Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Eve’s Eve

Not your former classmate, but the day before the day that daddy is going to go on his trip. Thank your mom and you for allowing me to do this. Please make sure you’re good to your mom while I’m gone. 

I know she can be annoying, but please just entertain her and pretend you don’t want to wash your hair or get put in the garbage. She’s not really gonna put you in the garbage. Grandma and your aunties will not allow that. Enjoy the next 2 evenings with me. 👋 


Monday, April 29, 2024

Shart 💩

Today I sharted at work. It was not planned. I just want you to know that embarrassing stuff happens to everyone. Don’t let your fear of being embarrassed cause your worse problems.

Those who matter won’t care. Those who care don’t matter. Keep the people who matter around and you’ll be alright. Even if you shart and they know. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Emma, Emma 💕

Today you got to celebrate and spend time with your favorite person, EMMA!!! I’m sorry we didn’t have time to go to Berkeley, but hopefully you had enough fun with the Rosauros.

Emma really loves you. You’re very lucky. Everyone looks forward to celebrating again with you in the future. Maybe we can get you a barong or ao dai. 😆 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Our Baby Can Read

Just kidding. But soon I hope. No pressure. Just want you to have a good foundation for life and school.

Sadly, dad couldn’t be there since I had to work today. But it’s good for you and mommy to have your own time. Hopefully it’s a good time. Because you’ll have a whole weekend and change with her this week. Sorry that daddy has to go on his annual golf trip. Someday maybe you and mommy can join me. ⛳️ 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Patience and Understanding

Actually wisdom, wisdom is what you should pursue. I’m not saying, you need to be super smart. You just need to be wise. Wise enough to know when you need to be patient and when you need to be persistent.

When you need to quit or when you need to keep going. I don’t know how to teach you to be wise. I’m not always wise myself. I can only say that sometimes understanding the process or bigger picture help. 🙏 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Good Son

Hi there little buddy. Hope you’re having a good day when you read this. Your uncle Adam was sharing with me about how his daughter loves to share and care for others.

I hope that’s something that Grandma Hong instilled in you too. I don’t mean for you to put yourself out there until you’re empty or taken advantage of, but I hope you are someone who will make the world a better place. It won’t be easy. It will take work and sacrifice, but it’ll be worth it. You’ll make us and God very proud.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Pizza, pizza 🍕

I wonder if daycare judges us based on what we feed you for breakfast (and when we packed you lunch)?

Today I feel like a bad parent, but you are so picky with eating. Are we doing something wrong or do some kids just eat well and others don’t? I had to hide your vitamins because you seemed more interested in that than eggs. You’re lucky mommy cares so much about your eating. Otherwise you might starve or just eat goldfish. 😂 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Night Terrors

I’ll have to Google and ask around, but I think you might be experiencing night terrors. I blame your mom for always teasing you.

I moved Jesus over so he could watch over you, but it didn’t help last night/this morning. Hopefully the Google and asking around will find solutions. Fortunately, you fall back asleep okay after I pick you up (assuming your mom doesn’t harass you).

Monday, April 22, 2024

Sick Boba

Sorry buddy. It’s such a challenge to allow you to be exposed while keeping you safe. Not sure what the cause was, but I think it’s probably being outside on Saturday at Uncle Vince’s without a jacket. 

I felt bad that you had to go to daycare today, but at least you got to go in later and you’ll be picked up a little earlier today. Hopefully you enjoyed Earth day. Hopefully you were sad about not having an Earth day t-shirt.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Sleepy, Not Sleepy

You looked pretty sleepy in the car. Maybe we should have tried harder to get you to sleep, but then again, you really need to eat too. Now look at you:

Maybe ignoring you isn’t the way to go. It’s the 1:53PM and you really should be asleep by 2:00PM. We will have to make an exception for today since you didn’t sleep well last night and mom “is putting you down” for your nap. Alright, I’ll be right in. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Time Spent

Time is universal equalizer. Everyone has the same 24 hours to work with, but some have resources to help speed up and slow down time. 

You get to decide how you spend your time and with who. Make sure you make time for the important people in your life. They’re always gonna be there. You have a lot of people around you. I really hope you’re able to develop great bonds like your parents. It takes work though.

Friday, April 19, 2024

What Happened?

I know I posted yesterday for you, but it didn’t show. I always blog you first before your mom.

You and I had fun at the park even with my head butt and that Lucas wannabe that kept trying to hang out with us. Sorry I am playing MJ right now, but I’ll be there when you wake.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

So Dep Trai

Who’s this cutie pie? Vinh Gavin Nguyen is who!!!

You did good with your haircut yesterday. I think it’s funny how you say “bye” to everything. That’s how I get you to detach from your toys before daycare. What I need you to also do is be nice to people who are nice to you. Uncle Tao and Aunty Susie and Jennifer. You need to be nicer to them and sooner. I know we don’t see them enough, but you should still remember them. They love you even though you don’t show them love. Be cute and nice. 🙏 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Waiting Game

Daddy hates waiting. But for you and mommy he often has to make an exception. You disappeared from the camera and so I thought you might be awake. I was wrong. You can enjoy this while you can. Someday I may not have the flexibility to allow you to sleep in. 

Eventually, you’ll have to start school and wake up early whether you like it or not. It’s too bad that we rarely appreciate the moments we’re in, but can only acknowledge them after they have passed…

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Bump Moon 🌙

Sorry the moon couldn’t bump you. I guess this is a good lesson. Sometimes in life things are beyond your control and the control of your dad and everyone else.

It may be unfair, but unfortunately, so is life. I hope that you don’t encounter too many of these instances and when you do, I hope it’s as frivolous as the moon not bumping you. If it’s serious, it is what it is and we’ll be here for you. ❤️‍🩹 

Monday, April 15, 2024


I think the only way I can manage your breakfast is to break it down into parts. I’m gonna give you 10 minutes for each item and you get 3 items. If you don’t eat enough in addition to milk and water, there’s nothing I can do.

30 minutes to eat the amount of food you eat seems pretty reasonable to me. I hope you learn to eat at least half of what I try to feed you. That’s probably a decent amount so we don’t have to worry too much about you not eating at daycare. 🐷 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Bye, bye Pasadena

Make sure you say good bye to Pasadena and to Alex and Anna. They were very kind to let you stay at their place. I hope you had a good time playing with the “chats” (say good bye to them too).

This is the worst part of the trip. The good byes and the long drive home. Hopefully you’ll sleep at least a little bit on this journey (or find a way to keep yourself entertained). 🙏 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Dynamic Trio

You may not know it, but you’re very lucky to have such cool cousins. I can’t determine who you’ll be close with, but I hope you’ll be able to develop strong bonds. 

Here are 2 that you can choose from. Hoping you develop a strong one with Z since you’re so close in age. 🙏 

Friday, April 12, 2024

From Your Mom

You get a lot of good stuff from your mom. You’re cute like her. But you also get some not so good stuff from your mom. You sleep a lot and you’re sweaty!!

Hope you’ll grow out of it when you get older. It’s okay now because you’re a growing boy. Hope you’re having fun with your family. 🙏 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Another Weekend

Another trip. Keeps me from working too much, but it keeps you away from home. Today’s been kinda www for Daddy, but hoping it gets better. Hopefully, it’s not www for you.

Please brace yourself for the drive and energy to hang out properly with your family in SoCal. I need the energy in this photo to be the same energy you display all weekend. You won’t have much time for Erin to like you.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

To Do List

Sorry that this is still broken. Someone threw away the part and so I need to figure out a way to safely repair it for use. 

Hopefully you don’t think that’s the way the truck and trailer are supposed to work. Aiden knew and I think you’re just as smart if not smarter 🤓.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Oops I Forgot

I had a good idea of what I wanted to write to you, but I forgot. I had a lot of work today after coming back from vacation and preparing for another trip.

Looks like you’re having a picnic tomorrow. It’s too bad I have a meeting from 10-1 tomorrow or I’d come visit you. Although you may not want me to leave so maybe it’s better that way. Which makes me wonder if I should see you Friday. Wait, we’re going to visit your family in So Cal. Never mind. 👋 

Monday, April 8, 2024


We’re headed home after a great weekend with M&M (Mary and Miguel). You were okay, but you really should be better since they already love your mom and you so much.

You didn’t really sleep on plane today so I hope that means you’ll sleep tonight at home. Looks like mommy wants me to leave for work a little later tomorrow in case you sleep in. So try to get some rest earlier tonight so you can wake up at your time tomorrow.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Divine Mercy Sunday

I’m not sure about all the religious hoopla that surrounds you. I can tell you for certain, just because you believe something, doesn’t make it true or necessary for others to believe or agree with you. #trump. I can also tell you that I’m sorry if your mom and my relationship negatively affect your life. 

That is definitely not my intention. But it’s the results that matter, so I’m truly sorry if it does. It’s too late to put you back into the womb and you’ve already impacted so many lives for the better. Although your impact on my life is still in debate. I’m generally good at compartmentalization, but with your mom it’s a little more difficult. Anyhow, you don’t have to forgive me, but it’s nice if you could. Carrying baggage is no fun. I’m gonna work on finding ways to not let our issues harm you. Or maybe it’ll be a lesson you can learn from that marriage and kids aren’t for everyone. Mommy would be very happy if you became a priest. But ultimately it’s your life. You do you.

Saturday, April 6, 2024


You should always strive to be good. Even if there isn’t a reward, like heaven. Being good is its own reward.

If everyone in the world was good, the world would be an amazing place. If everyone did what they were supposed to do, the world would run so smoothly. If you’re gonna do something, you might as well do a good job at it, otherwise what is the point. 

Friday, April 5, 2024

Sleep, Sleep, Sleep 🛌

You get that from mommy. Except that mommy would sleep a longer if she could. That leaves daddy keeping his eyes open to the world.

I hope you get some good rest. I’m sorry that it’s probably gonna be a weekend of messed of sleep and right back to daycare. Hopefully we can get you back on track sooner when we get home. And keep you safe from sickness. 🙏 

Thursday, April 4, 2024


Google always reminds me of the past. Today I was reminded of our trip to Toronto earlier this year. Just now I was reminded of our trip a year ago to San Diego. 

They say time moves fast, but it seems like you’re growing so slow. You’re not even potty trained yet. Anyhow, your mom gave me that watch and I plan on passing it down to you when you’re ready to be responsible with it. ⏱️ 

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Sweet Tooth

Your mommy and daddy both have a sweet tooth. So I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise that you have one too. You are very smart and remember where all the goodies are.

We don’t mind giving you healthy sweet treats, but we also need you to eat some healthy and hearty foods too. You’re not gonna grow up big and strong unless you do. Your parents aren’t huge people, so you need to use nurture to your advantage and eat up.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Boat, Boat 🚤

Yes, it was boats. Sushi boats. But we’re not there for the boats. We’re there for the food. So we need you to be on board with the plan. Not your own plans. 

Please do better. 🙏 

Monday, April 1, 2024

Hi Ms. Deb 🥰

Did you hear that Friday was Ms. Deb’s last day full time in your class? I was very sad for you. She would still be around, but she is going back to school so you wouldn’t see her all the time. 

But then we saw her this morning and you went right into her arms. I’m not sure what you’re gonna do when you don’t see her. You need to get comfy with a new person. Maybe Ms. Sandra. She seems nice.

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...