Friday, September 30, 2022


I’m sorry that you cry so much. That’s gotta suck that we don’t know what to do sometimes. I’m also sorry you had to watch me and your mom have a lively debate about letting you cry. Hopefully both do not scar you permanently. I’m sure we can find studies to support either side.

But at least we know it’s not just us, because this morning you were not happy with grandma or uncle Tony. I really hope you learn to figure out how to communicate your issues with us soon or at least learn to be okay with life. It’s too short to be crying all the time…

Thursday, September 29, 2022


Hi son, in case you didn’t know, your mom loves to travel. Having you will definitely complicate that, but mom is up for the challenge.

Today, I was driving to Calaveras County for work. It got me thinking, maybe to get you traveling we should try to visit all the counties in California. Most can be day trips. Just a thought for your mom. I saw a nice mural for Valley Springs today, but couldn’t stop to take a picture so here’s a duck I got you instead.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Rather Be

You’re a challenging baby, but I’m sure it’s not your fault. So with that it’s definitely nice to get a break from you 😂.

But as I sit here at this work event, I can honestly say, watching you is probably funner than this. So there you go, progress in the parenting home front.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Cry Baby Gavin...

I'm in a meeting right now for work and can hear you crying downstairs...
I'm really sorry you're not happy. I hope we're able to figure out how to keep you happier before our trip to Hawaii...

I was worried you were trying to hurt yourshelf here, but mom assured me you're still breathing. I just wonder why you like that position. Lately, you've been muzzling your face into the darkness (armpits, chest, etc). At least the straight jacket is helping you sleep a little more. If we could just cut down on the crying when you're fed, changed, and burped. Otherwise we're confused on what to do...

Monday, September 26, 2022

Vinh House

Hi Vinh. Your uncle Tao thinks that I named you after a coffee shop, but I didn’t. But it’s coincidental that I like both Vinhs. Today I went to get coffee to treat myself since I’m going to work and it’s been rough.

Your mom says I can’t introduce you to gummies, but maybe she’ll be okay if you drink coffee. I doubt it, but if they’re still around when you’re older, you can have a sip. Although, maybe we skip the coffee and just have the taro since you may already be at a height disadvantage…

Sunday, September 25, 2022

You Mad Bro?

Man, you did not have a good night. As a result, neither did your parents. You woke up every 90 minutes and ate sporadically. I’m curious how much formula we waste. I wonder how normal that is.

I forgot to ask your uncle Peter. We well at least there’s comfort in knowing that you can be comforted, but it comes at the expense of others. I’m soooooo tired.

Saturday, September 24, 2022


Not sure if you’ll take up golfing son. I’ll try to get you out there young, but I’m not gonna force you to play it if you don’t enjoy it. I suspect that’ll probably be the case with my luck 😔.

Even a bad day on a bad course is often better than a good day doing anything else. Or with my luck maybe I’ll be too old to golf. Let’s hope that’s not it.

Friday, September 23, 2022

You Can Do It

I don’t know what the secret is, but I know that you can exist without being a cry baby Jo Jo, who cries all the time.

Today mommy left me alone with you while she went to get a Covid booster shot. I wonder what history will teach you about the Covid times. Anyhow, you woke up, had your diaper changed, waited for me to make food, ate, burped and listened to me read without crying. I thought you made a breakthrough, but then you cried bloody murder when your mom got home…

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Happy Birthday Mommy

Today is your mommy’s birthday. I’m sure her only wish is for you to be an easier baby. I don’t know how much control you have over that, but it would be great if you could be better.

For starters, can you try turning to your left? You’re really becoming like Zoolander and we’re worried about your physical well-being. Notice most of your pictures only show one side?

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Someone’s Got Their Own Room

Actually, you’ve always had it, but you finally got to be in it today relatively completed.

Uncle Tony likes your F1 sheets. You’re growing everyday. Bigger and hopefully stronger and more durable. You’re still a cry baby Jo Jo, but we hope you’ll grow out of it soon. It’ll make everyone’s lives better, including your own. People say babies grow up too fast, but I’m still waiting for you to be able to communicate with me what you need. So it’s okay if you want to be a prodigy 😂

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Great Job Today

You weren’t perfect, but you were pretty good today at the doctor’s appointment. And everything looks good. All your mom’s concerns about your fat feet and white tongue seemed to be put to rest.

Guess who got some eyes lashes now? You do!!! Anyhow, I was hoping that today was a turning point, but I keep hearing you cry to grandma. 😂 

Monday, September 19, 2022

Womp Womp Womp

WWW. You got to meet your future girlfriend, but unfortunately I don’t think she was impressed. I wouldn’t be if someone cried in my face. But I think she has a short memory.

Anyhow, with most things in your young life, I hope there’s improvement since there’s a lot of room for it. I believe in your. And her parents are great people. But if you decide to be a priest, your mom would be ecstatic.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

The Couch

I think only non Asians spouses sleep on the couch when they’re in trouble. I’m on the couch because someone is finally asleep and not crying like a cry baby Jo Jo. 

Didn’t want risk waking you in case I had to breathe while sleeping or something. Anyhow, we’re all still waiting for you to become a better child. Happy 2 months.


Saturday, September 17, 2022

Who’s Not A Good Boy? 🥷

This morning you were not happy and then you were happy. And then you were not happy again. What’s the deal man?

You finally have some friends coming over today. I hope you and they have a good time. Which means you probably need to focus on being a good boy today and being happy okay?

Friday, September 16, 2022

Who’s A Good Boy? 🐶

Were you a good son to your momma yesterday? It was her first time alone at night without me since you were born. She’s a real trooper so I hope you took it easy on her and your grandma. If you were rough on your uncle and grandpa, that’s okay 😂 

I look forward to seeing you. Hopefully in the mirror smiling and not being a cry baby jo jo. But more excited to give you mom some support. We all hoping you’re able to give us a break soon and be a good boy 👦.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Do For You…

Today I had to pull over and pee into a cup on the side of a hill.

My gps went out and I had to drive along the mountain and hoped for the best. I finally made it to the hotel and didn’t have time to stop and buy any lucky lottery. It’s work, but I do it for you. Don’t get me wrong, I like my job, but I work so we can have the best life possible. I hope you enjoy it too.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022


Welcome to the RCRC Family 😂. I’ve been customizing your onesies cause they’re so boring just white. People at work were very generous with their thoughts and wallets. We’re gonna bake them cookies later, but wanted to thank them now.

Just another reminder that no matter how bad life gets, remember that there are people who care about you and want you around. So never give up.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

To My Son

Not sure if I posted about this before, but a lot has been going on lately. I tried to get my life together before you were born, I was on the right path, but I had a hiccup. Which I guess is kinda the story of life.

I’m always gonna do my best to give you the best life I can. I realize that what I think is best for you will likely not be what you think is best for you. I just hope we can accept that at least we have the same goal. Anyhow, when life knocks you down or if you knock yourself down, if you pick yourself up and do better and move forward, you’re gonna be okay. If you ever feel like giving up, remember that we’re here for you. And because of you I have to keep getting up and moving forward and getting my life together so you can have your best life. That’s what I hope to leave to you. 

Monday, September 12, 2022

You’re So Vain

But you’re cute, so I guess I understand. It’s funny to see you look in the mirror and smile. You also smile when you clap your hands. But then out of no where you cry bloody murder.

So let’s continue to do less “Cry Baby Gavin” and “Who’s Dep Trai?”…

Sunday, September 11, 2022


You did good today once you arrived at Grandma’s house. We’re really worried about traveling with you. We’re gonna need you to get on board with being chill.

I don’t mind holding you if you’re cool. We need to figure out if you’ll be cool in a holder so we can be productive while we hold you. I’m curious what your family in Canada got you…

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Like Your Mama

Everyone except Aunty Felicia says you look like your momma. Which is good, cause your momma is the better looking one between the two of us.

Your mom also is the one with better intentions and she’s kinder for the most part even though daddy tends to get better results. Here’s to hoping you take the best of each of us to make the best version of you.

Friday, September 9, 2022


Today I ate leftovers from your grandparents. In the near future I’ll be eating your leftovers. Kinda sad to think about it. I know you didn’t ask for it, but I hope you appreciate what your mom and I sacrificed for you.

I also hope you’re a great person and living your best life. And that you’re not hurting anyone. If you’re doing that, it’s all worth it. 

Thursday, September 8, 2022


Everybody naps. But some people nap more than others. That’s you and your mom. 

But it’s okay. You guys need your sleep. Plus you guys sleeping means you can’t cry or complain about stuff. Get some rest. I hope you can sleep 4 hours like with Grandma.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Don’t Be A Lucas

I don’t know everything about your cousin Lucas, but most of what I know isn’t promising, but I’m not blaming him. 🤗 I just hope you’ll do better, but I also understand that a lot of that depends on your mom and me and the people around us.

You definitely got the cute thing going. Hope you keep it going longer than him. I know what we won’t see eye to eye on many things, but never forget that we both share the same goal. We both want you to be the best version of you. Sorry for using someone else as an example, but sometimes you need a goal. Be a Evelyn or Ally for now. And possibly an Evan for later.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

So Lost

You don’t make it easy son. At least more people know that we’re not really bad parents. You just cry a lot. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been a tried and true method of making you comfortable, but we’ll keep trying.

It’s too bad there isn’t an easy way for you to communicate it to us. Here’s a brief moment of you being “cool” today. If only all the moments could be like this…

Monday, September 5, 2022

And Then There Were 6

Anna Pasadena left today. So it’s back to the same ol’ 6. It’s possible it might eventually be down to 5 or 4 and eventually just 3. So we’re gonna need you to step it up.

I know you didn’t like learning Vietnamese today, but it’s good to be culturally diverse. You got the cuteness down, so keep that up and work on the calmness. We’re okay with you pooping on us if you didn’t fuss so much. Sorry mom just startled you with a text…

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Goodbye Uncle Han

Today your Uncle Han headed home to Canada. It was a very bittersweet moment. He hopes you will remember him. We hope you will too.

It was a blessing to have him hang out with us and you over the last few weeks. We’re not sure what the future holds, but we want the best for him. Hopefully he’s still part of your life when you read this, but if not, we hope he’s happy cause he deserves it. 

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Where’s Vinh?

Hard to tell where you are when you’re not fussing. It’s just kinda sad that the only time you’re “ngoan” is when you’re sleeping. Your grandma said you’re ngoan, but I didn’t clarify…

Maybe we’ll make this a game for the family. We’ll hide you and see if they can find you. Can you spot the bug in the picture? Very rare there are bugs in the house. Prayers that doesn’t change.

Friday, September 2, 2022

💤 Sleep

It’s too bad we’ll never really know about your experience right now. I wonder if you’re sleeping well and if you’re doing well. I think your weight is good even though your eating has been sporadic lately. 

Also I hope we’re not spoiling you to your detriment by holding or sleeping you with us. Anyhow, here’s to hoping we will look back at this time and know we did good in action, not just in intention.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Long Day

It started at 1230AM. You woke up on my chest and you were not happy…

I made you a bottle of 90ml and attempted to feed you. You ate, but wouldn’t burp and was fussy. And when you finally burped, you still weren’t happy. Mom decided to change and was you butt cause you pooped a little. Then we finally got you to sleep in my arms, but you didn’t want to sleep in your bed. So I let you sleep with mom and me. You slept, but it wasn’t peaceful. Fast forward 3 hours (let Uncle Han sleep), I finally got some rest and now I’m sooooo tired and hungry at work. Please remember that no matter how much you may butt heads with your mother and me in the future, that we made a lot of sacrifices for you. It took me until college to realize that myself. I hope you realize it sooner than me…

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...