Saturday, September 30, 2023

Lantern Stuff

Not sure how much fun you had, but I hope it was not horrible. We really went for your mom so thanks for going along.

Mom gets really excited around other kids. Sorry that you got hurt and were ignored. But know she loves you a lot. She’s just easily distracted. 

Friday, September 29, 2023

Fake Eating

If your goal is to make everyone sad, you succeeded. Fake eating is not real eating and won’t help you nutritiously. 

This is why I tell mommy that being cute is not enough. We need you to be good to. Part of being good is eating enough nutritious food so you can grow up and be healthy. P-L-E-A-S-E!!!

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Jack Of All Trades

Is a master of none, BUT still better than a master of one. Often times people forget the rest of that saying. I think it’s good if you find something you’re really good at. However, I think it’s more important to be well rounded.

I’m not the best bowler, but I’m better than average as I am at golf and a lot of things. Having lots of skills will make your life easier and more interesting. 

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


Today was a bulky waste day at Grandma’s. A long time ago, the neighborhood had dump days and people would go hunting for treasures. But I hope we’ve moved past that where we have all we need.

I hope you take the good from your mom and I and not any of the bad. One good thing is that we don’t like junk and try to minimalist lifestyle. Quantity of possessions does not make your worth. Don’t be a hoarder please.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

First Steps

I had a different topic planned today, but then you took your first steps. Thanks to the Ring, we have record:

Good job. We’re all so happy and proud of you. With great power comes great responsibility. Please be careful with where you’re walking 🙏 

Monday, September 25, 2023


Family is important because the should be there for you. I hope you have a great relationship with your family. 

But if not, make sure you have a few good friends. Relationships are about quality not quantity. Remember that always. Better to have 1 great friend than 1000 acquaintances.

Sunday, September 24, 2023


You just woke up crying and we don’t know why? But it also reminded me that I need to post to your blog today. I’m currently holding you so mommy can brush. I can’t tell if you’re asleep, but you did stop crying.

I know you don’t always enjoy our trips, but your mommy does and it was for her birthday. At least you got to see Auntie Anna and Alex. You also got to try some good food, but you probably don’t appreciate it. Just a lesson, that sometimes we do things for others we don’t want to do because we love them. I do a lot of that for you 😂.

Saturday, September 23, 2023


Someone doesn’t want to sleep. Man you’re making a lot of noise. Hope you’re having a good trip in SF for the 1st time.

At least you got some nap time earlier today. Although I think you’re finally asleep on my sore neck and shoulders. You’re lucky I love you and your mommy. I just handed you to your mommy and you want to wake up. DON’T!!!!

Friday, September 22, 2023

Hmmm Yummm

Thanks for faking the feeding of daddy today and yourself. It was really cute. But you know it’s your mommy’s birthday today so you should have been nice and fake fed her too.

She’s always real feeding you so the least you could do is fake feed her. By the way, she really liked the cards and gifts we got her. Although she broke one of them. We can switch and that will be my gift. She didn’t break and liked your gift more 😂 

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Coming Home 🏠

Today, but you won’t see me until tomorrow likely. That means you need to be on your best behavior for mommy for one more night. You can do it. Although, you really should always be on your best behavior.

Your cousin Z says 👋. Team EZ is looking forward to seeing Momma and Boba Chop. Maybe you guys can for a photo together…

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Work 🦀

Hi Boba. I heard that you did good last night by yourshelf with just mommy. I’m very proud of you, but I do wonder why you are more difficult supposedly with me around. 

Someday you’ll be able to come and workcation with me again. Until then I’ll have to remember to bring Mr. Crab with me. I’ll be home tomorrow night, but you should be sleeping by then. Get some rest because we have adventures this weekend.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Leaving On A ✈️

But I’ll be back again. In the meantime, please be good to your mom. She thinks you’re only bad when I’m around, but I think she’s just lazy to take care of you when I’m around…

She may not provide the best service, but she provides her best service, which should mean a lot to you. I’ll keep in touch while I’m gone, so don’t miss me too much.

Monday, September 18, 2023


Often times your mom and I believe that you’re very difficult. But most people that interact with you say you’re very easy. It could be a combination of things, but one important factor is perspective.

Since you’re our only child, our only perspective of life before you and now. I hope these are the most difficult times we experience with you, but I doubt that. In any case, I just wanted to remind you to keep perspective in mind as you go through life. Things aren’t always what that seem. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Pray for Vocation

Today we went to celebrate with the Cracker Nuns. We saw the bishop from Stockton and had him pray for your religious vocation.

I’m reminded of my desire to be a priest when I was younger. But I worried about your grandparents. However, if God does call you and you want to follow that vocation, you don’t need to worry about your parents. But you don’t need to be a priest for us (no matter what your mom says). Just be a good person and be happy. We did not work this hard for you to be unhappy. 

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Nicest People

Lots of people were happy to see you today. Get some rest because we’re only halfway done. I’m waiting for a baked fish for dinner.

You did good today so far. But you should really show everyone all the cool stuff you know. That way they can see how smart AND cute you are. Just sayin’….

Friday, September 15, 2023

To Sleep Or Not To Sleep

I know it’s much easier in me if you sleep. I’m not sure if it’s much harder on your mom or you. Currently, I don’t think it’s impacted your night time sleep too much. Although the times you didn’t nap after daycare, it seems like you wake up around 730.

Look who’s a SuperTittie!!! But I also didn’t want to wake you up if you fall asleep. You don’t always fall asleep on the car ride anymore. Maybe once you start communicating better (or we understand better) we’ll figure the napping out….

Thursday, September 14, 2023

International Boba

Someone is ready to travel internationally:

Not the best photo for sure, but being cute helps. Looking forward to making lots of good memories with you and mom around the world. I don’t want to make bad memories okay? I really hope you realize how lucky you are early on in life and show your awareness by being an upstanding member of society. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

No Nap 💤

Surprised you didn’t sleep after daycare today. Thankfully, I was able to keep you occupied until dinner. Not sure what I’m gonna do with you tomorrow, but I’ll probably end up having to feed you. WWW

Today you came and snuggled in my arms. You change very sweet, but you’re also very sour. Not sure how we can start nipping your bad habits. You’re cute, but I cannot ignore the behavior. Don’t be one of them spoiled kids 🙏.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Thanks Again 👍

You took a while to sleep, but you stayed asleep for the most part. You woke up a little early, but as long as you got enough rest, I’m good. Your mommy wasn’t as happy though.

You ate pretty decent today. I think you sometimes are camera or performance shy, but I got this pic. Mommy says no nap, so we’ll hang out at the park today. Not sure what we’ll do Wednesday and Fridays though…

Monday, September 11, 2023

Thanks 🙏

For most of your cooperation this morning. My only complaint is that you didn’t eat much. I am thinking that I don’t eat much when I first wake up too. So maybe you need time to “wake up” first before you eat?

I thought I had a picture from today, but I guess I deleted it. Anyhow, not sure what to do if you need time to wake up. We don’t have much time in the weekday mornings…

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Hello Ai Day?

Who are you calling? It’s a good thing we have unlimited minutes. You also learned to point to the food item you didn’t want, but I what you wanted lol.

We had a good day today. Thanks for eating and cooperating while your mom went and got a massage. Let’s hope we can repeat this success tomorrow morning. I have to go into the office tomorrow so if I appreciate your cooperation. Thanks!!! 

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Whiny Chop

Why you so whiny lately bro? Is it cause we took away your after daycare nap? Daddy isn’t always around to help out mommy. Please try to be better. Someday you are gonna wish you could sleep more. 

I guess that’s the life lesson for today. Don’t get so caught up on what you’re going to do or what you did that you forget what you’re doing. Enjoy the moment.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Nap Time 😴

Tomorrow is the weekend so maybe your mom won’t be unhappy that I let you nap. It also seems mean to keep you awake if you fall asleep? 

I hope you’re not sad that Ong Ba didn’t come to visit you today at school. They still love you, but they’re not that involved in non essential activities. Thanks for making them this gift, but you really could work on your smile 😊.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Checking In

How are you doing Vinh? Mom has taken away your naps. It’s making all our lives harder, but hopefully it’s okay for you and will be good for you going forward…

I’ll try to keep massaging your tummy. Hopefully that will keep your poop smooth and your mom from assaulting you. Try to sleep through the night because I don’t think mommy can hear you crying from our room. See you soon buddy.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Cry Baby Vinh

Someone is having a lot of tantrums today. What’s the deal bro?

This time you just laid their quietly, but since 1 AM today you seem to be not happy. I wonder if maybe you have an ear infection or maybe because you didn’t nap? Anyhow, this has got to stop. We didn’t do anything wrong to you. I know you’re cute, but this is not!!!

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Sleep Mover

Not sure if all babies move around as much as you do, but we did not put you to bed in this position:

And you also got your arm stuck. Anyhow, how come you’re not being friendly with your classmates in the photos. It’s like you’re always doing your own thing. It’s never too early to make a good friend. Let’s work on you being more friendly and approachable okay? The teachers are so excited to see you and you’re like “eh, whatever” 🤦‍♂️ 

Monday, September 4, 2023

Blog Time

Phones are probably as much trouble as they are helpful. The world you were born into comes with many more obstacles and distractions than mine did. Another piece of advice your dad has for you is to remember to appreciate the journey and not just the destination.

Yes, having a phone can help you kill time while waiting, but it can also distract you from your surroundings. Being distracted can be dangerous, but you could also miss out on opportunities to appreciate your surroundings. There’s no fast rule, so I’ll have to leave it to you to make your own decision. Be smart and be safe.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Vietnamese Family

That’s use con. Now we have matching outfits. Surprised it took this long. Figured we would have had it for family portraits…

Looking forward to sporting our family fits. People really like the shirt your aunties and uncles got me for my birthday. Still don’t know why they didn’t put your mom’s picture instead of mine. Now she wants to make another shirt with her picture…

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Boba Golf

Thanks for letting golf today. Look at the cool putter head cover I got:

It’s not perfect, but it’s the best I could find since your cousin Kimberly never made one for me. It combines the loves of my life. No pressure, but I hope we get to golf a lot together in the future. Be good to your mom while I’m away. See you soon.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Come On Bro

Let’s get it together. You’re cute. Super cute. I get it. But you can’t be one dimensional. You need to be better. I’m sorry you can’t communicate fully yet for us to help, but hopefully soon.

You barely weigh more than this bag of rice and I wonder if your mom is right about your stomach storing food you can’t poop. Anyhow, daddy is embarking on a journey to get healthy (lose weight). You should join me on the journey and better yourself too.

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...