Sunday, March 31, 2024


That mommy hurt you again. I shouldn’t leave you alone with her, but I need time to do things. I’m glad you weren’t seriously hurt (as far as we can tell).

Let’s work together to be the best family we can be. It takes all of us though. So you need to get on board too. We love you, but can’t have you misbehaving. If you do, we’re gonna have to start whooping you and putting you in time out. Don’t make us do it.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Happy Easter Eve

So far so good. You’re napping now and we had a good morning except for when mommy hit your head on the window and tried to blame daddy for not letting her drive (we’re safer with daddy driving…)

You still aren’t comfy with Bunny, but at least you posed for a picture today. Maybe next time/year. Make sure you get some rest because we are meeting with the Rosauros later. 🐰

Friday, March 29, 2024


Mom and I debated how “your” money should be spent. She won. But that doesn’t mean you have to lose. A little bit, goes a long way, if you start early.

Start saving for yourself early. We’ll help you out. If you understand the value and importance or money early, you’ll have a much easier future than your mom and I, money-wise. That’s our hope for you. 🙏 

Thursday, March 28, 2024


But also blessed to have such amazing people in your life. Aunty Lorraine loves you very much. Too bad you weren’t nice to her the few times she saw you.

Here is what she made for you for Easter. Sorry that mommy says you have to sacrifice for God tonight. You’re gonna be eating a little bit later and probably sleeping a little later. Sorry that mom works early tomorrow and I have a meeting so you can’t sleep in. Holy Week might be a little difficult for you, but God and Jesus sacrificed a lot for you. ✝️

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Look At That Face

Is that a face of a hair puller and smacker? Yes it is. The follow up question is, did you smack and pull today? No. Although mom says you hit a kid on the way out 

I’m sorry we didn’t win the Megamillions yesterday, but we’re gonna try to win the PowerBall tonight. Then we can just travel and enjoy life. We’ll get you a traveling tutor. Fun times.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Gentle Hands 🙌

I was very embarrassed today when Ms. Deb informed me that you were pulling everyone’s hair and that you hit her. I know you’re smart, I’m just not sure if you know better than to not do those things.

Your development is part nature and part nurture. We can’t really control nature, but we can nurture. So I can’t help, but think that it’s our failures leading to your behavior. Please know that we are trying our best. We need you to be involved too. 🤲

Monday, March 25, 2024

One Step At A Time

It looks like you were able to put your shoe on by yourself today. Granted it was on the wrong foot, at least you made progress.

Now can you work on not hitting your parents, not throwing stuff, making eye contact when you bow, potty train? One thing at a time. 🙏 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Little Things

Sometimes we focus so much on the big stuff in life and forget about the little things. It’s important when it comes to experiences, but it’s also important when it comes to work.

Make sure you always remember the little things too. Sometimes they can be very important and it shows that you understand and didn’t forget the details. For experiences, don’t let the destination overtake your ability to enjoy the journey.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Good Friends

You can’t choose your family. Sorry if you’re disappointed with us, but you could have done worse. You do get to choose your friends. So make sure you have a few good ones.

It’s quality over quantity. Don’t get them off (are they still around as you’re reading this?). Make sure you’re a good friend too.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Swim Night 🀄️

Tonight Daddy plans to go play mahjong with your Aunties and Uncles. I hope you and mommy are able to come out too, but mommy just said you’re not going. WWW.

In that case, please make sure you’re nice and cooperative with your mommy tonight and tomorrow. Daddy plans to go golfing tomorrow morning if it doesn’t rain too hard. I added a little sesame oil to your fried rice today. I hope you enjoy it. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Xe 🚗

You really like your “xes”. We need you to also like being a good boy who eats and behaves. Stop hitting people. Hitting should be reserved for protection and reaction. Not proaction.

TGTF. Although it’s gonna be a busy weekend. Make sure to sleep well and have lots of energy for it. People are always happy to see you. Don’t let them down.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024


It’s funny how you know how to do the stuff we struggle to do for you. And when you pretend to do it, there seems to be no issues.

Let’s work on having you be okay with us doing it and hopefully you being able to do it yourself effectively. 🙏 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Welcome Home

Mom says your tooth is chipped. Sorry. I hope it’s not bothering you too much. I was looking at your class and notice all new faces. I hope you’re getting along.

I’m gonna go pick you up now. Please get back into the routine quickly. I will make you some fried rice when mom gets home. Aren’t you glad to be home? Please  continue your happy demeanor and eliminate your hitting of others.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Homeward Bound

I hope you enjoyed the break from daycare and California, but it’s time to go back. Hopefully you won’t miss your time here too much and you’ll be able to acclimate back to your normal routine fast. 

I know my cough was worse here, but yours seemed normal. Hopefully you don’t come back sick either. Please be good on the plane today. It’s in the best interest of everyone involved. 🙏 

Sunday, March 17, 2024


It’s not a good feeling, but you need to learn to hide it better. You never want to let others know what you’re thinking. That’s your edge.

See this photo? No one would know you are jealous of Finley. But that’s probably because you know your daddy doesn’t love her more than you. I’ll try my best to make up for all the love your mom gives to others that should be yours. If it makes you feel better, she does the same to me and so there’s basically no love left for me…

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Jump, Jump, Jump Around

Get down. 

I hope you had fun today at Get Air. Too bad you didn’t get to spend that much time with Sebastian and Piper. You could learn some lessons on behaving from them. I really hope you learn soon that being cute isn’t enough. Hopefully, you’re only hurting your mom and dad. Eventually we’re gonna have to hurt you back if you don’t stop…Other people may not wait or be as gentle.

Friday, March 15, 2024


I’m sorry you have to witness your mom and I arguing. Our arguments are not your fault. So it’s unfortunate that you have to deal with it. Sadly, that’s probably a very important life lesson.

Whether we want to or not, we often find ourselves cleaning up other people’s messes. Both your mom and I take care of our parents. That’s the one mess I hope not to leave you. You should be able to live your life without HAVING to worry about us. You still can if you want to, but I’m holding you won’t need to either. I hope we have fun at Costco today. 🙏  you slept in car at Costco by the way…

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Welcome To Syracuse

Flights go better for you, but it got worse for Daddy. Your mom just sleeps and leaves me to take care of you on my own. I worry about whether or not you’re gonna be okay.

Lots of traffic going on Park Street. Keeps you very entertained. I’m sorry that Willow Pond Circle isn’t as exciting, but it’s probably better that way. Hope you enjoy your time with your East Coast family. 🙏 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Bad Flight

You had a bad, short flight to LA. I’m worried about you on the longer leg to Detroit and then Syracuse. I’m really sorry I can’t walk around, but I’m already holding you so it’ll be okay.

Please sleep on this next leg. The last leg should be short like LA. Hopefully you’ll continue you sleep after being interrupted 🙏.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Jehan Time

You’re the busy bee aren’t you? Very popular among our friend and family. That’s why it’s extra important that you behave and have energy so that people continue to want to be around you (and it’s good to be good).

We’re gonna be on an airplane tomorrow. Really sorry in advance for that. But like we make sacrifices for you. This is a sacrifice you make for other people (your mom and her family). Please be good and don’t get sick. 🙏 

Monday, March 11, 2024

Nose and Ear Pimples

Are the worst. I have a pimple inside my nose and it sucks right now.

You know what else sucks? When things break or don’t work like they’re supposed to work. Just so food for thought. No one likes not getting what they expect or are entitled to. No one likes pain or inconvenience either. So try not to be those things…

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Next: Ong and Ba

With a side of Chu. You’re very lucky that your grandparents actually like you and hang out with you. Not everyone is that lucky to have 2 living and loving sets of grandparents. Hopefully, you’ll mature fast enough to appreciate them. Quality time is precious.

I didn’t get a photo of them today with you, but everyone had lots of fun except when you threw your plate and had to go in timeout. We will work on not leaving plates in front of you if you’re not eating. You need to work on remaining calm too.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Funcle Art and Aunty Minh

Did you have fun with your Godparents today? I hope you did. Your mom and I had fun without you, sorry. But mommy just threw up 🤮 so her fun is over,

This is how we look without kids. Sorry we look so happy and stress free, but I promise that mommy misses you very much. We’re headed back early to see you. Please apologize to Aunty Minh and Uncle Art that we’re late by being well behaved. See you soon!

Friday, March 8, 2024


You should be saying “No, thank you” or something nicer. Anyhow, I just witnessed you screaming when you woke up. But you were fast back asleep before I could get to you. Number rule of Daddy Daycare is to rest. So I’m letting you rest.

I was able to get a few moments to rest too, but I made sure I was there for you. It’s been about 3.5 hours. You had a movement at about 3 hours and went back to sleep. Haven’t heard coughing. Sweet dream Boba Chop.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Feeling Better?

Not sure how good your sleep was, but you did wake up few times last night and this where you ended up this morning when you were awaken by your mom’s alarm that didn’t wake her up.

Hopefully Team Boba will be able to handle Matcha. 🙏 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Ear 👂 Infection

Hoorah? I mean at least we might have an explanation of why you’re not your normal self lately. I’m sorry, but I think you might have inherited the unlucky ears from momma. 

Anyhow, let’s hope that the meds bring you back to normal. I’m sorry you had to suffer for so long. We added some steroids to help with your cough. 🙏 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

What’s Wrong?

It’s really unfortunate that you can’t tell us what’s going on with you. I’m not sure we could fix it, but we could probably try and help with the symptoms. That seems like what doctors do…

Gonna be a busy month I think. Although, every month seems busy. I hope you can feel better so you can have fun wherever the month brings you. You’re super smart and kind. Please keep it up and stop throwing stuff. Also eat better please, although you ate a good dinner today.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Dentist Day

You had your 2nd dentist appointment today and it went well since there wasn’t anything to worry about just yet. However, we now have to start brushing your teeth twice a day.

Obviously, we don’t want you to be unhappy, but we need to figure out what we can do as a Team to make sure your teeth will be health and you’ll be happier, as a result, in the future. Please help us help you. 🦷 

Sunday, March 3, 2024


There aren’t ever really any breaks when it comes to parenting. If you’re a parent, you never have a day or time off. If you’re not physically with your child, you’re probably still thinking about them.

Anyhow, I’m getting a “break” from you now, so I thought I would share with you that thought in case you ever decide to be a parent. Good luck if you do. Even if you become a priest like mom wants, you’ll be responsible for a lot of children.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Play Dates

I’m hope you’re not mad that mommy didn’t give you a sibling. She doesn’t believe she can do it. So it’s important that we continue to have you socialize with others. 

As requested, you should be well rested for today’s festivities. However, it would probably help if you ate a little more so you can grow and have some energy. Raising you is like playing golf. When one thing is working, something else isn’t. 😞 

Friday, March 1, 2024


Today is Friday. I’m not sure if you like weekdays or weekends more. I know you’re happy to see us when we pick you up from daycare, but it’s where you get to hang out with other people.

Dad is swimming, but he is not forgetting to blog. I hope you sleep well with mom tonight. We have a fun weekend planned so you’ll need to be energized. 🔋 You did okay at Uncle Truong’s, but you can do better.

Vinh > Lucas

You’ve got Lucas beat. I hope you keep it that way. Your mom may not think so, but I know so and I’m sure most would agree. That being said,...