Monday, October 31, 2022

Happy 1st Halloween

You probably won’t remember it, but I think you had a pretty Halloween.

Mommy wouldn’t let me dress you as a boba, but she was okay dressing you as egg and bacon with your cousin Finley. Too bad your cousin Lucas didn’t want to be toast. Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of Halloweens ahead of you. 

Sunday, October 30, 2022


I’m not perfect. No one really is. What you see isn’t often the whole picture. So you can’t compare yourself to others and it’s okay that you’re not perfect.

What’s important is that you continue to learn and grow and make progress. When you fall or fail, you get back up and keep moving forward. We’re always here for you. Man you did not want to sleep this morning and mom and I were soooooo tired…

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Fatherly Advice

I recall reading about a list of things that every child (son) should know. I think it was intended as a tool for kids without fathers. I hope to be around for you for as long as I can. But who knows what the universe has in store for us…

Not sure if I’ve mentioned this before, but the most important advice I could give you is to always try and be a good person, but it’s okay if you need to put yourself first. Just try to remember that like the ripples in a pond caused by a drop of rain, your actions will impact other people. I was thinking I should probably try to make these post more meaningful. 😂 only took 100 posts…

Friday, October 28, 2022

Aloha Also Means “Hello”

Hello to Home. I know you don’t really care at this point where you’re at. I hope we’re getting better at understanding your needs. And I know you know how to smile, laugh and be in a good mood 🙂 

We just want you to be happy and healthy. Not sure how crying helps with that, but we will always make sure you’re feed, clothed and clean (and hopefully extra). We love you and will do our best to be the great parents. ❤️ 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Aloha Also Means GoodBye

Time to head home boba (and finally get myself some boba 😂). I hope you had a great trip. Although I guess you wouldn’t have anything to compare it to…

Again, please try to poop before we take off (preferably before we head to airport). Also, please try to copy your behavior on the flight here and be good on drive home. Thanks in advance hopefully. MTBSN!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Please Stop Melting Down At Night

Hi son. 👋 If it’s not too much trouble could you try to stop having meltdowns, not just at night but in general? Sometimes you confuse me because the change from smiles to tears comes without warning. It makes me wonder if something happened to you that I don’t know about 😞, but eventually mom gets you to calm down, so I worry less.

But mom and dad both will have to go back to work unless we win the lottery. We need you to be able to be okay and comfortable with either of us or anyone that loves you, taking care of you and putting you to sleep. We also need you to eat regularly, poop, and sleep more as well. And it’s not just for us, it’s for the team. Take one for the Team son. 🙏 Tonight is our last night in Hawaii. Also, please be okay for the flight tomorrow. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Day 101

I need to make the most use of time when you’re not holding me hostage. Mom is feeding you now so I will blog. Early this morning I couldn’t sleep while you were sleeping. Seems to be a trend. Our cycles aren’t in sync.

You never want to smile when I take photos. Anyhow, we’re wearing matching hats. Team Milk Tea Boba. Only your mom doesn’t like boba in her milk tea. Seems you’re having more bouts of crying baby boba. Let’s try to work on that. Remember that mom and dad are doing all we can to keep you happy. IYL.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Happy 100 Days of Terrorizing Us

Here’s what we do to try and calm terrorist down:

Doesn’t really work, but it’s the best we can do. I’m not sure how I can evaluate the first 100 days or what metrics I can use as every child and parent relationship is different. I guess what I can say is that we’re blessed you have 10 fingers and toes and for the most part are a good boy. Just the occasional bouts of uncontrollable crying and we don’t know what to do. Please work on that. Thanks, Mom and Dad.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Happy 100 (Blog Entries)

Tomorrow is your 100th day of escaping the womb 😂 
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading. It’s not as easy to blog everyday as you would think, but I wanted to try and leave you a record of our time.

Every cloud has a silver lining and there’s always a rainbow after the rain. No matter what you’re going through know that it eventually gets better, if not death is the alternative which means your suffering ends too. Not to be morbid, but that’s how I interpret the common saying, “this too shall pass”. Like our difficulties with you 😂. 

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Hello Boba 🧋

What’s up my boba buddy? We should start a shop called Boba Buddies and it will have me and you as the mascot with your eyes like bobas…

But we need to figure out a way to have you smile and your eyes be big (asian slant eyes). You and I can work there together until you become a priest. Then everyone is happy beside maybe you 😂.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Beach Stroller

That was you today for the most part. Although you didn’t get much time looking at the beach in the stroller. You were either asleep or had an obstructed view…

Then you escaped and it was fun and games for a while. However, as we know, good things don’t last long. You cried. But not the nightmare from day 1. So I guess that’s improvement.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Vinh’a First Beach Day

Someone had their first experience at the be-atch today and man did we see some be-atches 😂. You’re too young to remember, but you were not impressed.

I know this is mom’s trip, but she really wants us to enjoy it too so try to work with us okay? You’re privileged whether you know and appreciate it or not. #blessedbutnotimpressed

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

And We’re Down

Someone had a true “colicky” meltdown yesterday. Hint: it wasn’t mom or me…it was this guy:

Who would think from this, such fire and anger could arise? But it looks like we might have your normal fussy self back 🙏. Mom does feel bad about dragging you and I on this trip. I don’t think you need to punish her (or me) anymore. Deal?

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

And We’re Off ✈️

Guess who made it on to their first airplane today? You did!!!

The trip there has been better than expected so far. We’re still on the plane and you’re a little fussy the moment, but people have been very supportive on the plane and we’re surrounded by parents and babies. It’s only 3 hours and 17 minutes left until we land. You’ll probably get fed in an hour. You had a poop today. So things are looking ⬆️. Let hope that’s the trajectory for the rest of our trip. Up!!!

Monday, October 17, 2022

Final Countdown

We’re waiting at the doctor’s now for you. Hoping your pooping is not a serious issue. 🙏 

Lots going on, but you seem content through it all which I hope is a good sign. Anyhow, everything is ready to go for us, you’re the X factor, so do your best. Mom and dad are counting on you (as are grandpa and grandma).

Sunday, October 16, 2022


There’s never an end to things to pray for. But you have to always remember that there’s a lot to be thankful for. If you ever need a reminder, please let us know.

This is how you pray. So don’t forget it. 😂 

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Another Day Another Face

This is a good one though (and I was able to capture it).

They say that babies smile hundreds or more times a day. Women 60 times. Men 8. But know that 7 out of those 8 times it because of you and your mom (maybe more). Anyhow, we’re counting down to Hawaii, so let’s get more of this face and less of the other crying face. I’m okay with the unimpressed face…

Friday, October 14, 2022

Many Faces

You’ve got many faces and most of them are cute. But some are less cute than others.

You didn’t get that face from me. I know, it’s hard to impress you, but we keep trying. And we’re gonna keep trying. But the sooner we’re on the same page, the sooner we can enjoy each other fully. It’s like retirement from work. We need your help bruh.

Thursday, October 13, 2022


I hope you realize, appreciate, and never forget that compared to most people, you’re living a very privileged life. While I don’t think that comparing yourself to others is always good, it is a good motivator in some cases, but also a good reminder on this, that you are fortunate.

Your mother and I don’t expect repayment. All that we ask for is that you’re a good person. You take care of yourself and others and you live a good life. That makes all our efforts worth it. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Don’t Miss Me Too Much

Hi buddy. I hope you’re not missing me too much. Daddy is traveling for work, but he’d rather be home with you and mom. I watch your cousin E with her parents. I need you to be okay with whatever adult is there to take care of you.

I think your mom would really like it if you wanted her more than anyone else, but I don’t think she realizes the attention and effort that’s gonna take from her. But that’s okay if you prefer her over me and everyone else. But just try to be okay when she’s not around so you and whoever is watching you isn’t miserable.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

You’re The Man…

…while daddy is gone. You need to take care of you elf and mom cause you’re the man of the house in my absence. I hope that it’s not often that I’m gone, but when I am, you’re in charge.

Here’s your cousin E. She’s gonna teach you how to swim and to count to ten in Vietnamese. She’s a little older than you, but we hope you guys will get along. 

Monday, October 10, 2022

Your Life is Hard…

But also not really. I get that every experience you have is likely new and you’re getting used to it. I get that you can’t communicate effectively with us.

But I also know that a lot of people care about you. I know that we always make sure you’re fed, clothed, and cleaned. What I hope you do soon is learn to communicate better and also get used to life. And as of today, we need you to eat more cause you been sleeping a lot today and not eating enough. 🙏 

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Be Like Water

Supposedly that’s what Bruce Lee said. Good advice in general. We’ve had to done a lot of adjustments since we’ve had you.

While it’s important to be flexible, you also need to know when you need to be firm as well. That’s the wisdom you should as for from God. When to know the difference. Mom probably not gonna like these life lessons, but as your father, it’s important for me to pass on knowledge.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Apple and Tree

They say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…hoping you get the best from your mom’s tree. So far you have her looks and her sleeping patterns 😂 

I don’t have many great qualities, but I hope you take the few that I have and make them yours. Money isn’t everything, but it is the key to most things. Because of that, I hope you definitely get 90% of your mom’s management and 10% of mine. You need to save a lot, but live a little. Just make sure the only gambling you do is for fun among friends. Anything beyond that is trouble. Your dad’s got plenty of stories to scare you straight 😂 

Friday, October 7, 2022

Life Lessons

I always have to remind myself that I have bad days, but I don't have a bad life (no matter how bad the days are). I don't me to put any pressure on you or discount your experiences, but I think this is something you really need to always remember. You have many more people that love and care about you than I do.

Your mom hates that her blog is full of life lessons and yours is easy going, but I think this is definitely worth it to mention. Many experiences you have will be extreme because they'll be the first time you experience them (pain, happiness, love, etc). Because of that I just want you to remember this lesson. You smiled here and no matter how bad it is, you'll smile again as long as you don't give up. 

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Almost Time

Time to hit the road. Here’s hoping for the best and not expecting the worst. Remember, we're in this together. If you succeed, we all succeed.

Here are your two options. Sleep or be happy. We’re gonna need to keep working on this for our 1st family vacation. Aren't you excited. You get to eat, sleep, and poop in another place :) Hoping that it’ll be a good experience and the 1st of many family vacations to come…

Wednesday, October 5, 2022


What’s the deal bro? You mad cause you only poop once a day? Please don’t take it out on everyone. We’re really trying to keep you happy, but we can’t control your bowels.

It’s not that hard to be chill. At least I know you can be chill. Be chill works for everyone. You don’t cry and we don’t cry. Everyone wins. Also how about working on sleeping longer? Thanks in advance I hope.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Mom and Me

I know you’re probably not that impressed with your mom or me, but just know that we care about you more than you can imagine. Raising children isn’t an easy task, but take comfort in knowing we’re doing our best to give you the best life possible.

I don’t know what the nature of our relationships will be if and when you ever read this, but never forget that you are surrounded by love and support. Try to give everyone a break with the crying 🙏 

Monday, October 3, 2022

Sorry, Again…

Mom and I are really sorry that we hurt you yesterday. I know you’re trying really hard to be better and we went ahead and burned your mouth (we think).

I joke about it, but I hope you don’t associate your mom with pain 😂. As you can see here, she really loves you. Just like you, we’re learning all the time. Please be patient and stay calm and carry on.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Super Sunday

Your smile is great son. But I need less crying. I know. New day, same story, 

Boy were you smiling when you dropped this one. I think we might finally need to change to size 1. I feel bad that you’re staining all the onesies…

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Sports Someday?

If you ask anyone who knows me, I didn’t have many reasons for having children. But today I thought of a new one…retirement.

Need to find a way for you to makes lots of money though. You can be a model. I was thinking professional sports, but not sure if God gave you talent and physical prowess because that probably won’t come from mom or me 😂.

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...