳🤌🫲

We need to work on expanding your vocabulary. “More, more” isn’t specific enough 😂.

We also need to work on you not throwing stuff and hitting yourself. Otherwise, we’re very satisfied, as parents”, on your development. We hope you keep up the good work. LYL!!

Saturday, December 2, 2023


On December 02, different years…

Good times. I’m golfing and you’re here. I’m just not at the old house anymore. Hope you and mom are having a good time. Daddy will see you again soon. #goodlife

Friday, December 1, 2023

Oodles of Cuteness

Hoping you’ll remain objectively attractive forever. It’ll make your life a lot easier. But for this period in time, you were very cute and the whole world around you agreed. 

Regardless, you are loved and love will always surround you. 💕 

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...