Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Cruisin’ 🛳️

In 36 hours you’ll be on your first boat ride. You get to experience the boat life like your ancestors 😂. Just kidding, this will be much funner I hope. Your grandma told me to be extra careful with you. She’s starting to sound like your grandpa.

You won’t have to read your own book for a few weeks. Make sure you make the most of your time with your East Coast family. I apologize in advance that I have to wake you up early tomorrow. WWW…

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


There’s a scientific study they did on kids to see if they can be patient and resist temptation. Basically they put a treat in front of you, you can eat it or wait 10 minutes and they’ll double your treats.

It’s funny to see the kids try to resist, but they found those that do, have better future life outcomes. I know you’re young, but learning self control will help you out a lot in life. Remember that.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Sleep Positions

I hope we can all find comfortable sleep positions on the cruise, but I’m not sure where I fit in this particular configuration. I wonder how big the bed will be.

Don’t worry though. I will sacrifice my comfort for you and mom to sleep well. That’s what men do. Someday you have to learn the sad reality, that only women and children are loved unconditionally. Men are only loved under the condition they can provide. WWW.

Sunday, January 28, 2024


Waiting in line to get food for everyone. Great time to blog. 

Thanks for being gentle on my face last night. Although I think your hands or either a little dirty or have oils on them. I’m experiencing pimples as a result. Not sure how much you enjoy touching my face, but might have to have you cut back. WWW…

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Don’t Believe The Hype

Sometimes you can’t go off of what you you see online or hear. Today at the doctor to get work done for your Ba Noi, the machine for the line was broken, but everyone was civilized about getting numbers, being patient, and honest about who was in line.

It was nice to see that nothing crazy happened and it totally could have. Just a reminder that it doesn’t take extra to be a good person. ABG doesn’t just stand for Asian Baby Girls. It also means Always Be Good (unless someone takes advantage of you, then you might have to cut them off)…

Friday, January 26, 2024

New Plan

I might have devised a new plan to thwart your escape attempts. It’s not that we don’t want you to roam free around the house, but rather it can be dangerous and you may do bad stuff like throw things in the garbage that aren’t garbage.

Not sure if this just happened to work because you were distracted or if it might work for a while. I was able to fold all the laundry. 🙏 

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Maximize Utility

That’s one of the rules of economics. We should all try to maximize the benefit. That’s what I think about sometimes when I go to pick you up from daycare. 

I feel bad if you have to spend more time at daycare, but I also feel bad if I don’t maximize the time I get away from you 😂. Not in a bad way, but more so just to have time to do other things. Anyhow, this is a really good tuna sandwich from Corti Bros. We can go when you can eat it. I just got some pho for you and mommy. I using this extra utility (time) to blog before I pick you up. It’s been a rough few days. If you have any sway with God, please pray for us all. 🙏 

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Ms. Deb

Someone really likes Ms. Deb. Which is good. I’m happy you like your daycare teacher. However, it’s also important to remember that there are other people who care for and about you. Like this person:

It’s a picture, not a video. Just make sure you learn to appreciate and be nice to the other people that are positives in your life. Imagine if you were mean to Ms. Deb when Ms. Angelina was around. Ms. Deb might not like you as much…

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

No Free Lunch

That’s one of the important things you learn if you ever take an Economics class. So I’ll save you the time. Whenever you make a decision, essentially, you’re saying no to other options.

This donut didn’t cost daddy any money. But it cost daddy calories and stomach space that could have been filled with something more nutritious. So remember when you have a fit on the ground the cost is you’re stressing out your parents and getting yourself dirty. So maybe you should have so many fits?

Monday, January 22, 2024

Sooner The Better

You know if daddy had invested $10,000 in Amazon 30 years ago, it’d be worth $17,000,000 today. To be honest, I didn’t know Amazon was a company 30 years ago. 

No one can see the future, but it shouldn’t stop one from preparing for it. It’s hard to break bad habits, but it’s important to not give up even if you’re late to change. Daddy is gonna work on being the best dad for you. Even though I haven’t been so far. 🤞 

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Coffee Time

Today you got to see Uncle Bao and Aunty Hong An. We got to spend a good amount of time with them. I’m sorry that we were so tired so we couldn’t hang out longer. You seemed to have a good time and I think they enjoyed you.

A good lesson in life is not to worry about how many friends you have. Focus on the quality of friends. Relationships is not where you want to skip on quality.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Sleep Time

Hi buddy. I know you want to sleep sometimes, but it’s good for you and will give you energy to have fun later. You do eventually fall asleep, but if you did sooner, it would be helpful.

If there’s anything you need to help you, please let us know, it’s taking about 20-50 minutes for you to fall asleep. I wonder (I don’t want to) if you would take the same time if we didn’t hang out with you…

Friday, January 19, 2024


There’s no holiday Monday, but at least today is Friday. This morning it seemed like you didn’t want to go to school? But when we got there and it was story time, you ran and didn’t even say bye to me.

But I’m not mad. You even gave the teacher the toy from home you wouldn’t give to me. I hope that means you do enjoy school. Today flew by like yesterday. I’ll be seeing you soon. Mommy will be too!

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Happy 6 Months

It was yesterday, but today you had your doctor appointment and you did good. Except the crying part and fussing. That’s not good, but the doctor says we can expect that. WWW.

Anyhow, Aunty Lorraine fixed this for you. I don’t want you to, but she says she’ll fix it again if you break it. Hope you had a good day at school today. I’ll see you soon. *cough, cough*

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Doh 🙄

Today you learned that hitting yourself can hurt. I hope it’s a lesson that you remember. This is a picture of you pooping, but it’s a very similar face and reaction to you hitting yourself with the golfball.

People and things are gonna hurt you in life. There’s no need to hurt yourself. I hope you learn that soon. Until then, I’ll be here to hold you when you need consoling, 

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Cough Soo Soo

Man, I really wish your cough would go away. It’s like we all have a cough now. Thankfully, it’s only in the morning and I night I think. It’s not too bad during the day for me.

Anyhow, mom doesn’t want to sleep with you so I guess I will. And she wonders why you love me so much…I love you too Boba Chop. 

Monday, January 15, 2024


You’re an only child. I hope you don’t end up hating us for that decision. We try our best to have you around other kids as often as we can. That’s also one of the many benefits of daycare.

Even though you don’t have any siblings, you’re never alone. Your family and friends will always be here for you. I hope that’s enough for you. 🙏 

Sunday, January 14, 2024

2:22 PM

That’s roughly what time you fell asleep for your nap today. Not cool bruh.

Today I confirmed that you know how to open the doors to the rooms. Sometimes I think you’re getting super smart. Then you go and bite your mom or you don’t listen when we say don’t throw your milk bottle and I wonder…You slept in this morning. Let’s see if you nap until 5:22PM…for your momma.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Sleep > Vinh

Sorry Boba. It’s not that mom doesn’t love you. It’s more that she really loves (or needs) to sleep. Usually you nap 3 hours with daddy, but not sure what happened with mommy.

Thanks for being okay today, but you can be better. Please stop tossing your bottles please and listen to your parents. Love you!

Friday, January 12, 2024


I never thought matching clothes would be that cool, but I do try. 

Unfortunately, you won’t get to wear this today, but definitely another time. I’m not super sad that we’re missing Aunty Thao’s baby shower, but it’s probably better for Team Boba. I hope you’re not too sad either. We'll have tons of chances to be twins in the future. 

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Listen 👂

We know you’re smart. But we haven’t figured out how to teach you not to throw your milk. You’re not happy about time outs, but you won’t stop throwing your milk and other things.

Also who parks like this? And could you please stop biting me? Scratching is not great, but better than biting. So please work on that okay?

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


Sorry, mom didn’t want to invite you to Gogi today. But you didn’t miss much. Mommy said I should blog about how much you scratch and bite me, but it’s okay. I’m hoping you do that to comfort yourself. I’ll suffer for now.

You seem to have more gunk in your eyes, but not as bad as that one time. I sure hope it doesn’t get any worse. At least you seem to be doing good otherwise. I don’t miss urgent care 😂 .

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Office Daddy

I’m sorry I had to abandon you today with Mommy while I went into the office. I’ve changed my in office day to Tuesdays so that I don’t have to rush to get you to daycare Mondays.

Maybe you wanted to sleep more this morning? Usually you call for Mommy when you wake up. Anyhow, I’ll see you in a bit. Hope you had a good day I daycare and aren’t too sad if they kept you inside because Mommy is worried for your health.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Ha Sa Su 😷

Someone has been coughing lately. Hopefully, it’s just the normal winter asthma stuff. 

It’s always a rough time for your eyes and nose. We haven’t seen anything serious, but I hope we’re not ignoring or missing anything. I’m trying to remember how your summer was. At least it’s the new year and warmer weather will be here in a few months. Please survive until then. 

Sunday, January 7, 2024


You gotta have Faith. Your cousin and belief.

All in all, we have great family and friends. It’s important to remember that all relationships should be mutual. If you want good relationships, you need to work hard too. In good times and bad, have faith that your relationships will carry you through.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Mommy In The Morning

Someone wanted mommy this morning. Sorry mommy isn’t a morning person if she doesn’t have to be. It’s okay, daddy was here for you.

Guess who’s also always here for you when you need to sleep? Daddy. Hope you’re rested up and have a good day with your friends and cousins today. And of course your parents too. 🙏 

Friday, January 5, 2024

Bye Ms. Jewlene 👋

Today was Ms. Jewlene’s last day. You like Ms. Deb the most, but it’s gonna be time to get to know new teachers again. Ms. Deb spoils you. You need to learn to be okay with others or else it could be devastating if she leaves.

I was thanking you’re like Jay Leno, you got all these cars you fancy guy you. Oh, today I don’t feel like driving my fire truck or red car. I’m gonna have my chauffeur drive me in my blue car. I’m still waiting for my Mini Cooper…

Thursday, January 4, 2024


You and I are developing a routine, but I hope you’re gonna be more open to involving others. 

You did great waking up today. You did great eating breakfast except the 2 spitouts. I think you need to eat slower and wash down the food more often. Just 2 car throws, but otherwise good. Oh yeah, you didn’t want to put your jacket on, but then again, you didn’t cry when I dropped you off at daycare. Thanks Ms. Deb. So there’s your Dad Report for today so far.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Mommy Mommy

This is how I found you. It’s a good thing we got you out of the crib and that the ground is close by in case you fall off the mattress. 

Thanks for eating well this morning. Everything was smooth until you threw the cars on the ground at the end. So let’s keep everything else the same and work on not throwing things. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Too Much

Someone got way too much stuff and is getting more. So lucky are you that so many people love you.

I keep repeating that because we’re constantly reminded of all the blessings. So be good and stop biting your parents. 

Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy 2024

Someone is taking time to adjust back to the West Coast. At least you were a little better in church minus the biting and throwing of the milk bottle.

Sorry your belly button was showing, but it turned out a decent picture. It’s been about an hour and someone still hasn’t gone down for their nap. I guess you’ll sleep when you’re tired. Sorry your cycle keeps getting messed up.

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...